Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 371 Too late to regret and unconscious

This is the most powerful sleeping pill, several times more effective than ordinary sleeping pills. Liang Minzhong got it from a gangster friend.

Many gangsters secretly put this kind of sleeping pill into the cups of pretty and sexy girls in nightclubs.

Any woman who likes to go to nightclubs and bars, even if she doesn't want to fool around, is still very likely to be drugged by gangsters, and then her body will be picked up!

If you often walk by the river, your shoes won't get wet. That's the reason.

Wang Chunhua covered her dizzy head.

At this time, she had realized something, but the strong sleepiness prevented her from saying a word.

Liang Minzhong, who was sitting opposite, watched this scene and immediately said with a mean smile, "How can a meal or a movie be enough? You have to sleep all night! Don't worry, I know you are a yellow flower girl, I will be gentle." Order it!”

After hearing Liang Minzhong's words, Wang Chunhua was filled with despair and regret.

She never expected that Liang Minzhong, a teacher and class teacher, could actually do something worse than a beast! .??.

At this moment, Wang Chunhua really regretted it.

She regretted not listening to Zhang Yuan and not letting Zhang Yuan come to her.

God had obviously given her a chance. Zhang Yuan, who was originally in the village, happened to come to the county.

But she still failed to seize this last opportunity!

Thinking that after she fell into coma, this disgusting bastard Liang Minzhong would take advantage of her and have her most precious body taken away from her, Wang Chunhua suddenly wanted to die at this moment, so that at least she would not be tainted by Liang Minzhong!

It's a pity that Liang Minzhong didn't know what Wang Chunhua was thinking at this moment.

If he knew, there is a high probability that he would say that classic line.

"It doesn't matter even if you die, I can take advantage of it while it's hot!"

Before she fell into coma, the last scene Wang Chunhua saw was Liang Minzhong walking towards her with a smile. After that, she completely lost consciousness and passed out.

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