Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 391: Questioned on the spot, unable to argue

Zhou Yuzhen's idea was clever, but the villagers were not stupid either.

Since they can eat without spending any effort, why do they have to fight Zhang Yuan so hard?

Wouldn't that be causing trouble for yourself?

And many people are also curious about what Zhang Yuan wants to do in this situation.

At the same time, Widow Zhu became frightened when she saw Zhang Yuan walking towards her step by step.

She had just betrayed Zhang Yuan and Liu Ruolan. Would Zhang Yuan want to beat her in anger?

However, after Widow Zhu took the poison, she lost all her strength and was so frightened that she was unable to move or even run away.

At this time, Zhang Yuan came directly to Widow Zhu and said, "Don't worry, Widow Zhu, I'm not here to beat you! I just want to see what kind of blood you spit out!"

As he spoke, he glanced at the black blood stains on Widow Zhu's clothes, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Even if the wrong dose of Chinese medicine causes Widow Zhu to vomit blood, she will only vomit red blood.

But there were clearly black blood stains on Widow Zhu’s clothes!

There is only one possibility that could lead to this situation, and that is... Widow Zhu is really poisoned!

What she spit out was poisonous blood!

Zhang Yuan frowned slightly: "Widow Zhu, how much did Lin Zhongfei pay you to actually let you drink poison at the risk of being poisoned! You are so cruel!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Lin Zhongfei and Zhou Yuzhen not far away changed drastically.

Just now Zhang Yuan said that there was still something to do before surrendering.

The two of them thought that Zhang Yuan wanted to take the opportunity to beat Widow Zhu a few times to vent his resentment.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yuan did not beat Widow Zhu, but revealed that Widow Zhu had taken poison.

The crux of the matter is that Widow Zhu didn’t know that what she was taking was poison!

She thought she was taking laxatives!

Zhu Zi

The woman's expression changed when she heard this.

Zhang Yuan's words reminded her.

Although Zhou Yuzhen said before that she took laxatives.

But apart from feeling a stomachache, Widow Zhu showed no signs of diarrhea. Instead, she vomited a mouthful of black blood.

This doesn’t look like a reaction to taking laxatives!

Zhang Yuan looked at Widow Zhu with pity, "But I think you should go to the hospital for gastric lavage as soon as possible! The poison in you is not weakly toxic. If you don't have your stomach lavaged within half an hour, I think you will have an intestinal rupture!" "

"What? You said I'm going to suffer a piercing of the intestines?" Widow Zhu couldn't bear it any longer and shouted out in shock.

Zhang Yuan looked at her in surprise, "What? Haven't you heard of the medicinal properties of this poison before taking it?"

Widow Zhu finally came to her senses. She thought Zhang Yuan was deceiving her.

"What about taking poison? I obviously got poisoned after drinking your medicine!" Widow Zhu yelled.

Zhou Yuzhen also hurried over and shouted in the same voice.

"That's right! Widow Zhu was poisoned after drinking your medicine! Zhang Yuan, don't talk nonsense here!"

Zhang Yuan glanced at Zhou Yuzhen, "Really? If Widow Zhu was poisoned after drinking my medicine, how are you going to explain it next?"

While talking, Zhang Yuan took out the acupuncture kit from his pocket, took out two silver needles, quickly rubbed one of the silver needles on the still-dry blood on Widow Zhu’s clothes, and then put the other silver needle on the In the soup bowl not far away.

Zhou Yuzhen wanted to stop him, but Zhang Yuan was too fast.

Just as she was about to take action, Zhang Yuan had already raised the two silver needles.

"Watch out! Silver needles can test poison! The blood spit out by Widow Zhu turns black when it touches the silver needles.

Proves that the blood she spit out is poisonous! But the other silver needle did not turn black when placed in the soup bowl, which proved that this silver needle was not poisonous! Zhang Yuanlang shouted.

Not far away, Liu Ruolan's eyes suddenly lit up, "Did everyone hear this? Brother Yuan used a silver needle to test the poison. There was no poison in the medicine, but the blood that Widow Zhu vomited was poisonous! What does this prove? It proves that Widow Zhu took the poison deliberately to frame her. Brother Yuan!”

The onlookers all stared at the silver needle in Zhang Yuan's hand with their eyes widened. They did not expect that things would turn out like this.

Originally, they only thought it was a medical accident caused by prescribing the wrong medicine.

Later, they thought that Zhang Yuan was deliberately trying to seize the house of Widow Zhu's family, so he wanted to poison Widow Zhu.

But it wasn't until now that they discovered that everything was wrong!

The truth of the matter is that Widow Zhu took the poison on her own initiative in order to frame Zhang Yuan!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed that such a thing could happen in their village!

Lin Zhongfei's face was ashen, but he still shouted loudly.

"Nonsense! Widow Zhu was poisoned, but she was poisoned because she drank Zhang Yuan's medicine! You were all deceived by Zhang Yuan..."

Before Lin Zhongfei finished speaking, he heard a shrill shout.

"Lin Zhongfei, tell me whether what I took was poison!"

Everyone looked up and saw that the person speaking turned out to be Widow Zhu.

At this moment, Widow Zhu looked at Lin Zhongfei with a livid face, but did not look at Zhang Yuan beside her.

The onlookers were suddenly puzzled. Is it really poison that Widow Zhu took? They should ask Zhang Yuan who prescribed it to her, right?

Why do you want to ask Lin Zhongfei instead?

Unless... the "poison" she took was given to her by Lin Zhongfei!

Some smart people can't help but take a breath when they think of this possibility.

If that's the case, then this time

Things are extraordinary!

Maybe, it’s a conspiracy from beginning to end!

Lin Zhongfei was also shocked and didn't know why Widow Zhu suddenly asked him about this.

He quickly looked at his second aunt Zhou Yuzhen, only to see her standing there with a wry smile on her face.

Just now, Zhang Yuan took advantage of Lin Zhongfei's lack of attention and whispered a few words to Widow Zhu.

It's not a big deal, it's just the symptoms of Widow Zhu after taking poison, including the symptoms she will have later.

Widow Zhu was stunned when she heard Zhang Yuan's words.

Because the symptoms of poisoning mentioned by Zhang Yuan were exactly the same as her current symptoms.

Could it be that she was really poisoned?

Despite the fact that Widow Zhu is usually low-key, she is not stupid. Instead, she is smarter than the average person. This is how she knows how to keep a low profile and bide her time.

If you were a fool, how could you possibly know how to join forces with Lin Zhongfei to frame Zhang Yuan?

Widow Zhu thought for a moment and figured out the key.

Lin Zhongfei wanted to deal with Zhang Yuan, but he was worried that giving himself laxatives would not be effective.

So he didn't stop doing anything, and simply let himself take poison!

In this way, even if someone checks back, they will find that he was really poisoned, and Zhang Yuan will be unable to defend himself!

Lin Zhongfei achieved his goal, but what about Widow Zhu?

Poison is not a tasty thing.

Widow Zhu is already ill. If she takes poison again, she may not live for a few days at all!

Even if Lin Zhongfei gave her three melons and two dates as pocket money, what's the use if she didn't have the chance to spend it?

As for whether he can return to the Lin family, what does it mean compared to his own life?

Therefore, Widow Zhu broke out on the spot and asked Lin Zhongfei whether what he took was poison.

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