Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 258 Old Zhengtou’s plan

"Then... what should we do now? Do you still want to help Zhang Yuan?" Zheng Qiuyue asked her father, Old Zhengtou.

Lao Zhengtou wanted to say no need, but when the words came to his lips, he changed his mind.

"Okay! Make an appointment to meet with Zhang Yuan alone and ask him if there is anything he needs help with. We can't help him with a big favor, but we can still help with a small favor."

Speaking of this, Old Zheng's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning.

Zheng Qiuyue frowned and thought about Zhang Yuan, but did not notice the change in her father's expression.

"Okay, I'll contact Zhang Yuan later to meet alone!" Zheng Qiuyue said in a deep voice.

After a while, Zheng Qiuyue left home and was going to meet Zhang Yuan alone. She didn't even have time to say hello to her husband Yang Xin.

Looking at his daughter's leaving figure, Old Zheng had an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Let's make a good relationship first. If that boy Zhang Yuan can really do something big in the future. Even if Qiuyue can be his lover, so what?"

If anyone who is familiar with Lao Zhengtou hears these words, they will definitely be stunned.

Is this still what Old Zhengtou said?

In the past, Lao Zhengtou had the best face.

Ever since he insisted on recruiting a son-in-law.

You can see Old Zhengtou's stubbornness and pride from the fact that he knew he didn't have enough money and still insisted on building a low-end two-story building to save face.

But people always change, and Lao Zheng's thoughts have also changed in the past two years.

His daughter couldn't have children anyway, so she would rather follow an incompetent man like Yang Xin and spend her whole life worrying about making a living.

It would be better to find a young man with good character and ability and let Zheng Qiuyue be his lover.

This will at least make the daughter rich and worry-free for the rest of her life.

And after he passes away in the future, someone will still be able to take care of his daughter Zheng Qiuyue.

Otherwise, with Yang Xin's ability, when he is no longer around in the future, Zheng Qiuyue will definitely be bullied, and even bullied by that bastard Zhang Weimin!

Old Zhengtou saw through this, so he came up with the idea of ​​​​letting Zheng Qiuyue be Zhang Yuan's lover.

Of course, the premise is that Zhang Yuan will have a career in the future.

If Zhang Yuangong didn't become famous, why would he let Zheng Qiuyue be his lover?

Zheng Qiuyue, who was walking towards the meeting place agreed with Zhang Yuan at this time, didn't know yet.

The reason why her father, Lao Zhengtou, asked her to meet Zhang Yuan alone was just to create a chance for the two of them to be alone!

When Zheng Qiuyue arrived at the agreed place, deep in the woods at the foot of the back mountain, Zhang Yuan had already arrived before her.

"Zhang Yuan, you came so early?" Zheng Qiuyue was a little surprised.

Zhang Yuan shrugged, "I came as soon as I received the message you sent! I was actually thinking about going out for a walk right now!"

Although Zhang Yuan had promised the old couple that he had a way to deal with Zhang Weimin, the old couple still looked sad and worried.

However, it was difficult for Zhang Yuan to tell Zhang Weimin's incompetence.

So he simply took advantage of Zheng Qiuyue's appointment to go out for a walk.

At this time, Zheng Qiuyue said seriously, "I won't say any more nonsense! Regarding the land acquisition, how are you going to deal with it?"

"The mountain man has his own clever plan! Don't worry!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

He didn't even tell the old couple, so naturally he wouldn't tell Zheng Qiuyue.

Zheng Qiuyue rolled her eyes when she heard this, "Zhang Yuan, don't be brave! If you can't deal with Zhang Weimin, then it's best not to confront him head-on! Zhang Weimin has a cruel heart!"

"Hey, don't worry! I really have a way to deal with him! You just have to wait and see the good show!" Zhang Yuan crossed his arms as if the old god was there.

Seeing how confident he is,

Zheng Qiuyue couldn't help but think of her father, Old Zhengtou,'s evaluation of Zhang Yuan, and most of her worries dissipated.

"Then do you need my help in any way? If so, just ask!" Zheng Qiuyue said solemnly.

Zhang Yuan waved his hand, "I accept your offer, but I still don't need your help. After all, you are a woman, and I don't want you to suffer!"

"Suffering a loss?" Zheng Qiuyue looked at Zhang Yuan suspiciously.

At this time, she suddenly noticed that there were some small protective umbrellas scattered on the ground in the grove.

It is worth mentioning that because it is relatively secluded in the depths of the grove, men and women from surrounding villages often come here to have affairs.

It is normal for these souvenirs to be left on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Qiuyue's pretty face turned red.

Could it be that Zhang Yuan is having some bad ideas again?

She glared at Zhang Yuan with shame and anger, "Don't let your random thoughts happen! I just said I would help you, but I never said I would let you eat my tofu!"

"Who said I want to eat you? I mean, I'm afraid you will suffer Zhang Weimin's loss!" Zhang Yuan said helplessly.

He found that Zheng Qiuyue seemed to be biased against him and always thought of him in a bad direction.

Zheng Qiuyue looked puzzled, "I suffered from Zhang Weimin? Why?"

"Ahem, in short, don't worry about this matter! Go back and tell the old village chief and let him wait to watch the show!" Zhang Yuan coughed twice and changed the subject.

Although Zheng Qiuyue also serves on the village committee, she is a woman, and a beautiful young woman at that.

If she was asked to help with that matter, she might be harassed by Zhang Weimin afterwards!

Zhang Yuan naturally couldn't let Zheng Qiuyue take this risk!

Seeing that Zhang Yuan refused to say anything, Zheng Qiuyue didn't bother to ask anymore, snorted and turned around to leave immediately.

Looking at her graceful figure when she left, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but recall

The scene last night when I was hugging Zheng Qiuyue.

Not only is Zheng Qiuyue's body soft, but she also has a charming fragrance, which makes people feel a little overwhelmed.

It's a pity that Zheng Qiuyue was two meters away from Zhang Yuan just now, and Zhang Yuan had no chance to smell her fragrance.

"Zhang Weimin, Zhang Weimin, feel proud of yourself! In two days, it will be your time to cry!" Zhang Yuan's mouth curled up.

Afterwards, Zhang Yuan did not go home directly, but went for a walk in the back mountain to relax and relax.

Even though he knew that Zhang Weimin would be punished severely in two days, this feeling of waiting still made Zhang Yuan feel a little irritable.

He knew that this was because his mind was not calm enough.

But if you want to become a master, you must first be able to control your emotions.

The more serious events we face, the more we need to stay calm.

When you practice until the mountain collapses in front of you without changing your expression, then you will be considered to have mastered the practice!

While Zhang Yuan was wandering around, two uninvited guests came to the apiary.

It was Zhang Weimin and Li Wenjian who came from the village committee.

It turned out that Zhang Weimin had been waiting at the village committee for Zhang Yuan to come to beg for mercy.

But Zhang Weimin didn't even wait for Zhang Yuan.

This made Zhang Weimin a little anxious.

After Li Wenjian saw Zhang Weimin's thoughts, he immediately suggested that Zhang Weimin take action.

As a result, the two hit it off and headed straight to the apiary.

In the apiary, Zhang Dashan and Wang Hui were sitting in the main room watching popular TV series.

But neither of them paid attention to the TV series.

Although Zhang Yuan told them both that he had a way to solve the land acquisition matter.

But if this matter is not resolved, the old couple will not feel at ease.

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