Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 478: Rats are out and villagers are furious

"Ecological fish farming? Antique appraisal?" Zhang Yuan's eyes widened.

There was suddenly a lot of strange knowledge in his mind, including the ecological fish farming method that Zhang Yuan had been obsessed with!

In addition, there are antique appraisals and various miscellaneous knowledge.

Zhang Yuan was shocked, what is going on?

When I fell into a pool once, I received the inheritance from my fairy sister.

Now that I have entered the pool, so much knowledge appears in my mind inexplicably.

Could it be that this pool is a geomantic treasure?

Then Zhang Yuan suddenly understood.

The reason why so much information appears in his mind is entirely because the last inheritance was incomplete!

When he accepted the inheritance from the fairy sister before, Zhang Yuan was still a fool and had limited endurance, so he only passed on most of the important content.

There is still a small part of it that has not been passed down.

This time Zhang Yuan entered the pool, and by chance, he completely completed the legacy of the fairy sister.

"So this is ecological fish farming! It sounds fancy, but it's actually not too complicated!" Zhang Yuan was treading water while absorbing the part about ecological fish farming in his memory.

The so-called ecological fish farming actually includes many ways of raising fish.

For example, the simplest way is to raise fish in paddy fields. The fish can eat insects and weeds in the paddy fields, and the waste they excrete can be used as nutrients for rice to decompose.

To make it a little more complicated, you need to match the types of fish in the paddy fields. The small fish eat the feces of the big fish, the big fish eat insects and weeds, and the feces of the small fish are used as nutrients for the rice.

In addition, there is more complex ecological fish farming, which combines raising chickens, pigs, fruit trees and fish, using livestock excrement to raise fish, and then using pond silt to grow fruit trees.

What Zhang Yuan prefers is the ecological breeding of various fish species in paddy fields, coupled with the prescriptions recorded in the inheritance of the fairy sister, which can definitely ensure that the fish grow fat and big.

Although Zhang Yuan can also combine raising chickens, pigs and fish, he always feels that this is not enough.


If this breeding method spreads.

Let people know that he raises fish with livestock excrement.

Those who understand ecological fish farming are fine.

People who don't know better may call him a profiteer, and even customers who eat fish may feel uncomfortable.

Catfish is big and meaty, but why don’t many people like to eat it?

Not only because catfish eat rotten food and garbage, catfish farmers also feed catfish with animal feces.

Therefore, catfish are disliked by others.

Moreover, Zhang Yuan couldn't get over this hurdle!

In comparison, paddy field ecological fish farming is much cleaner and more similar to natural ecology.

Thinking of ecological fish farming, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but feel a little distracted, and even forgot to tread water.

After choking on his saliva, he came to his senses and hurriedly climbed to the edge of the pool.

Ecological fish farming will be discussed first and later!

Right now, he has more important things to do, which is to deal with those big rats!

After accepting the complete inheritance of the fairy sister, Zhang Yuan finally understood why there were so many big rats in the village.

It's actually because of the fairy sister!

After the fairy sister completed the inheritance, a stream of true energy escaped before she left.

It was this true energy that affected the rats in Xiawan Village, causing the rats at that time to begin to grow rapidly.

Only recently have these rats grown into the climate.

Because the aura of the fairy sister lingered in the water pool, these big rats refused to leave the confines of Xiawan Village and only stayed in Xiawan Village.

Zhang Yuan actually didn’t think about it

Come on, this is how these big rats came.

No wonder none of them are willing to take rat poison. Most of them have higher IQs than ordinary rats.

Rats are animals with a high IQ.

The IQ of an adult rat is comparable to that of a child of six or seven years old.

And it’s not surprising that these big rats have higher IQs and can see through the rat poison Li Wenjian bought!

But Zhang Yuan is no longer worried about the big mouse.

Because the complete fairy sister’s inheritance records how to deal with these big mice!

To be precise, it records how to solve the rat plague!

There were also rat plagues in ancient times. Although the rats in ancient times were not as big as these big rats, their numbers were thousands of times greater than these big rats today.

There are too many mice and too few cats. It is simply unrealistic to rely solely on cats to catch mice.

So, some smart people studied a drug called Qian Shu Zui.

When ignited, Thousand Rat Drunk will emit a smell that is fatal to rats, attracting rats to come madly.

Therefore, just dig a deep pit and put incense in it.

After the incense is lit, the rats from several miles around will swarm into the deep pit after smelling the smell of Qian Shushu.

At that time, you can easily cook the mice, either by burning them or burying them in the soil!

After carefully learning about the effects of Qian Shu Zui Prescription, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but admire it.

The wisdom of the ancients is truly admirable.

The only regret is that musk, one of the medicinal herbs used to prepare Qian Shu Zui, is not only scarce in quantity, but also expensive.

You have to use natural musk, as artificial musk doesn’t even meet the requirements!

It's really a waste to use this thing to deal with mice.

That's what happens when you encounter a rat plague.

You can give it a try, usually using Qian Shu Zui to catch mice is like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer!

Zhang Yuan sat on the stone by the pool, letting the sun dry his clothes, while thinking about going to the county to buy medicine to prepare Qian Shu Zui.

At the same time, at the door of Zhang Weimin's house, angry villagers patted the door and asked Zhang Weimin to get out.

"Zhang Weimin, get out of here! You've caused misery to our entire village!"

"That's it! What kind of bad rat medicine did you make! You also asked us to hide everything that the rats can eat! Now it's better. The rats no longer harm the family, but they go to harm the wheat and rice in the fields!"

"Zhang Weimin, you are such a bastard! All the mice in our family have been caught by the cats arranged by Zhang Yuan a long time ago! Just because of you, the wheat in our field was gnawed badly by mice! You should pay for our family's wheat!"

"Yes! Compensation! We must compensate! If we don't compensate, we won't leave today! We'll block the door of your house so that you can't get in or get out!"


At this moment, Zhang Weimin was frightened in the house and did not dare to go out at all.

He was afraid of being eaten alive by the angry villagers!

In fact, just when the villagers were about to come to Zhang Weimin in an angry manner, Zhang Weimin received the news

Originally, he wanted to go out and hide, but it was too late. He could only stay at home and pretend to be dead.

Moreover, the situation this time is different from last time.

Last time I just used collective funds to buy rat poison.

Rat medicine is actually not expensive, only about a thousand yuan in total.

But this time it’s different!

Many villagers' wheat and rice were destroyed, and the rats ate a lot of food!

If compensation was really required, the combined losses of so many villagers would have to be compensated in the tens of thousands!

What Zhang Weimin is most worried about is that some villagers will take the opportunity to falsely report losses, and then he will lose even more money!

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