Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1415: How long can I survive if I am helpless?

Liu Xueer pursed her lips and said, "I believe what you said is true!"

She had just arrived in Jiangbei City not long ago, and she had never disclosed her condition to anyone.

Even if Zhang Yuan wanted to find out about her, he couldn't!

Obviously, the Zhang Yuan in front of him, whom he mistakenly thought was a prostitute, is a man with very good medical skills!

"Your disease is considered a difficult disease! Even famous doctors may be helpless. Am I right?" Zhang Yuandao.

Liu Xueer nodded.

She had seen countless famous doctors before, but no one could tell what disease she had, let alone cure her disease.

"Then do you know what disease I have?" Liu Xueer couldn't help but ask Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan pondered for a moment and said

"If I remember correctly, the name of this disease is Bingpo disease! The cause of Bingpo disease is unknown. People who suffer from this disease will be affected by the yin energy emitted by the moon every full moon night."

"So the disease will occur at midnight every night for three days before and after the full moon night, and it will last until midnight and end at dawn!"

"Cryptozoonosis is a very rare case in history. A famous doctor once encountered it, but was unable to do anything. Later, the patient fell ill and died on his 30th birthday!"

"People suffering from ice syndrome will feel colder every time they get sick as they age. Until the age of thirty, the body temperature will drop to an extreme, eventually leading to the patient's death!"

Listening to Zhang Yuan's story, Liu Xueer listened solemnly at first.

But when she heard the last few words Zhang Yuan said, her expression suddenly changed.

"Are you telling the truth? Is it true that you can't live past thirty with Ice Soul Syndrome?" Liu Xueer's voice was trembling.

Zhang Yuan glanced at Liu Xueer with pity, "That's true! People with ice syndrome can't live past thirty!"

"I didn't expect it to be like this! I didn't expect it to be like this

so! Liu Xueer said to herself with a wry smile.

Zhang Yuan raised his eyebrows, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Thank you for telling me what disease I have, and thank you for telling me how long I can live! I am twenty-six years old this year, and I still have four years to live." Liu Xueer said and sighed.

At this time, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but said, "Actually, Ice Soul Syndrome is not incurable. There is a method that can still cure it!"

"What method? Can ice soul syndrome really be cured?" Liu Xueer's beautiful eyes were filled with excitement.

Zhang Yuan nodded, "But I told you this method, so don't be angry!"

"Just say it! I won't be angry!" Liu Xueer said hurriedly.

Zhang Yuan coughed lightly

"The essence of ice syndrome is that the disease occurs when yin energy enters the body on a full moon night, so if you want to treat ice syndrome, you can find a volcanic hot spring!"

"Take a bath in the volcanic hot springs, use the heat in the geothermal energy to drive away cold evil, and at the same time use silver needles to dredge the meridians, so that the cold and cold energy hidden in your body can be discharged."

"As long as the cold and cold energy in your body is discharged and you take care of yourself for a period of time, your body will gradually recover!"

Liu Xue'er was pleasantly surprised, "So there is such a way! Wait, you said bathing in hot springs, can you wear clothes when bathing in hot springs?"

Only then did she realize the meaning of Zhang Yuan's words just now.

Zhang Yuan coughed lightly, "You can't wear clothes, you can only wear underwear at most!"

Hearing this, Liu Xueer's pretty fair face suddenly turned red.

She gave Zhang Yuan a hard look.

"After making trouble for a long time, you still want to take advantage of me.

should! You pervert! "

Being treated as a pervert by Liu Xueer again, Zhang Yuan would not tolerate it any longer, no matter how good-tempered he was.

He frowned and said, "You asked me to tell you the treatment plan! I just told you the treatment plan, and I didn't force you to accept treatment! Just forget it if you don't want treatment! I'm too lazy to put in the effort!"

After saying that, Zhang Yuan turned around and left without any hesitation.

Liu Xueer looked at Zhang Yuan's leaving figure and didn't know what to do for a moment.

Those men had been clinging to her all the time. Even if she scolded them and told them to go away, they would still cling to her.

But Zhang Yuan was different. He left immediately without any intention of staying!

Only then did Liu Xueer realize that maybe the treatment plan Zhang Yuan mentioned was not intended to take advantage of her, but he was talking about the real treatment plan!

When Liu Xueer came back to her senses and wanted to call Zhang Yuan, Zhang Yuan's figure had disappeared from sight! .??.

She stamped her feet in annoyance, not to mention how regretful she was.

Zhang Yuan is not a doctor at Qinghewan Hospital. If he missed it this time, he might not have the chance to see him again in the future!

At this time, Liu Xueer called. It was the director who called her, saying that he wanted to take her to see the director of the hospital.

Liu Xueer wanted to reject the director and go to find Zhang Yuan, but the director said it would not work without her.

There was no other way, Liu Xueer had no choice but to return to the department with a look of helplessness.

After a while, Liu Xueer reluctantly followed the director to the hospital conference room.

At this moment, the directors of various departments and the free doctors came, and everyone was talking about Zhang Yuan's previous use of silver needles to stabilize the condition of terminal liver cancer patients and buy three precious months for the patients.

Although many doctors have not seen it with their own eyes, there are

Some people didn't believe it, but doctors who had personal experience said so, and they seemed to be convinced, so they gradually began to believe it.

At this time, everyone noticed Liu Xueer's arrival. Seeing how beautiful she was, the male doctors all looked surprised.

There are not many female Chinese medicine doctors as beautiful as Liu Xueer!

Faced with the male doctors' eyes staring straight at her, Liu Xueer's pretty face was frosty. She hated men staring at her lustfully the most!

Looking back now, compared with the lustful looks of these male doctors, the way Zhang Yuan looked at her earlier was actually not lewd at all.

Liu Xueer felt extremely regretful.

If she could be given another chance to choose, she would definitely not suspect that Zhang Yuan wanted to take advantage of her through medical treatment.

No wonder Zhang Yuan would be angry. If Liu Xueer were in Zhang Yuan's shoes, she would definitely be angry too!

Just when Liu Xueer was feeling upset, the vice president of the hospital walked in and said with a smile.

"Please welcome our dean, Mr. Zhang Yuan, and his girlfriend, Ms. Chu Xueqi, with the warmest applause!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the doctors in the conference room all applauded.

Everyone has long heard that the director of their hospital is a big shot.

Not only a big shot in the medical industry, but also a big shot in Jiangbei City!

Liu Xueer frowned slightly and applauded rather perfunctorily.

She hates this kind of following others' opinions the most!

Rather than clapping here to welcome some dean, she would rather go find the miracle doctor she wrongly blamed!

That's right, in Liu Xueer's opinion, Zhang Yuan is the real miracle doctor!

Liu Xueer whispered to the director next to her, "Director, can I take a day off? I have something urgent at the moment!"

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