Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 528 Novel electrical appliances, causing a sensation among villagers

Even though the doctors and nurses didn't want to believe it, the facts were right in front of them.

The old man fainted in the shopping mall and was sent to the hospital after being called 120. There is no doubt that he was ill.

The only explanation is that the old man is indeed ill.

When his life was hanging by a thread, the young man used acupuncture to save him on the spot.

The doctors secretly guessed who the young man was.

A severe case of emphysema was actually saved with a few silver needles, and the old man's symptoms were also relieved!

In the past, emphysema in the elderly was severe and almost difficult to cure.

But it's different now.

As long as you take careful care and take a few months of treatment, you can be completely cured!

After the doctors and nurses left the ward with shocked faces, not long after, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes hurried into the ward. It was the son of the old man who came after getting the news!

"Dad, are you okay?" The man in the suit shouted anxiously as soon as he entered the door.

However, after entering the door, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the old man sitting on the bed and seemed to be in good spirits.

The old man rolled his eyes at this moment and turned his head to ignore him.

"What does it have to do with you if I have something to do? Anyway, you are a busy man and you don't have time to go for a walk with my old man!"

Hearing this, the man in the suit couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Dad, I originally planned to go out for a walk with you! But a big order came from the car dealership, and I had to go over and keep an eye on it in person. By the way, you are sick this time. How come the rescue was completed so quickly? Which doctor gave you the rescue?"

The old man wasn't really angry.

After all, he is his son. How can father and son have an overnight feud?

"Hey! It wasn't the doctor from the county hospital who saved me! It was a kind-hearted young man! If he hadn't given me acupuncture, I would have had to be rescued in the emergency room right now!" At the end of the sentence, the old man became stern again. Face.

The man in suit hurries

He apologized with a smile and looked around.

"What about the young man? He saved you, I should repay him no matter what!"

The old man shook his head, "The young man didn't come with me! I just woke up at that time, and I didn't have the energy to ask for his contact information. I can only wait until I have the opportunity to repay him in the future!"

Hearing this, the man in the suit couldn't help but sigh. "I didn't expect that in this world, there are still people who show kindness without repaying it!"

While the father and son were talking, Zhang Yuan in the mall had already bought the required home appliances.

The shopping guide looked at him lovingly, waiting for him to take the initiative to ask for her contact information.

Zhang Yuan is not stupid and can naturally sense the other person's thoughts.

But it's one thing to understand the other person's thoughts, and another thing to answer or not.

Even if you know it, as long as you give him a chance, the shopping guide lady will most likely come out to go shopping together tonight.

But Zhang Yuan didn't intend to have any special relationship with the other party. He just smiled and thanked him, and then left with the delivery truck.

When the shopping guide saw this, she immediately looked disappointed. She pouted her lips and cursed Zhang Yuan secretly for being a straight man who didn't know how to be romantic.

What she didn't see was that the young woman in charge of collecting money at the cashier desk not far away was looking at her with her lips curled up in disdain.

The young woman also took action just now. She lied that she had calculated a few extra dollars and wanted to increase Zhang Yuan's prestige and transfer the money to him.

Zhang Yuan waved his hand coolly and said he didn't want the few dollars, and declined the young woman's request for prestige.

The young woman's attempts to take the initiative failed.

I was still thinking about the shopping guide who was waiting for Zhang Yuan to take the initiative to ask for his contact information, but naturally it was impossible to do so!

Not long after, Zhang Yuan returned to the village with the home appliances he bought in a majestic manner.

In view of the large quantity and large amount of home appliances he bought, the mall specially sent two trucks, one large and one small, to take Zhang Yuan home this time.

The big truck pulls home appliances, while the small truck is specially designed to pull Zhang Yuan's electric three-wheeler.

When he came, he came on an electric tricycle. When he left, he couldn't ride back on an electric tricycle.

When the two trucks returned to the village, they caused another sensation in the village.

If we say that Zhang Yuan bought a few Simmons beds last time, it was just because he bought so many beds that they seemed a bit strange.

So this time, it’s not just the quantity that attracts everyone.

But it’s the high price of these home appliances!

The villagers stood on the roadside to watch and kept talking.

"Hey! Look at that truck, it's full of all kinds of household appliances! Big color TV! Big refrigerator! Washing machine! It's fully automatic!"

"You haven't seen it over there yet! There are several air conditioners over there! There is also a vertical cabinet air conditioner! Tsk tsk! How much does this cost!"

"There's more there! Have you seen that chair? It's not an ordinary chair. I've seen it in shopping malls in the county before. It's called a massage chair! It can automatically massage when you plug it in! It's so comfortable!"

"Oh my god! Doesn't this cost thirty to forty thousand yuan in total? Isn't Zhang Yuan's family too rich? He is really willing to spend money!"

"Thirty thousand or forty thousand? Are you kidding me? Thirty or forty thousand is enough to buy off-brand electrical appliances! But look at the brands on those appliances, they are all famous brands! They cost at least sixty or seventy thousand!"


Everyone was talking about the household appliances Zhang Yuan bought.

The villagers were even more shocked when they learned that these electrical appliances were worth RMB 60,000 to RMB 70,000.

Generous, absolutely generous!

Ordinary people buy a big color TV or air conditioner

, is considered a rare thing.

But as soon as Zhang Yuan took action, he actually bought so many brand-name home appliances, spending 60,000 to 70,000 yuan without blinking an eye!

Especially the electric massage chair, a novel electrical appliance, shocked the villagers even more.

Novel things often shock people the most!

Among the onlookers, in addition to the envious and shocked villagers, there were also many jealous and even unkind looks.

Liang Qiaoling, who once had a dispute with Zhang Yuan and was slapped by Zhang Yuan in public, looked at the household appliances in the car with vicious eyes.

"It's so unreasonable! Why can Zhang Yuan's family have so much money to afford so many appliances? There are also brand-name fully automatic washing machines! Ours is a semi-automatic washing machine! They have so much money, they should give away fully automatic washing machines. Give it to us!" Liang Qiaoling thought viciously in her heart.

The overall environment in Xiawan Village is relatively poor, and many villagers do not have washing machines at home.

In line with the principle of saving money and washing powder, everyone in the village tries to wash clothes by hand.

Liang Qiaoling was the first among the surrounding families to buy a washing machine.

At that time, she even put the washing machine in front of her house to wash clothes, as if she was afraid that no one would see it!

During those two days, dirty water from washing clothes was everywhere in front of their house, which really disgusted the surrounding residents.

When Liang Qiaoling usually chats with the women in the village, she always shows off from time to time that she has a washing machine at home, so she doesn't have to bend down to wash clothes.

But now that Zhang Yuan's family has also bought a washing machine, and it is a fully automatic washing machine, Liang Qiaoling has no bragging rights.

What's more, what Zhang Yuan's family bought was not just a fully automatic washing machine.

Air conditioners, color TVs, refrigerators, and other major household appliances are all included!

There’s even a novel electric massage chair!

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