Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 500: Greeted with a smile, Yang Xin requests

Li Wenjian's status in the village committee has increased, but he has nothing to do with Zhang Yuan.

He is thinking about how to engage in ecological fish farming.

Since the last time he completed the inheritance of the fairy sister in his mind, Zhang Yuan not only obtained the formula of Thousand Rat Drunk to solve the rat plague.

At the same time, we also learned ecological fish farming methods and matching prescriptions.

After thinking about it, he decided to choose ecological fish farming in paddy fields, combining fish and rice, and the two complemented each other.

The reason for this choice is mainly due to two reasons.

The first reason, and also the main reason, is that there is no fish pond in their Hawan Village!

To raise fish, you need a fish pond.

There are no fish ponds in Hawan Village. The only place where fish can be raised is the pool at the foot of the mountain.

But that pool is too deep, much deeper than ordinary fish ponds.

Zhang Yuan was worried that there would be problems raising fish there!

Besides, Zhang Yuan obtained the inheritance from the fairy sister in the pool. Wouldn't it be disrespectful to the fairy sister if he still raised fish there?

The second reason is that Zhang Yuan feels that this method of raising fish that combines fish with crops is more natural.

Ecological fish farming not only involves the combination of crops and fish, but also the combination of livestock and fish.

The latter requires feeding chicken and pig feces to the fish, which is really disgusting.

Fish are raised for eating. If people knew that the fish raised by Zhang Yuan were usually fed with livestock manure, diners would probably not have a good appetite.

It’s not that Zhang Yuan thinks that livestock manure is useless. These manure can be used in farmland for fertilization!

Why feed it directly to the fish?

How disgusting it is to put all kinds of feces into the fish pond all day long!

Considering the above two reasons, Zhang Yuan finally chose to carry out ecological fish farming in paddy fields.

It just so happened that they had some paddy fields in Hawan Village, although

The quantity is not large, but it is enough for ecological fish farming.

If I remember correctly, Old Zheng’s family seems to have several acres of paddy fields.

Anyway, if you want to carry out ecological breeding, you must lease paddy fields.

In this case, it’s better to take care of Lao Zheng’s family!

It just so happened that Yang Xin invited Zhang Yuan to Lao Zhengtou's house for a drink in the evening yesterday. At that time, he could take the opportunity to talk about leasing paddy fields to raise fish at the wine table.

Moreover, Zhang Yuan could also put the credit on Yang Xin, saying that it was at Yang Xin's suggestion that he came up with the idea of ​​paddy field ecological fish farming.

I think that with Yang Xin's "contribution", even if the secret of infertility is exposed in the future, and Zhang Yuan intercedes from the side, he shouldn't be kicked out of the house by Old Zhengtou, right?

In the evening, Zhang Yuan went to Lao Zheng's house with two bottles of good wine.

Although Yang Xin said that Zhang Yuan would not be allowed to bring anything, he could not go there empty-handed.

The two bottles of wine cost nearly 300 yuan in total, which is quite interesting!

In rural areas, two hundred yuan can buy a big banquet!

When Zhang Yuan came to Lao Zheng's house humming a tune, he was surprised to find that there were only Mr. and Mrs. Yang Xin in Lao Zheng's house.

But Lao Zhengtou was not at home. He probably went out for a walk and had not returned yet.

Seeing Zhang Yuan coming, Yang Xin immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Brother Yuan, didn't I tell you not to bring anything? Why did you bring wine?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Hey! It's not that I bought too much wine. Our family doesn't usually drink, so I brought two bottles over."

Hearing this, Yang Xin looked envious, and the wine Zhang Yuan brought was all good wine.

If I could drink this good wine anytime, anywhere, I would

How good is it?

At this time, Zheng Qiuyue came out of the kitchen with a plate of freshly fried shredded pork with garlic sprouts. When she saw Zhang Yuan coming, her expression was a little unnatural.

"Zhang Yuan is here?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and nodded, "Hello, Sister Qiuyue!"

Yang Xin glared at Zheng Qiuyue, "Honey, you're at home now, not at the village committee. Just call Brother Yuan, what's your name?"

"Okay, okay! Brother Yuan!" Zheng Qiuyue called Zhang Yuan again.

Then she entered the house carrying the food.

Yang Xin also warmly greeted Zhang Yuan into the room. When he took his seat, he sat carelessly on the main seat, where Old Zhengtou usually sat.

Only then did Zhang Yuan realize that Lao Zhengtou was not going out for a walk as he imagined, but was not at home at all!

Otherwise, even if Yang Xinliang had the courage, he would not dare to sit in the position of Lao Zheng's head!

Zhang Yuan asked tentatively, "Brother Yang, the old village chief is not at home today?"

Yang Xin smiled and said, "Yes! My father-in-law and a group of old comrades went to a gathering at Uncle Chen's house in Shangwan Village. In the past, these old comrades would drink a few more drinks at gatherings, and after drinking, they would sleep at Uncle Chen's house. I won’t be back until the next day.”

Zhang Yuan suddenly realized that he did not expect that Lao Zhengtou's group of old comrades still had the habit of gathering every year.

But this habit is quite good.

Comradeship is very precious, and gathering together once or twice a year can maintain contact and affection between each other.

Knowing that Lao Zhengtou was not at home for dinner, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but wonder about Yang Xin's intentions.

The reason why Yang Xin chose to treat himself to a meal today must have been planned for a long time. He wanted to avoid Old Zheng and treat himself to a meal alone!

Could it be that Yang Xin had other intentions besides wanting him to intercede for him in the future?

Seeing Zhang Yuan's thoughtful look, Yang Xin immediately guessed what he was thinking.

Anyone would think too much about it!

He, Yang Xin, had not invited him earlier or later, and he had to invite him now. Wasn't this because he wanted to avoid Old Zheng?

Thinking of this, Yang Xin quickly poured a glass of wine for Zhang Yuan and another glass for himself in order to prevent his true intentions from being discovered by Zhang Yuan.

"Brother Yuan, let me offer you a glass of wine first!" Yang Xin said, holding the wine glass.

Zhang Yuan also picked up the wine glass and said, "Brother Yang, you're welcome!"

Yang Xin drank it all in one gulp, and when Zhang Yuan saw this, he drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking a glass of wine, Yang Xin's face turned slightly red.

"Brother Yuan, actually you should have guessed it. I bought you a drink today. In addition to asking you to plead for me in the future, I also have other things to ask you!"

Zhang Yuan thought that was indeed the case, but a smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Yang, don't ask for help! If you need help with anything, just tell me! I won't refuse if I can do it."

Zhang Yuanke did not agree immediately.

If Yang Xin wants to ask him to help give birth to a child, will he help or not?

At this time, Yang Xin sighed, "Brother Yuan, you also know my situation. For a door-to-door son-in-law like me, who has no ability to make money, it is normal for my father-in-law to dislike me!"

Zhang Yuan didn't speak, just listened to him quietly.

Yang Xin added, "So, I just want to ask you for a favor and see if you can arrange a job for me that I can do! The salary doesn't need to be high, as long as it's enough for me to spend alone!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Yang Xin has also figured it out and knows that having a child is a heresy, so he changed his mind and asked himself to arrange a job for him.

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