Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 450: Mouse bites cat, a strange story in the world

"So, this is how your ex-husband was drained by you?" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Li Qiuju's pretty face suddenly turned red, "This has nothing to do with me! That bastard was out flirting with women, and he's already dead! We only stayed together for the two days we got married, and then we slept in separate rooms. ! That guy is just a silver wax gun head!"

"That's it! No wonder Sister Qiu Ju, you were so bold and didn't even let a fool like me off!" Zhang Yuan joked.

Hearing this, Li Qiuju's ears turned red with embarrassment, and she immediately licked the tender flesh around Zhang Yuan's waist.

"Bad guy, you're still telling me about someone else's embarrassing incident! See if I don't give you a little bit of help!"

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but take a breath. Although he was rough-skinned and thick-bodied, he was still very resistant to beatings.

But what Li Qiuju used was not a physical attack!

Facing the magic attack, Zhang Yuan really couldn't bear it and quickly begged for mercy.

Seeing Zhang Yuan begging for mercy, Li Qiuju was very proud, holding her waist and walking in front, twisting her round buttocks.

Zhang Yuan swallowed and thought, just be proud of yourself, I will make you beg for mercy again and again when I get to your house!

Anyone who is familiar with Zhang Yuan knows that he is a man of his word!

When they arrived at Li Qiuju's house, Zhang Yuan did what he said. He directly pressed Li Qiuju on the dining table and then carried her to the bed.

He didn't let Li Qiuju go until Li Qiuju begged for mercy.

When the two were making out on the bed, Li Qiuju couldn't help but ask Zhang Yuan.

"Brother Yuan, you slept next to each other two days ago. Isn't it really because you did too much?"

Originally, Li Qiuju also suspected that Zhang Yuan had spent too much energy on her, which was why he looked so tired.

But judging from Zhang Yuansheng's lively appearance just now, he looked like a normal person!

Zhang Yuan chuckled, "Even if I can lie to you about this kind of thing, my body can't lie to you, right?"

"Your body?" Li Qiuju was a little confused.

Then she understood what Zhang Yuan meant, her pretty face couldn't help but blush, and she patted Zhang Yuan gently.

However, Li Qiuju also agrees with Zhang Yuan's statement. This is her personal experience.

Just when Zhang Yuan wanted to continue teasing Li Qiuju, suddenly a black shadow came out from under the cabinet and ran out of the bedroom.

Although the black shadow was very fast, Zhang Yuan still saw clearly that it was a big rat!

Zhang Yuan was surprised, "It turns out there really is a mouse!"

"Of course! I heard the sound of mice gnawing last night, not to mention how scary it was!" Li Qiuju's tone was still a little scared.

As a rural person, she is certainly no stranger to things like rats.

But the problem is, the rat gnawing noise was so loud last night that it scared her a lot.

As soon as he finished speaking, another mouse, bigger than before, emerged from under the bed and ran outside.

This mouse is almost as big as a two-month-old kitten!

When Li Qiuju saw such a big mouse, she was immediately frightened and couldn't help but shrink into Zhang Yuan's arms.

"Such a big rat?" Zhang Yuan was also shocked.

Even in rural areas, it is rare to see such a big rat!

He patted Li Qiuju on the shoulder, "Sister-in-law Qiuju, don't be afraid! I'm here! Although Xiaohei asked me to borrow it, in the worst case, I'll borrow another cat back later!"

"Better say goodbye! I'll borrow the cat! If you borrow the cat and people find out, they will doubt our relationship!" Li Qiuju said.

Zhang Yuancai grabbed her twice dishonestly with his big hand, "What? I am not afraid of being known by others, but you are afraid of being known by others?"

"I just think... I think it will be more exciting if we hide our relationship from everyone!" Li Qiuju's tone was shy.

Zhang Yuan was happy, but he didn't expect Li Qiuju to have such a small thought.

No wonder she has been unwilling to announce to the public that she is divorced. She probably thinks that secretly having sex with her as a young woman would be more exciting, right?

"Hey, don't worry! No one will doubt it! It just so happens that our house has just been renovated, and it is smelling bad now! It's normal to bring a cat over to catch mice!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Li Qiuju thought about it and thought so. Zhang Yuan's family had just built a house, so there must be rats in the yard.

The two were affectionate for a while, and then Zhang Yuan went out to borrow a cat.

In order to avoid being discovered by the villagers, he climbed over the wall and entered his home, then opened the door and went out openly.

Arriving at the nearby Uncle Liu's house, Zhang Yuan first said hello when he entered, and then mentioned that he wanted to borrow a cat.

Uncle Liu’s family has an orange cat. Although it looks clumsy, it’s pretty good at catching mice!

Hearing Zhang Yuan say that he wanted to borrow a cat, Uncle Liu suddenly smiled bitterly.

"Brother Yuan, if you want to borrow a cat from Uncle Liu, Uncle Liu must agree! But our Ah Huang is injured! He is limping now and cannot catch mice at all! Our own mice are still We haven’t caught it yet!”

Ah Huang is the name of that stupid orange cat.

Although it is a cat, it is named after a dog, which is considered a bad taste of Uncle Liu.

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but be a little surprised when he learned that the orange cat Ah Huang was actually injured.

"How did you feel it?

hurt? Was he kicked? Or fell? "

Uncle Liu shook his head, "No way, I guess he was bitten by someone's dog, or maybe it was bitten by a wild dog!"

"Uncle Liu, why don't you let me show Ah Huang a look! You know, I'm half a veterinarian!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Uncle Liu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Recently, the name of the miracle doctor Zhang Yuan has become more and more famous. Everyone in the village only remembers that he ran a chicken farm and that he was a miracle doctor, but they forget that Zhang Yuan is still half a veterinarian!

"That's great! Brother Yuan, you can help me, so Ah Huang is lucky!"

He quickly invited Zhang Yuan into the hall.

I saw the orange cat Ah Huang lying there listlessly in the corner of the main room, like a defeated rooster, and licking his injured hind legs from time to time.

Zhang Yuan stepped forward and mopped Mo Ahuang's head.

Ah Huang is a very affectionate cat, and anyone who meets him can pet him a few times.

With Zhang Yuan holding his head, Ah Huang closed his eyes comfortably, but soon opened them again and licked his injured leg.

Only then did Zhang Yuan observe its injured leg. Judging from the severity of the injury, it was indeed bitten and the wound had not yet scabbed.

But he always felt a little strange. Uncle Liu said that Ahuang's leg was bitten by a dog.

But Zhang Yuan didn't think it looked like a wound caused by a dog bite.

Judging from the wound, it seemed that the one who bit Ah Huang was a small animal.

"Eh? This wound... Why does it look like it was bitten by a mouse?" Zhang Yuan said in surprise.

Uncle Liu was also surprised when he heard Zhang Yuan say that the wound looked like a mouse bite.

"What? A mouse bite? Impossible, right? Even if our Ah Huang is a stupid cat, he won't be bitten by a mouse! He was really good at catching mice before!"

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