Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 368 Talking about marriage? Still selling yourself

Zhang Yuan never claims to be a good person.

He just does things according to his own principles.

Even if he meets someone he doesn't know but needs help, Zhang Yuan will lend a helping hand.

But if it were a woman like Chen Xueru, Zhang Yuan wouldn't have that spare time!

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but want to vomit every time he thought of Chen Xueru's face when she and Xiao Anhe were talking about cars and betrothal gifts.

Where is this talking about marriage?

He is clearly selling himself!

The difference is that those princesses are sold in the short term, while Chen Xueru is sold in the long term!

If only that was the case.

For Cheng Linquan's sake, Zhang Yuan would also remind Chen Xueru to pay attention to Xiao Anhe's syphilis.

But Chen Xueru's subsequent behavior made Zhang Yuan feel extremely disgusted with her.

Help her?

Chen Xueru calls him a barbarian who rides a tricycle. If Zhang Yuan still helps her, wouldn't he just put his hot face on someone's cold ass and cold soles?

"Forget it, just treat it like coming to the county town to visit the night market! When I go back later, I can bring some snacks back to my parents!" Zhang Yuan said to himself.

However, just as he was about to ride an electric tricycle to the night market, suddenly, his cell phone rang.

When he took out his mobile phone and saw the caller, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but have a strange expression.

The person who called him was actually Wang Shaoqiu!

Why did Wang Shaoqiu remember to call him?

An idea flashed in Zhang Yuan's mind.

Could it be that Wang Chunhua didn't let Wang Shaoqiu fall in love early, so Wang Shaoqiu called him and asked him to persuade his sister Wang Chunhua?

Thinking of this possibility, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but smile to himself and shook his head.


Not to mention that Zhang Yuan offended Wang Chunhua just yesterday.

Even if he didn't offend Wang Chunhua, he would never plead for Wang Shaoqiu.

Falling in love during school

, will inevitably affect learning.

Zhang Yuan still remembers that there was a boy in his junior high school class who ranked among the top three in every exam.

As a result, in my third year of junior high school, my grades plummeted because I fell in love with a girl from the next class.

In the end, that guy didn't even get into the county's No. 1 middle school, and could only go to the No. 2 middle school.

It can be seen how harmful puppy love is to learning!

Of course, Zhang Yuan is not as good as that boy. He didn't even get into the second middle school.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yuan answered the phone, already thinking about how to reject Wang Shaoqiu, and in turn teach him to study hard.

But after the call was connected, the voice coming from the phone was different from what Zhang Yuan had imagined.

"Brother Yuan, come to the county seat quickly! My sister! Something happened to my sister!" Wang Shaoqiu's tone was anxious.

Zhang Yuan was surprised, "What? Something happened to your sister? What's going on?"

"Is such that……"

Through Wang Shaoqiu's narration, Zhang Yuan finally understood what happened.

It turned out that Wang Shaoqiu was jealous and beat a boy in the next class because he touched his girlfriend's butt.

Logically speaking, Wang Shaoqiu was not wrong in this matter, after all, the boy touched his girlfriend's ass.

Even the head teacher of the next class said that it was not Wang Shaoqiu who was at fault, but his students, and asked Liang Minzhong not to punish Wang Shaoqiu.

But Liang Minzhong didn't think so.

Instead, Liang Minzhong said that Wang Shaoqiu not only fell in love early but also beat his classmates, and had a history of beating others before.

He also said that a black sheep like Wang Shaoqiu could not stay in their class, and threatened to severely punish Wang Shaoqiu or even expel him!

Of course, Liang Minzhong didn’t really want to fire Wang


His real purpose is for Wang Shaoqiu's sister Wang Chunhua!

Since something big happened to her brother, Wang Chunhua naturally had to go to school.

This afternoon, Wang Chunhua went to school to meet Liang Minzhong.

Wang Shaoqiu originally thought that calling his parents this time would be the same as before, just have a chat in the office, and then Liang Minzhong would scold him in front of his sister Wang Chunhua and that would be it.

But he never thought that this time, after Liang Minzhong had finished training Wang Shaoqiu, he actually asked Wang Chunhua to invite him to dinner, saying that they would continue chatting at the dinner table!

Hearing this, Wang Shaoqiu exploded on the spot.

If her sister Wang Chunhua doesn't know Liang Minzhong's methods, doesn't she herself?

The parent of the student who had been seduced by Liang Minzhong was finally seduced by Liang Minzhong because he had dinner with her.

Now Liang Minzhong has to have dinner alone with his sister Wang Chunhua again. Sima Zhao's heart is simply known to everyone!

Wang Shaoqiu tried his best to persuade her sister not to eat with Liang Minzhong.

But I don’t know what kind of ecstasy soup Liang Minzhong poured into his sister Wang Chunhua. She seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit and insisted on going to eat.

Liang Minzhong was also a female deceiver, and used a trick to drive away Wang Shaoqiu.

By the time Wang Shaoqiu noticed it, Wang Chunhua and Liang Minzhong had already left the school.

So, Wang Shaoqiu called Wang Chunhua like crazy.

But Wang Chunhua refused to accept it at all, and even blocked him in the end!

Wang Shaoqiu, who was really helpless, thought of Zhang Yuan and hurriedly called Zhang Yuan for help.

After listening to Wang Shaoqiu's narration, Zhang Yuan looked a little ugly.

He now really regrets giving aphrodisiac honey to Aunt Niu yesterday.

If I hadn't sent aphrodisiac honey yesterday, the whole thing would have happened later.


I, Wang Chunhua, plan to let me go to school together as her husband!

If he were here, he would definitely not give Liang Minzhong an opportunity to take advantage of him!

"Shaoqiu! In other words, you don't know where Sister Chunhua and that Liang Minzhong have gone, right?" Zhang Yuan said in a deep voice.

Wang Shaoqiu sounded anxious, "Yes! Brother Yuan, my sister refuses to answer my call. I think she should answer your call. Only you can find her!"

"You have to tell her, don't let her do stupid things! If she is taken advantage of by that bastard for me, then I won't go to school in the future!"

Zhang Yuan consoled him, "Shaoqiu, don't say stupid things! Your sister is not stupid, how could she let that person named Liang take advantage of her? She will protect herself!"

After a pause, he added, "I'll call Sister Chunhua now and find her as soon as possible!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yuan immediately dialed Wang Chunhua's number.

The cell phone's ringtone kept ringing, but the person on the other end didn't answer the call.

At the same time, in a small box of a hotel in the county, Wang Chunhua and Liang Minzhong were sitting on opposite sides of the table.

Wang Chunhua's cell phone on the table kept ringing, but she just looked at it blankly and did not answer the call.

Seeing that she didn't answer the phone, Liang Minzhong, who was sitting opposite, couldn't help laughing.

"Chunhua, why don't you answer the phone? Who is the caller?"

Wang Chunhua came back to her senses and looked at the familiar note with complex eyes, Brother Yuan!

"It's nothing, just a friend!" She pressed the lock screen button casually.

The ringtone of the cell phone stopped abruptly.

Liang Minzhong looked at Wang Chunhua with a smile, his eyes filled with endless desire.

After finally encountering such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he must eat Wang Chunhua today!

That's right, Liang Minzhong deliberately exaggerated the seriousness of Wang Shaoqiu's matter in order to force Wang Chunhua to come to see him.

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