Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1425 Encouraging Zhang Yuan, completely speechless

The old handsome guy waved his hand, "Don't worry, I'm not here to cause trouble for you! I just want to meet you, the strongest man in Jiangbei City!"

Having said this, he suddenly looked serious and introduced himself.

"Introducing myself, my name is Liu Changhe, and I am Liu Xueer's father!"

Hearing that the handsome old man claimed to be Liu Xueer's father, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but shrink his pupils.

Liu Xueer's father is actually a strong person in the inner energy realm!

Before this, Zhang Yuan had thought about Liu Xueer's life experience, and finally came to the conclusion that Liu Xueer was probably the illegitimate daughter of a big shot.

This can be seen from her attitude towards her father and the family situation of their mother and daughter.

Liu Xueer was obviously just an office worker, but she was able to hire a famous doctor like Pei Fei to treat Liu's mother. It was obviously all thanks to her mysterious father.

However, Zhang Yuan did not expect that Liu Xueer's father was actually an ancient warrior, and he was only one step away from the master level!

In front of Liu Changhe, the ancestors of the Hua family were willing to be defeated!

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but frown, and then smiled.

"It turns out you are Dr. Liu's father. How disrespectful! I went to Dr. Liu's house for dinner today. The food cooked by my aunt was delicious!"

Liu Changhe said proudly

"Of course. If Xue'er's mother hadn't been a good cook, I wouldn't have been attracted to her in the first place."

"When I was young, there were a lot of girls who liked me! But I didn't choose any of them, I only chose Xue'er's mother!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan's expression was a little strange. He didn't expect Liu Changhe to talk about his love affairs when he was young in front of him.

But soon Zhang Yuan didn't know what he thought of, and couldn't help but ask Liu Changhe

"Mr. Liu, you just said that you only have one woman, aunt. Is this true?"

Seeing Zhang Yuan questioning himself,

Liu Changhe's eyes widened.

"Of course! I am loyal to Xue'er's mother, how could I get involved in someone else's?"

Zhang Yuan was even more puzzled, "But why do I feel that Mr. Liu seems to be alienated from Dr. Liu's daughter?"

Ordinarily he shouldn't ask about such personal questions, but Zhang Yuan was really curious.

According to what he knew about Liu Xueer and her daughter, they seemed to be Liu Changhe's illegitimate daughter.

Hearing what Zhang Yuan said, Liu Changhe fell silent.

After a few seconds, he sighed

"You are right, I rarely accompany mother and daughter. You must have mistakenly thought that Xue'er is my illegitimate daughter, right?"

Zhang Yuan didn't deny it, just nodded.

Liu Changhe smiled bitterly

"I also have my own difficulties! For some unspeakable reasons, I can't usually accompany them. I can only visit them secretly once in a while."

"When Xue'er was a child, I promised to accompany her many times, but ended up breaking the promise again and again. That's why Xue'er is so disappointed in me as her father, and even has a bad face every time she mentions me."

What he said made Zhang Yuan even more curious.

With the strength of Liu Changhe, a powerful person in the Qi Realm, he should be able to run rampant in the world.

But he actually didn't even dare to see his wife and daughter. Why?

Seeing the doubt in Zhang Yuan's expression, Liu Changhe said seriously

"Zhang Yuan, don't ask me why I did this. It involves a lot and I can't tell you! Even Xue'er doesn't know the inside story!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "That's right, forget it. I'm not a curious baby anyway, so I won't ask too many questions."

Liu Changhe showed a satisfied look on his face, "Not bad, not bad! I'm very optimistic about you as a youngster! At such a young age, your strength is not inferior to mine, and you also know the basics. I will feel relieved when I leave Xue'er in your hands in the future!"

"What?" Zhang Yuan's eyes widened, "Mr. Liu, what did you just say?"

Liu Changhe smiled and said

"Do you think the surprise comes too suddenly? Don't worry, you heard me right! I do intend to give Xue'er to you!"

"But you also know that the relationship between me and Xue'er is not particularly good, so you have to chase Xue'er yourself!"

"According to my understanding, your chances are not small! Xue'er has never brought a man to her family, and you are still the first! As long as you continue..."

Zhang Yuan quickly stopped Liu Changhe from continuing.

"Mr. Liu, wait a moment! You seem to have misunderstood something! I never said I wanted to pursue Dr. Liu!"

"Besides, you should have known when you investigated me that I have a girlfriend, and there is more than one woman around me!"

Liu Changhe's expression darkened.

"That's right! This is your minus point! If you were as loyal as I am to Xue'er's mother, that would be perfect!"

"But I know that is really difficult. After all, not every man can be as perfect as me! As long as you treat Xueer well and don't neglect her!"

"If you dare to bully Xue'er and make her sad, I, the father-in-law, can't forgive you!"

Hearing that Liu Changhe called himself his father-in-law, Zhang Yuan felt helpless.

"Mr. Liu, have you misunderstood?

What? I never said I wanted to pursue Dr. Liu! "

Liu Changhe frowned, "What? Do you still look down on our Xue'er?"

"That's not true!" Zhang Yuan waved his hand, "Dr. Liu's appearance and temperament are the best choice. Those who pursue her will probably form a reinforced company. I am not dissatisfied with her at all."

Liu Changhe's expression softened, "That's right! Although you are a dragon among men, our Xue'er is also at the level of a goddess and is definitely worthy of you!"

Zhang Yuan touched his nose, his tone full of helplessness.

"This is not a question of whether they are worthy or not. Love depends on fate! Besides, Dr. Liu is so good, she definitely doesn't want to find a man like me who already has a girlfriend, and I have more than one girlfriend."

Not to mention Liu Xueer, even Liu's mother, who has a good impression of him, probably won't agree!

At noon when eating at Liu Xueer's house, Liu's mother initially wanted Zhang Yuan to be her future son-in-law.

But when she learned that Zhang Yuan already had a girlfriend, she no longer mentioned matchmaking for the two.

Unexpectedly, Liu Changhe waved his hand.

"Don't use this as an excuse! As long as you muster up your strength to pursue Xue'er, she will be moved by you sooner or later!"

"As for the fact that you already have other women around you, it's actually nothing! After all, you are not an ordinary person. Who doesn't have three wives and four concubines these days?"

"Just go after Xue'er boldly! I will explain to Xue'er's mother, she won't object to you two being together!"

Zhang Yuan was completely speechless. "Mr. Liu, your daughter has such good conditions, there is no need for her to be my girlfriend! As long as she asks, there are many men waiting for her to choose! Why do you have to match us up?"

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