Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 483 The whole village gathers and must support

Zhang Yuan also felt helpless when he was surrounded by excited villagers as soon as he came back.

He also knew that the villagers were very concerned about whether they could catch all those nasty rats.

However, Zhang Yuan did not intend to tell the villagers about Qian Shuzui.

Even if he told it, everyone in the village might not believe it.

If you light the incense and apply Qian Shu Zu, the rats will come swarming over?

This is too bizarre!

Zhang Yuan had no choice but to shout loudly, "I just want to ask one question, do you all believe me, Zhang Yuan?"

The villagers nodded "Letter!"

Zhang Yuan also nodded, "Believe me, then just listen to me! Don't ask any more questions! I, Zhang Yuan, am here to promise everyone that the problem of rat plague will be solved today! We will never let rats harm the crops in the field again!" "

After receiving Zhang Yuan's assurance, the villagers were immediately excited and then left one after another. ??

As for the young adults, they stayed.

Zhang Yuan had said on the loudspeaker before that all the young adults in the village should come to the apiary to gather.

One after another, all the young and middle-aged people in the village who could come came.

Several of the young men who followed Zhang Weimin to the fields to determine the damage to the villagers said that when they arrived, the damage had been calculated to be almost 50,000 yuan.

It is estimated that all the losses add up to at least 70,000 yuan!

Zhang Weimin's old face has turned black to carbon.

Upon hearing the news, all the young villagers present laughed, and Zhang Yuan could not help but laugh as well.

At this time, Zhang Dashan came out of the room and gave Zhang Yuan a look.

Zhang Yuan understood and walked to his father.

Zhang Dashan quickly reminded Zhang Yuan in a voice that only two people could hear.

"My dear, do you have any way to control the rat plague? If there is no good way, then quickly hire a few automatic harvesters to harvest all the crops in the village! This way you will be compensated for one

Let’s accept the losses! "

Although the crops in the fields are not yet fully mature, they can still be harvested, but it will only cause some losses.

Obviously, Zhang Dashan had also thought about this matter carefully and thought that if Zhang Yuan could not solve the rat problem, he would be the next Zhang Weimin.

Maybe it will be even worse than Zhang Weimin’s compensation!

Hearing what his father Zhang Dashan said, a confident smile appeared on Zhang Yuan's face.

He patted his chest and promised

"Dad, don't worry! I have a trick for your son! This time, I'm going to kill all the rats in the village!"

Zhang Dashan looked at Zhang Yuan deeply and saw that he didn't seem to be holding on for the sake of face, so he nodded.

"That's good! Now that you are sure, just go ahead and do it! Your mother and I will support you!"

With the support of the old couple, Zhang Yuan became more motivated. He coughed and began to give orders to the young adults present.

"Everyone knows that there is a rat infestation in our village! Because of some people's stupid decisions, the rats don't eat the food at home and go to the fields to harm the crops! They have harmed a lot of the crops we have worked so hard to grow!" Zhang Yuanlang said.

Everyone present listened carefully, and they couldn't help but laugh when they heard Zhang Yuan talk about some people's stupid decisions.

But when Zhang Yuan mentioned that rats had harmed the crops that everyone had worked so hard to grow, everyone clenched their fists and were filled with indignation.

Only those who have worked in the fields know how difficult it is to get food!

Every grain of grain represents a drop of hard work of farmers!

But the crops are about to mature, but they are being damaged so much by rats!

To talk about this matter, the whole village

There is no villager above or below who is not angry.

That is to say, Zhang Weimin was in front to bear the anger, otherwise there would have been a lot of young and strong boys running into the fields to shoot mice with shovels.

Seeing that his words aroused everyone's hatred towards Mouse, Zhang Yuan continued to strike while the iron was hot.

"Let me ask you all, do you want to kill all these rats that are harming our crops?"

Everyone yelled in unison with anger, "I want it!"

Zhang Yuan nodded with satisfaction, "If you want to, then follow my instructions! Everyone, go home and get shovels and hoes! Then gather at the foot of the back mountain!"

Hearing this, everyone was a little confused. They gathered at the foot of the back mountain with shovels and hoes? .??.??

Even if we go out as a group to kill mice, we still have to go to the fields, right?

The foot of the back mountain is still some distance away from their village. What are you doing there?

Seeing that everyone was motionless, Zhang Yuan's eyes widened.

"What? Just now you said you would listen to me! Now you won't listen?"

Only then did everyone come back to their senses and hurriedly talked and listened. Everyone hurried home to get shovels and hoes.

Taking advantage of this gap, Zhang Yuan went back to the house and took two steamed buns, split them and put bean paste in the middle. He also added a few pieces of pickled cucumbers made by his mother Wang Hui, and also took one from the kitchen and peeled it. of green onions, ate them and went out.

Wang Hui also wanted to stop Zhang Yuan and let him have a bowl of soup before going, but was stopped by Zhang Dashan.

"Baby, just leave it alone! The baby is old and has his own ideas! He wants to do big things, and we, as parents, must support him!"

Hearing what Zhang Dashan said, Wang Hui had no choice but to nod his head and said

"I hope Brother Yuan can take care of all those rats! Otherwise, the crops in the field will be scorched by rats tonight!"

Zhang Dashan sighed after hearing this but said nothing.

In this situation, he could only choose to believe Zhang Yuan.

At the same time, Zhang Yuan ate while walking. When he reached the foot of the mountain, he had almost wiped out the two steamed buns.

He looked at the surrounding environment, visually measured the distance, and finally selected an area with soft and flat soil.

There are two keys to killing rats with Qian Shu Zui.

One is naturally to configure Qian Shu Zui.

The second is to dig a hole big enough and deep enough!

The reason why Zhang Yuan wanted to gather the young adults in the village was to let them dig holes for rats.

The hole must be dug deep, otherwise it will be terrible if a mouse climbs up!

And the pit must be big enough, otherwise when there are too many rats, Zhang Yuan will worry that the pit is not enough!

Wait for Qian Shuzui to lure the mouse into the pit, then pour diesel into the pit and set it on fire.

Tsk tsk!

That scene must be quite spectacular!

When the ancients used Qianratzu to eliminate rat plagues, they relied on kerosene.

There was no gasoline or diesel at that time. If you really want to calculate it, the best effect is gasoline. It will catch fire if it touches the fire!

But gasoline is too expensive, and diesel is cheaper.

Zhang Yuan found a stick from the ground and drew the outline of the pit at the location he chose.

As soon as the paddling was completed, the young and middle-aged people from the village came one after another, all carrying hoes or shovels in their hands.

When everyone saw Zhang Yuan drawing something on the ground, they couldn't help but ask him curiously.

"Brother Yuan, what are you drawing on the ground?"

Zhang Yuan pointed at the area he marked, "This is your goal today! Dig out a pit more than two meters deep in the area I marked!"

Hearing this, the young and strong boys who had just arrived were all shocked.

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