Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 488 It’s just a joke

Then, Zhang Yuan looked around.

In addition to the young and strong villagers who dug holes today, there were also village cadres headed by the Zhang Weimin brothers, as well as old men in the village who liked to join in the fun.

But no woman came here.

Li Qiuju wanted to come at first, but was dissuaded by Zhang Yuan.

After Qian Shu Zui was lit, rats from the whole village and even the mountains behind would swarm, and Zhang Yuan was worried that it would scare Li Qiuju.

It was precisely for this reason that Zhang Yuan did not let the old couple come.

It is estimated that the women in the village do not dare to come here because of fear.

Seeing that time was almost up, Zhang Yuan was going to pour diesel on the wall of the pit first and use diesel to lubricate the wall so that the rats would not have to crawl out along the wall later when they were burned by the fire.

However, at this moment, a car horn sounded not far away.

Everyone looked around and saw a BMW driving towards them and stopping not far away.

It's the car owned by Lin Zhongfei, the richest man in the village!

Obviously, Lin Zhongfei also came to see the fun!

The car door opened, and Lin Zhongfei got out of the car with a sexy woman in sexy and revealing clothes. He put his arms around the other person's slender waist that exposed her navel, and walked towards Zhang Yuan in full view of everyone.

Seeing the charming woman in Lin Zhongfei's arms, even though this woman was only above average in terms of appearance, many young people and old men present could not help but swallow their saliva.

There are more men than women these days, and many young people in the village are worried about not being able to find wives!

What's more, she is such a beautiful and sexy woman in all her clothes!

Sensing the envious and jealous looks from the people around him, Lin Zhongfei looked proud. This was exactly the effect he wanted!

He, Lin Zhongfei, just wanted to make the villagers envy him and be jealous of him, but they couldn't enjoy it like him.

This is also one of Lin Zhongfei's joys in life.

When Lin Zhongfei's eyes fell,

When he reached Zhang Yuan, his eyes instantly darkened, but then turned into a sneer.

He came here today just to see Zhang Yuan’s jokes!

"Boss Lin is here!" Village Chief Zhang Weimin said with a smile.

Zhang Weimin and Lin Zhongfei can be regarded as a community of interests.

Especially after the last time the two of them teamed up to deal with Zhang Yuan, the relationship between the two has become much closer.

I saw Lin Zhongfei's big hand on the buttocks of the seductive woman in his arms. "Village chief, I'm here to watch a joke! I didn't expect so many people to watch the joke! It's really interesting!"

Seeing Lin Zhongfei Mo's voluptuous woman's buttocks, the young men and gentlemen around him once again couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

It should feel great!

The voluptuous woman was not angry when Lin Zhongfei saw her in front of everyone. Instead, she giggled and winked at the men around her, making everyone feel angry but unable to extinguish the fire.

Everyone's reaction fell into the eyes of the charming woman, and she couldn't help but feel a little proud.

She just likes to see these country bumpkins look like they have never seen the world!

But when the charming woman noticed Zhang Yuan, she couldn't help but frown.

Why isn't this tall and mighty handsome guy staring at me like everyone else?

Zhang Yuan was used to seeing beautiful women, so naturally he would not take the glamorous woman seriously.

He is now thinking about how best to pour diesel.

As for what Lin Zhongfei said just now, Zhang Yuan only thought it was a joke.

This guy won't be able to hold on for long.

He actually dares to bring a woman here. Later, the thousand rats will be drunk and lit, and the rats will go crazy.

If he comes running, he will probably scare the voluptuous woman to pee on the spot!

This is no joke, no matter what kind of animal it is, as long as the number reaches a certain level, it will become particularly scary!

The simplest example is ants, which are called ants. Even in large numbers, they can kill elephants!

Zhang Yuan was too lazy to talk to Lin Zhongfei, but Zhang Weimin was eager to follow Lin Zhongfei's words.

"Boss Lin, you said you came here to see a joke, but I don't know what joke you are talking about?" Zhang Weimin asked deliberately.

Lin Zhongfei laughed, "Of course it's a joke made by some people who want to lure rats into pits! I heard that rats have entered the fields now, and there are so many crops to eat. Why would they come so far here? This Isn’t it a joke? Haha!”

Zhang Weimin also laughed when he heard this, "Yes! Yes! It's indeed a joke! Are you guys right? Haha!"

Not many people laughed, only Zhang Weimin and his group of village cadres.

Even Zhang Jing just lowered his head and said nothing.

Needless to say, the young and strong young men present were the ones who dug the pit. If they laughed along, wouldn't they be laughing at themselves?

As for the other people who came to watch the excitement, from the bottom of their hearts, they actually hoped that Zhang Yuan could eliminate the rat problem.

If this wave of rats cannot be exterminated, the crops they have worked so hard to grow tonight will be destroyed by rats again!

Facing the sneers from Zhang Weimin and his group, Zhang Yuan just glanced at them and pretended not to hear them.

"Er Niu, hold the oil drum and pour the diesel on the wall of the pit along the perimeter of the pit! Remember not to pour too much!" Zhang Yuan said to Zhang Er Niu.

Zhang Erniu nodded naively, "I understand, Uncle Yuan!"

That fifty-liter oil drum would have been difficult for ordinary people to hold, but Zhang Erniu was a tall man and a natural bull.

Jin, this is nothing to him.

Lin Zhongfei felt a little unhappy when he saw Zhang Yuan didn't answer.

He came here just to see Zhang Yuan's jokes.

If Zhang Yuan ignored him, wouldn't his trip be in vain?

So Lin Zhongfei hummed a few times on purpose.

"Zhang Yuan, I am a member of Xiawan Village after all! You want to use this stupid method to kill mice, although I think it is stupid. But, for the sake of my fellow villagers, I can help you! What do you have? Need it? I have a lot of delicious food in my BMW! You can take whatever you want!"

Zhang Yuan turned around and glanced at Lin Zhongfei, "What this means is that I can take whatever I want in your car. Is that what you mean?"

"That's right! But the premise is that you have to use these things to kill mice! If you use them for other things, I won't give them to you!" Lin Zhongfei nodded, and then added.

Zhang Yuan smiled, "Okay! Everyone heard clearly what Lin Zhongfei said just now! He volunteered to contribute the things in the car! Who is that, Zheng Shuai, come here, I have something for you to do!"

Hearing this, a smart-looking young man ran to Zhang Yuan.

This man's name is Zheng Shuai, he is the nephew of old Zhengtou and the cousin of Zheng Qiuyue.

Zhang Yuan and Zheng Shuai had nothing to do with each other before, but this time he organized young villagers to dig pits. Zheng Shuai performed brilliantly and was very clever, so Zhang Yuan was ready to reuse him.

Because of Lao Zhengtou, Zheng Shuai did not deal with Zhang Weimin, so he could be used by Zhang Yuan.

Zheng Shuai looked excited at the moment.

Although his cousin Lao Zhengtou told him before that Zhang Yuan might reuse him in the future.

But he didn't expect that this day would come so quickly, and it wouldn't be in vain that he worked so hard to help Zhang Yuan coordinate everyone when he was digging the pit during the day.

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