Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 293 Shen Xiuyun’s Thoughts

However, just when Zhang Yuan was about to tell Li Qiuju that he would watch a movie tomorrow and turn off the lights and go to bed first.

Suddenly, there was a faint knock on the door outside.

Zhang Yuan pricked up his ears and listened. The sound did not come from the door of Li Qiuju's house, but rather seemed to come from his house!

"Sister-in-law Qiu Ju, someone is knocking on my door!" Zhang Yuan hurriedly said to Li Qiuju.

Li Qiuju was also a little surprised, "Who's knocking on the door so late at night?"

"I'll go take a look first! I'll come back later if nothing happens!" Zhang Yuan hurriedly put on his clothes.

Then, he climbed over the wall and returned to his yard, adjusted his breathing slightly and came to the gate.

Due to the construction of a house, all the electric wires in the house were cut off, and Zhang Yuan could not see who was outside in the darkness.

Zhang Yuan could only shout in a low voice, "Who is outside?"

Shen Xiuyun's anxious voice sounded outside, "Brother Yuan, it's me!"

"Sister Xiuyun?" Zhang Yuan was a little surprised.

Why did Shen Xiuyun come to see him at night?

Could it be that something urgent happened?

He quickly opened the door and saw Shen Xiuyun standing outside the door alone, his pretty face full of anxiety.

"Sister Xiuyun, why do you want to see me so late?" Zhang Yuan asked.

Shen Xiuyun nodded quickly, his tone full of anxiety.

"Brother Yuan, Tingting has a high fever! Even taking antipyretics doesn't work! Come with me and have a look!"

Zhang Yuan was surprised, "Tingting has a high fever? Just wait for me. I'll go back and get the key. We'll go to your house later!"

As he spoke, he hurried back to the yard.

But Zhang Yuan didn't do it to get the key, but to send a message to Li Qiuju.

If Li Qiuju doesn't see him back later, she will definitely be anxious.

After sending a message to Li Qiuju, Zhang Yuan took the key, then locked the door and left with Shen Xiuyun.

On the way to Shen Xiuyun's house, Zhang Yuan asked

Shen Xiuyun learned about Tingting's fever symptoms and quickly made a judgment in her mind.

"Sister-in-law Xiuyun, don't worry, Tingting must have suffered from some cold evil. In addition, her constitution is relatively weak, so taking antipyretic medicine will not help!" Zhang Yuan consoled her.

After hearing what he said, Shen Xiuyun breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yuan then added, "Sister Xiuyun, if you encounter this kind of situation in the future, you should try not to give Tingting antipyretics! Taking too much antipyretics can easily harm the body and affect Tingting's own immunity."

"What should I do if I don't take antipyretics?" Shen Xiuyun couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Yuan thought for a while and said, "There is a very simple way. You can prepare some antipyretic plasters at home later. If Tingting has a fever caused by the invasion of cold evil, put half of the plaster on her big vertebrae."

"After applying the plaster, the fever will subside in a short time. But if it is a viral cold or fever, you cannot do this. You can come to me again then!"

Although the two of them were talking, their speed did not slow down at all.

In just a few minutes, the two of them had arrived at Shen Xiuyun's house.

After entering the house, Zhang Yuan quickly walked to Shen Xiuyun and his wife's room.

At this time, Tingting was lying on the bed, her little face was flushed with heat, her little fists were clenched tightly, and she seemed to be uncomfortable.

Zhang Yuan gently touched her hot forehead and thought, no wonder Shen Xiuyun is so nervous, Tingting's fever is indeed not low!

If she went to a Western medicine clinic to see a doctor, I'm afraid she would have to put a hanging bottle on Tingting!

Shen Xiuyun also walked in and looked at Zhang Yuan anxiously.

"Brother Yuan, how are you? Is Tingting's illness okay?"

Zhang Yuan took out the acupuncture kit from his pocket and responded casually.

"It's okay. The fever will subside after I give her a few injections."

! "

Then, he took out a silver needle, inserted it into the Baihui point on Tingting's head, and flicked the silver needle twice.

Baihui point is the meeting point of the Yang of the head.

The process of a person having a fever is actually a lack of yang energy in the body, so the body spontaneously heats up, which increases the activity of cells in the body, thereby achieving the purpose of driving away cold evil and viruses.

If you want to cool down, you have to replenish the body's yang energy, and then the body temperature will naturally drop.

With the acupuncture, Tingting's originally red face was no longer as red as before.

The clenched little fists were also loosened.

Seeing Tingting's improvement, Shen Xiuyun was full of surprise and couldn't help but look at Zhang Yuan with gratitude.

At this time, Zhang Yuan was still giving Tingting acupuncture seriously.

That serious look made him look even more charming than usual.

It is said that men who work hard are the most handsome, and this is indeed true!

Looking at Zhang Yuan who was treating Tingting carefully, Shen Xiuyun felt particularly at ease.

It seemed that as long as Zhang Yuan was around, she would feel particularly safe.

In a daze, a thought flashed through Shen Xiuyun's mind.

If only...if Zhang Yuan could be Tingting's father, that would be great.

From then on, the two of them had someone to rely on, and no one dared to take any chances on her anymore.

But Shen Xiuyun soon came back to her senses.

Thinking of what she had just thought, she couldn't help but blush.

How could she have such thoughts!

When you decided to be a widow for your husband and raise Tingting alone, didn't you already plan to die alone?

Why do you have such thoughts about Zhang Yuan now?

Shen Xiuyun quickly glanced at Zhang Yuan secretly.

Fortunately, Zhang Yuan was busy giving Tingting acupuncture and did not notice anything strange about her.

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