Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 351 A chance encounter at the market, the hero is not there

But then I thought about my daughter Zhang Lin, who was a girl. It was really not good to say that kind of thing in front of her.

Zhang Jing coughed quickly and said casually, "It's nothing, it's just a minor illness! Just leave it alone!"

Zhang Lin said seriously, "Dad, judging from your expression just now, this cow shouldn't have a minor illness! If they can't cure the cow, how about I invite Zhang Yuan over?"

Hearing Zhang Lin say that she wanted to invite Zhang Yuan to come over to treat Niu, Zhang Jing instinctively refused.

"No! Absolutely not! No one can look for Zhang Yuan! Linlin, just leave this matter alone! Go back to the house!"

Just kidding, his eldest brother Zhang Weimin is now in the same boat as Zhang Yuan, how can he ask Zhang Yuan for help?

Furthermore, even if you really want to ask Zhang Yuan for help, you can’t let your daughter Zhang Lin go!

After all, this bull is not good at that. Let Zhang Lin, a big girl, tell Zhang Yuan such a thing. What if Zhang Yuan takes advantage of her?

"Dad!" Zhang Lin still wanted to persuade.

But Zhang Jing's face darkened, "What? As a father, I can't control you now? Get back to the house now!"

Seeing that her father was angry, Zhang Lin could only stamp her feet and leave helplessly.

As soon as she walked off her front feet, the two veterinarians on her back feet said in unison.

"Boss, we can't solve this problem."

Zhang Jing glared at them, "What can you solve? Why don't you hurry up and get to work!"

Two veterinarians rushed off to do their chores.

In fact, Zhang Jing also knew that these two people were veterinarians in name, but in fact they were no different from handymen.

If they were really capable of being veterinarians, they wouldn't stay here with Zhang Jing and be scolded by Zhang Jing every day.

Turning to look at the sickly bull, Zhang Jing couldn't help but sigh.

"Old man, don't worry, I will go to the town to attend the market tomorrow, and I will definitely find a way to restore you to your glory!"

The next morning, Zhang Jing really set out for the town.


Today is market day in town.

The market is crowded with people, the sounds of adults calling children, children shouting for food and toys, and the sounds of vendors hawking are endless.

Zhang Jing was not interested in the food and fun. He came to the market just to find the medicine that could restore the bull's glory.

He had heard before that during the market in the town, people would occasionally come to sell Dali Pills for livestock.

After eating, even the sluggish animals can regain their second spring and continue the great work of breeding.

Zhang Jing just wants to find the person who sells those powerful pills!

But he walked around in front of the medicine stalls and asked several stall owners. They all said that there was no such powerful pill.

Until the end, Zhang Jing couldn't help but give up.

He sighed and said to himself, old man, it’s not that I won’t buy Dali Pills for you, it’s really that I can’t buy Dali Pills at all!

Just when Zhang Jing was thinking about whether to sell the bull to the slaughterhouse.

Suddenly, someone behind him patted his shoulder.

Zhang Jing was startled and turned around quickly, only to see a goatee wearing a Tang suit standing in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Who are you? Why did you pat me on the shoulder?" Zhang Jing said with eyes wide open.

Goatee chuckled and said, "My surname is Huang, and my given name is the character for stone!"

Zhang Jing frowned and looked at him, "Huang Shi? What do you want from me?"

"It's not that I have trouble with you, but I figured that you have trouble with me!" Goatee, who calls himself Huang Shi, has an unpredictable look on his face.

Hearing this, Zhang Jing couldn't help but sneer, "You think I have something to do with you? Then tell me, why am I looking for you?"


What you do is nothing else, what you do is to rise again! Am I right? "The smile on the goatee's face became even more mysterious.

Zhang Jing's pupils shrank, wasn't he just trying to regain his glory?

But not for himself, but for his own bull.

"Huang..." Zhang Jing didn't know what to call goatee for a while.

Goatee said calmly, "Just call me Dr. Huang! I have no other abilities, but I specialize in treating those who are weak!"

"Really? Doctor Huang, can you really make my bull thrive again?" Zhang Jing asked with hope.

"I..." Hearing Zhang Jing's words, Goatee's whole body was shaken, and he almost broke the skill on the spot.

He had overheard Zhang Jing asking the stall owner about Dali Pills before, and thought that Zhang Jing was not good at that, so he wanted to buy them for himself.

But he never thought that Zhang Jing bought it not for himself, but for the bull he raised at home!

Now, the plan to rip off people that has been waiting for so long has come to nothing?

Zhang Jing said quickly when he saw the goatee and said nothing.

"Doctor Huang, as long as you can make the bull I raise regain its prominence, I will definitely be rewarded generously! My cattle farm depends entirely on this breeding cow!"

Hearing this, Goatee's eyes flashed.

The reason why he approached Zhang Jing just now was because he was well-dressed and his big leather shoes belonged to Fuguiniao, so he was definitely not short of money.

But Goatee never expected that Zhang Jing actually had a cattle farm!

In the past, Goatee might not have been attracted to Zhang Jing, let alone the job of treating bulls that were sluggish.

But things are different now. The bosses in the town all know his background, and he can no longer deceive people!

Yes, Goatee is the liar Dr. Huang who deceived Xu Youcai and wanted to make 100,000 yuan from Xu Youcai.


It's a pity that he met his nemesis Zhang Yuan, who exposed his secret on the spot, and had to leave in a hurry.

Feeling cheated, Xu Youcai was furious and told all the bosses and friends he knew well in the town that there was a goatee liar who wanted to defraud them of their money.

Now Goatee no longer has the chance to deceive others.

He could only settle for the next best thing, and planned to find a relatively rich scapegoat, defraud him out of ten thousand yuan, and then go to another place to defraud again.

And Zhang Jing is his chosen target!

It’s just that this goal seems to be a bit off.

After pondering for a long time, Goatee gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, boss, since you are so sincere, I will reluctantly come over. But I have to say the ugly things first. I like to eat beef the most, and beef cannot be missed." Got it!"

"Don't worry, Doctor Huang, the most indispensable thing at my place is beef!" Zhang Jing said excitedly.

Seeing what he said, Goatee "reluctantly" went home with Zhang Jing.

Just as Zhang Jing was returning home excitedly with his goatee, Zhang Yuan also came to town carrying two bottles of traditional Chinese medicine honey.

Today is the day to go to the market, and his mother Wang Hui asked him to buy something while going to the market.

At the same time, Zhang Yuan also wanted to bring aphrodisiac honey to Aunt Niu along the way, plus a bottle of bone-strengthening honey for Wang Chunhua.

The bone-strengthening honey that Zhang Yuan gave to Wang Chunhua was later given to Aunt Niu because Aunt Niu's mother-in-law had osteoporosis and a little rheumatism.

Bone-strengthening honey is just right for the symptoms!

That's why Zhang Yuancai brought another bottle of bone-strengthening honey to Wang Chunhua. Wang Chunhua's health was not good either.

If you don't pay more attention to nutritional supplements when you are young, you may end up suffering from rheumatism like Aunt Niu's mother-in-law in the future.

However, after arriving at Chunhua Hotel.

Zhang Yuan was surprised to find that the restaurant was closed!

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