Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 321 Regret Xu Changchun

Zhang Yuan smiled, "Since it is a disease, there is a cure! If you do this, ask Brother Chao to buy some pig liver and pig gall later."

"Boil the pig liver with wolfberry and drink it together with the soup. Cut the pig gall and boil it together with coptis. Filter the residue, add some salt and wash your eyes every day. It will take effect within three days!"

After hearing Zhang Yuan's words, Zhang Chao, mother and son both looked surprised.

"Brother Yuan, my mother has been suffering from this disease for many years! Can she be cured of her crying in the wind with just pig liver and pig gall?"

Zhang Yuan nodded, "Although this recipe sounds simple, it is actually very effective! Pork liver, wolfberry, pig gall and coptis are excellent medicinal materials for eliminating eye fever."

"Both of them taken internally and externally will work at the same time, and they will definitely cure the aunt's disease! There is no doubt about this!" Zhang Yuan assured.

"Okay, then I will buy pig liver and pig gall for my mother. If this can really cure her disease, Brother Yuan, then you will be really amazing!" Zhang Chao couldn't help but say.

"But I believe in you, brother Yuan. Yesterday you were able to save Qian Laoben's wife with a green onion. I believe your method can also cure my mother's condition of crying in the wind!"

Having said this, he took out his wallet from his pocket. .??.

"Brother Yuan, how much is the consultation fee?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and waved his hand, "They are all from the same village. How much does it cost to pay for the consultation? Besides, Brother Chao, you don't come here empty-handed, so just forget about the consultation fee!"

Unexpectedly, Zhang Chao waved his hand with a solemn look on his face.

"This is different! Brother Yuan, if you treat my mother, you should charge money! If you don't pay me, I will feel bad!"

Zhang Chao's mother also nodded, "That's right, Brother Yuan, you should collect money if you should! Our Chao has money with him!"

Seeing both Zhang Chao and his son saying this, Zhang Yuan had no choice but to nod and agree to accept the money.

"Then... give me a hundred yuan for consultation!" Zhang Yuan thought for a while and said.


He was embarrassed to accept too much from fellow villagers.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Chao directly took out two hundred and forced it into Zhang Yuan's hand: "Brother Yuan, with your medical skills, you will definitely become a famous doctor in our area in the future! It's not enough to accept one hundred, at least two hundred!" "

Zhang Yuan was stunned, but when he saw Zhang Chao's sincere eyes, he understood what the other party meant.

As the saying goes, everything has an end.

If Zhang Yuan and Zhang Chao charge 100, this is a good start. In the future, he will also have to charge 100 consultation fees from other patients.

But the level of Zhang Yuan's consultation is far beyond what one hundred yuan can match.

That's why Zhang Chao insisted on giving Zhang Yuan two hundred.

Although the consultation fee of 200 yuan may not be up to Zhang Yuan's level, this price is relatively affordable in rural areas.

Unless your family is extremely poor, you can afford these two hundred yuan.

Zhang Yuan nodded seriously, "Brother Chao, I understand, thank you!"

"Haha, why are you thanking me? I should be thanking you! When my mother's tears are cured later, I will also send you a banner!" Zhang Chao said with a smile.

After Zhang Yuan sent the two of them to the door, Zhang Chao helped his mother into the tricycle shed.

He suddenly turned to look at Zhang Yuan, lowered his voice and spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"Brother Yuan, I actually admire you! Because you dare to stand up to Zhang Weimin! In fact... I have long disliked him!"

Zhang Yuan looked at Zhang Chao in surprise and suddenly remembered the rumors in the village.

It is said that Zhang Chao's dead father was particularly hostile to Zhang Weimin back then.

Because Zhang Weimin took advantage of his position to rob their home

of fertile fields.

It seems that Zhang Chao has perfectly inherited his father's wishes and is also very unhappy with Zhang Weimin.

This was something Zhang Yuan didn't expect.

After all, Zhang Chao was from Zhang Weimin's family, but he didn't expect that he would not accept Zhang Weimin as the village chief.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said in a low voice, "Brother Chao, if there is a chance in the future, we can work together to deal with Zhang Weimin!"

Zhang Chao is also quite capable. He does not rely on the village chief Zhang Weimin, but his life is still prosperous.

He built a vegetable greenhouse himself. Although it is not large in scale, it is much better than farming. His family just rebuilt three large tile-roofed houses in the past two years.

Zhang Yuan thought that if he wanted to deal with Zhang Weimin in the future, he would definitely not be able to do it alone, but would have to gather some of his strength.

Zhang Chao is one of the more suitable candidates!

Sure enough, Zhang Chao's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard Zhang Yuan say this.

"Okay! Make sure to call me then!"

Before his father died, he still couldn't forget the fertile field that Zhang Weimin had snatched away.

Because of this, Zhang Chao believed that the reason why his father died so early was largely because the family's fertile farmland was robbed and he could not get it back, so he died in depression.

However, Zhang Chao was alone and weak, and his own abilities were not enough to confront Zhang Weimin, so he could only swallow his anger.

But the appearance of Zhang Yuan gave him hope!

Since Zhang Weimin became the village chief, Zhang Yuan was the first person to confront Zhang Weimin head-on and not fall behind.

Zhang Chao wanted to take revenge, so he had no choice but to bet on Zhang Yuan.

Of course, the premise is that Zhang Yuan can really compete with Zhang Weimin in the future.

If he is defeated by Zhang Weimin, or simply surrenders in front of Zhang Weimin, there will be nothing to say


After sending Zhang Chao and his son away, Zhang Yuan returned to the house and began to think about the treatment Zhang Chao said.

Some time ago, most of the people who came to him asked him to treat livestock.

But since Zhang Yuan saved Qian Laoben's wife with a green onion, people gradually began to come to him for medical treatment!

Zhang Chao is the first, but definitely not the last!

In fact, Zhang Yuan's guess was correct.

In just one day, the news that he saved Qian Laoben's wife with a green onion spread throughout the surrounding villages.

If Zhang Yuan had used traditional acupuncture or decoction to save Qian Laoben's wife, the news would not have spread so quickly.

But he happened to save a life with only one green onion.

This adds a bit of legend and mystery to the rumors, and also makes more curious people pay attention to this matter!

A green onion resuscitates a man who hanged himself to death. This is almost like a legendary story told by the elders!

Now everyone in the surrounding villages knew that there was a young miracle doctor in Xiawan Village who could save someone who had hanged himself with just one green onion!

at the same time.

The atmosphere at Xu Changchun's house in Shangwan Village seemed particularly dull.

Xu Changchun returned to the house with a straight face, leaving only Niu Aichun and Xu Jiaojiao, mother and daughter, in silence in the main room.

Today Xu Jiaojiao went home for vacation. She stayed at home for less than a day when she heard the news that Zhang Yuan saved a life with a green onion.

It was only then that the three members of their family knew that Zhang Yuan not only treated livestock, but also knew how to treat people, and his medical skills seemed to be very superb!

Xu Changchun, who was extremely regretful, couldn't help complaining to the mother and daughter again just now, claiming that if Xu Jiaojiao had not been willful, Zhang Yuan, the son-in-law of Chenglong, might be theirs now!

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