Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 473 Occupy the great righteousness and hate it so much

Zhang Weimin cannot afford to offend Li Fengfeng, a great god.

Not to mention her as a female director, which in itself means that women can hold up half of the sky and occupy the great cause.

For ordinary things, the village chief's words are naturally more effective than those of the female director.

But if someone bullies women in the village, the women's director's words will be more effective than the village chief's.

It can even be reported directly to the Town Women’s Federation!

Moreover, even if Li Fengfeng was not the women's director, Zhang Weimin would not dare to provoke her.

Who let her husband be the little leader of the town?

However, Li Fengfeng's family has always kept a very low profile, and they still live in tile-roofed houses.

Zhang Weimin could only respect people like her and did not dare to offend her at all.

Therefore, facing the aggressive Li Fengfeng, Zhang Weimin could only obey.

When Li Fengfeng heard Zhang Weimin say that she asked Li Wenjian and the relevant village cadres to apologize to Shen Xiuyun, her face looked better.

"Just apologizing is not enough! Let a few of them, especially the leader named Li Wenjian, make a self-criticism in front of the whole village!" Li Fengfeng looked at Zhang Weimin and said.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Weimin's face turned green. Li Wenjian and his group were all his subordinates!

If people like Li Wenjian were really allowed to conduct self-criticism one by one in front of the villagers, it would be him, the village chief, who would lose face!

"Ahem, Director Li, with so many village cadres, wouldn't it be a bit too much to do a self-criticism in front of everyone in the village? How about... change it to a loudspeaker?" Zhang Weimin asked tentatively.

"Furthermore, according to what you said, Director Li, Li Wenjian and the others failed to do anything to Shen Xiuyun. At best, it was an attempt. If we review it in public, I'm afraid it will affect the prestige of our village committee!"

Zhang Weimin found another good excuse.

Li Fengfeng also calmed down now.

She knew that it was unrealistic for a group of village cadres to conduct self-criticisms in front of the entire village.

If it's true

If they do that, if word spreads, they will become famous in Xiawan Village!

There are eight villages in ten miles, but there has never been a village where the village cadres lined up to make a self-criticism in front of the villagers!

After pondering for a while, Li Fengfeng said, "Okay! Then change it to a big loudspeaker to review! But review must be done! Especially that Li Wenjian! What the hell! If you have some power, you don't know who you are!"

When she said this, she glanced at Zhang Weimin meaningfully.

Li Fengfeng knew very well that Zhang Weimin sent Li Wenjian to conduct door-to-door inspections while taking personal revenge.

Her neighbor once sinned against Zhang Weimin, and Li Wenjian slammed countless plates, which made the neighbor stamp his feet and scold her in anger.

Zhang Weimin naturally knew that Li Fengfeng was beating him up.

He nodded hurriedly, saying that he would control his subordinates and prevent them from doing such things again.

Seeing this, Li Fengfeng said

"Village Chief, I have said everything that needs to be said! Again, I am the women's director of our village! I can ignore other things, but when it comes to women in our village being bullied, I must do it. Take care of it to the end!”

While speaking, Li Fengfeng stood up.

Zhang Weimin quickly got up to see her off and took her outside the village committee compound.

When he arrived at the gate, Zhang Weimin suddenly thought of something, and a cunning look flashed in his eyes.

The next moment, just listen to him

"Director Li, I almost forgot one thing! Since Li Wenjian and the others have done such a thing, why not ask them to compensate Shen Xiuyun some money! Two hundred for each person, and how about three hundred for the leader Li Wenjian?"

Li Fengfeng snorted, "Two hundred or three hundred? At least five hundred! The leader Li Wenjian must have one thousand!"

"Okay! Then do what Director Li said! Five hundred for each person, and Li Wenjian will give you one thousand!" Zhang Weimin laughed.

Li Fengfeng nodded with satisfaction, turned around and strode away.

Looking at Li Fengfeng's leaving figure, Zhang Weimin felt itchy with hatred.

Even though he was so polite in front of Li Fengfeng, in fact, he was also very unhappy with Li Fengfeng.

Zhang Weimin has long regarded Xiawan Village as his own piece of land.

But in this three-thirds of an acre of land, there are always a few people he can't control, which makes him feel comfortable.

"Hmph! Li Fengfeng, just be arrogant! When your husband, who is the junior leader, loses power, let's see how I deal with you! At that time, I will let you take the initiative to climb into my bed!"

Although Li Fengfeng is fierce, she does look pretty.

She is incomparable to a beauty like Shen Xiuyun, but she is better than Widow Yang.

Coupled with her status as a female director and her fierce personality, Zhang Weimin also missed her.

It's just that Zhang Weimin has a thief's heart but not the courage!

Li Fengfeng didn't know the evil in Zhang Weimin's heart. If she had known, she might have turned around and fought against Zhang Weimin!

A moment later, at Shen Xiuyun's house, Li Fengfeng looked at Shen Xiuyun solemnly.

"Shen Xiuyun, as the women's director of our village, I will never let you be bullied by these gangsters in vain! Don't worry, I have designated them to review each other on the loudspeaker!" Li Fengfeng said.

Shen Xiuyun's eyes were red, "Director Li, thank you!"

Li Fengfeng sighed, "Why are you so polite? Fortunately, you weren't taken advantage of by those beasts in human skins, otherwise I, the female director, would really have no shame in continuing my job!"

"This group of black sheep has actually appeared among the village cadres, and they must be severely punished! By the way, each of the village cadres participating this time will pay 500 yuan, and the leader Li Wenjian will pay 1,000 yuan, all of which will be used as compensation for you.

Pay! "

As soon as Li Fengfeng finished speaking, Zhang Yuan quickly waved his hand before Shen Xiuyun could respond.

"Director Li, please don't do this!"

Li Fengfeng looked at Zhang Yuan in surprise, "Why? Do you think you have too little money?"

Zhang Yuan shook his head: "This is not the reason why there is more money and less money, but if they are asked to lose money, this matter will not be explained clearly!"

Li Fengfeng came back to her senses and slapped her forehead suddenly.

"Look at my brain. I only think about making these bastards bleed, but I forget about Shen Xiuyun's reputation!"

If Li Wenjian and his group really lose money.

After word spreads about it, the villagers are not sure what they will say!

They would only make random guesses as to whether Shen Xiuyun had been completely wiped out by these village cadres, or whether he had been taken advantage of in some way.

Otherwise, why would these village cadres have to pay compensation?

By that time, even if Shen Xiuyun stood up and said that she was not taken advantage of, everyone in the village would probably not believe it!

All the money has been lost. Who would believe that I was not taken advantage of?

At this time, Zhang Yuan frowned and asked Li Fengfeng, "Director Li, I would like to ask, who first raised the issue of compensation?"

Intuition told Zhang Yuan that there might be something fishy behind the compensation matter.

If it was Li Fengfeng who proposed it, she would have thought about it in advance and considered the pros and cons of doing so.

But looking at Li Fengfeng's appearance just now, it seemed like she didn't think much about it at all.

"It was Zhang Weimin who suggested it! I just went to the village committee to find him. Before leaving, Zhang Weimin suggested that Li Wenjian and the others should pay compensation! He said that each person should pay two hundred. I thought it was too little, so I asked each person to pay five hundred!" Li Fengfeng said.

At the end of the sentence, she herself felt something was wrong, and her face suddenly darkened.

"This Zhang Weimin, at this time, he still dares to dig a hole for me!"

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