Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1420 A bet, the heat is rising

Zhang Yuan's actions made Liu Xueer like him even more.

If it were any other man, he would definitely stay here and chat with Liu Xueer.

Zhang Yuan took the initiative to go outside, obviously to avoid suspicion. This move made Liu Xueer feel good about him.

About ten minutes later, Zhang Yuan returned to the hot spring bathroom and pulled out all the silver needles from Liu Xueer's head and chest and put them back in the acupuncture bag.

Immediately, Zhang Yuan looked Liu Xueer up and down.

Perhaps because of soaking in the hot springs, Liu Xueer's face was rosy and white at this time, and her skin was so tender that it was almost hydrated.

The most eye-catching thing was her exquisite curves. The pajamas that clung to her body could only cover her skin, but not her charming lines.

Sensing Zhang Yuan's scrutinizing gaze, Liu Xueer's pretty face suddenly turned red and she asked with a blushing face.

"Dean Zhang, can we start the second stage of treatment next?"

Zhang Yuan nodded

"That's it! The inner fire in your body has been ignited, and the earth fire is gradually being introduced into your body. Later, with my acupuncture, your body will feel extremely hot!"

"But be sure to remember, no matter how hot your body is, you must never leave! Once the treatment is interrupted, the fire poison of the earth fire will remain in your body. Fire poison and cold poison coexist, but it will be difficult to treat ! And you will suffer from the pain of fire poison and cold poison every day, which is called the ninth level of ice and fire!"

"So you must promise me that you won't leave no matter what! If you can't do it, tell me in advance! I won't hurt you later!"

Hearing Zhang Yuan speak so seriously, Liu Xueer's pretty face was a little surprised.

"That's it! Then I promise not to leave! I will stick to it until the treatment is over!"

Zhang Yuan nodded with satisfaction, "Very good, then it's settled! I will try my best to treat you next!"

As he spoke, he picked up the acupuncture bag and gave Liu Xueer acupuncture again.

stand up.

The acupuncture site this time was Liu Xueer’s back.

A total of eighty-one silver needles were inserted into Liu Xueer's back, activating all the acupuncture points in her Governor Vein and surrounding areas.

At this moment, Liu Xueer began to feel a fire rising inside her body.

However, this flame was not as hot as Zhang Yuan said, but rather warm.

Liu Xueer couldn't help but look surprised. This was the first time she felt her body was so warm since her cold poison attack!

In the past, whether she took a hot bath or slept on an electric blanket, she only felt warm on the outside, but still cold inside.

But this time, she actually felt the warmth in her body. This feeling was like being in her mother's arms when she was a child!

Just as she was intoxicated with this warm enjoyment, Zhang Yuan quickly took action and pulled out the silver needles from her back one by one and put them back into the acupuncture bag.

Sensing Zhang Yuan's actions, Liu Xueer couldn't help but turn her head to look at him.

"Dean Zhang, are you going to take out the silver needles so soon? My body feels warm now and I'm in very good condition! If I take out the silver needles, will it go back to its original state later?"

She enjoyed this warm feeling and naturally did not want to return to her previous cold state.

Zhang Yuan glanced at her, half smiling.

"Don't worry! Even if you remove the silver needle, you will still feel warm, and it will get hotter and hotter! It may even be so hot that you can't stand it!"

Liu Xueer smiled confidently, "Really? I think you may have made a mistake, Dean Zhang! Maybe the kind of heat you mentioned is very hot for ordinary people, but for those who have a cold body all year round,

It's not too hot for me! "

In this regard, Zhang Yuan did not argue with her, just hummed twice, then walked away and leaned against the bathroom, looking at Liu Xueer lazily.

"The next step is the most important moment. You must stay in the volcanic hot springs for ten minutes. After ten minutes, you can start the third step of treatment.

Liu Xueer was very confident, "Isn't it just ten minutes? I feel like I can soak in the hot spring for an hour without any problem!"

"Okay, since you are so confident, how about we make a bet?" Zhang Yuan said with a roll of his eyes.

Liu Xueer asked him bluntly, "What kind of bet are you making?"

"It's very simple. If you can stay in the volcanic hot spring for ten minutes, I will give you a half salary increase!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Liu Xueer looked at him in surprise, "Really? What if I lose?"

Zhang Yuan spread his hands, "If you lose, you will stay and work in Qinghewan Hospital, and you are not allowed to change jobs within ten years!"

Although Liu Xueer is young, her medical skills are not low, and she works conscientiously and has a good reputation in the hospital.

For such a good employee, Zhang Yuan would naturally not let her change jobs.

"Not allowed to change jobs for ten years? Okay, the bet is settled!" Liu Xueer said seriously.

She didn't think too much about it. Anyway, it was good to stay and work in Qinghewan Hospital. Not only the benefits were high, but the medical equipment was also very complete.

Seeing Liu Xueer's agreement, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but smile.

"The clock starts! As long as you can survive ten minutes, I will give you a salary increase!"

As he spoke, he took off his watch and put it aside to time the time.

Liu Xueer looked relaxed. In her opinion, let alone ten minutes, even half an hour was easy.

Time passes minute by minute, very quickly

Five minutes passed.

Liu Xueer, who originally looked relaxed, suddenly became serious.

She felt her body getting hotter and hotter, as if a fire was rising inside her!

For a moment, Liu Xueer's breathing became much heavier, and a blush appeared on her pretty face.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan said with a smile, "It seems it has started! You will feel hotter and hotter next, I hope you can survive the remaining five minutes! I am ready to give you a salary increase!"

Liu Xueer rolled her eyes at him, but her words remained tough.

"Only five minutes left! Even if it's a hot spot, it's nothing, I can resist it!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she couldn't help but grit her teeth.

The flames in his body rose even more fiercely, like a little sun!

At the same time, Liu Xueer's forehead, face, and arms were sweating a lot, and her face was red as if she had a high fever.

But she still gritted her teeth and persisted.

In order to cure her illness and to beat Zhang Yuan in the bet, she must persevere!

Her body was getting hotter and hotter, and beads of sweat rolled down Liu Xueer's forehead as if it was free of charge.

Another two minutes passed, and now she felt as if she had turned into a big furnace!

She even felt that her current temperature was higher than the temperature of the volcanic hot spring!

What's even worse is that she's still wearing clothes!

Sweat had already soaked Liu Xueer's underwear and pajamas, but the heat in her body couldn't escape. It felt like wearing a raincoat in the summer and being exposed to the sun!

At this moment, Liu Xueer seemed to have lost her mind and instinctively began to tear up her pajamas.

There was only one thought in her mind, and that was to take off her pajamas and get naked so it wouldn't be so hot!

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