Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 559 Watertight, Mr. Weng’s Thoughts

A dragon among men like Zhang Yuan is destined to soar to the sky.

When he became successful, he would naturally be able to take Zheng Qiuyue and their two children with him!

Thinking of this, Old Zhengtou felt much happier.

"Okay! Since Brother Yuan has spoken to intercede for you, I will take out a thousand yuan from your salary and treat it as your performance!" Old Zhengtou said in a deep voice.

Zhang Yuan smiled and shook his head, "Old village chief, you are wrong! You are not taking money from his salary as performance. Performance is in addition to salary! As a deputy supervisor, Yang Xin's salary is higher than that of ordinary workers. High five hundred.”

"But the performance of one thousand yuan is in addition to his salary! When the time comes, Sister Qiuyue will just come and receive the normal salary every month! I will pay the performance to Brother Yang alone!"

As soon as his words came out, Lao Zhengtou was immediately moved.

He is truly worthy of being the "good son-in-law" he considers to be, Zhang Yuan is so reasonable!

If he hadn't been worried about affecting his own image, Lao Zheng would have wanted to speak openly and confirm the relationship between Zhang Yuan and Zheng Qiuyue in front of Yang Xin.

But he knew that he couldn't do that, at least not yet!

At the moment, Zhang Yuan and Zheng Qiuyue just have a relationship, and they don't have children yet.

When their child is born in the future, it will be a formal showdown and a clear relationship between the two families.

After thinking about it, Old Zheng laughed and said, "As expected of Brother Yuan, he does everything impeccably! Yang Xin, why don't you thank Brother Yuan quickly!"

Yang Xin hurriedly thanked Zhang Yuan, "Brother Yuan, thank you! Thank you!"

"We are all our own people, don't be so polite!" Zhang Yuan said casually.

What he meant was that they were all in the same boat and had a common enemy, Zhang Weimin.

But when these words fell into the ears of Yang Xin and Lao Zhengtou, their taste changed.

Old Zhengtou smiled and nodded, thinking that Zhang Yuan was indeed not the kind of person to just eat up and leave. He still had feelings for Zheng Qiuyue.

Yang Xin had a deeper understanding and wondered whether Zhang Yuan was hinting to him to arrange another match?

If this is the case, then you really have to look for opportunities to prepare yourself when you turn around!

Zhang Yuan had no idea what Old Zheng and his son-in-law were thinking.

If he knew what they were thinking, Zhang Yuande would probably be so shocked that he could not speak for a long time.

Later, Zhang Yuan asked Lao Zhengtou his views on ecological fish farming.

Lao Zhengtou said that although he was not familiar with paddy field ecological fish farming, he had actually heard of someone raising fish in paddy fields when he was young, and the effect was said to be very good!

At the same time, Lao Zhengtou was also willing to give Zhang Yuan his own paddy field for free.

Of course Zhang Yuan couldn't agree, saying that renting would be enough, not free.

Now Lao Zhengtou was not happy and insisted on letting Zhang Yuan use the water field for free. He also said with an unhappy face that if Zhang Yuan insisted on paying rent, he would not come to his house in the future.

Zhang Yuan was helpless and had no choice but to nod and agree.

However, he made up his mind that at worst, he would secretly give the rent to Zheng Qiuyue.

The reason why he didn't give it to Yang Xin was because if he got the money, he might keep it secretly, so it was safer to give it to Zheng Qiuyue.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan agreed to use their paddy fields for free, Old Zhengtou smiled again.

If my father-in-law's paddy field is used by his son-in-law, would it be reasonable if he still charges money?

As for Zhang Yuan's arrangement of work for Yang Xin, in the eyes of Lao Zheng,

It became his son-in-law's filial piety.

The son-in-law's filial piety must be taken as expected, and the father-in-law must not be vague when it comes to being generous to his son-in-law!

This is Lao Zhengtou’s principle of doing things!

After some discussion, Zhang Yuan left Lao Zheng's house with satisfaction.

He learned a lot about ecological fish farming in paddy fields from Lao Zhengtou.

Although Old Zhengtou didn't understand technology, the rumors he heard still brought a lot of help to Zhang Yuan.

After leaving the house, Zhang Yuan called Zheng Shuai and learned that Zheng Shuai was at home, so he was going to go to his house to talk to him.

A few minutes later, Zheng Shuai's home.

Zhang Yuan sat on the sofa, and Zheng Shuai poured him tea with a smile.

"Boss, why did you come to the door in person? Just call me and I can come over, okay?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "I just happened to go to the old village chief's place. I stopped by your house to talk to you about the new project!"

Hearing Zhang Yuan talk about the new project, Zheng Shuai's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Boss, do you mean that a new project is about to be launched?"

Zhang Yuan nodded, "Yes! The new project of paddy field ecological fish farming will be launched soon! That's why I came to you to talk about it!"

"Great! Boss, I've been ready here for a long time! I'm just waiting for your call, boss, and I'll do whatever you ask me to do!" Zheng Shuai said hurriedly.

Zhang Yuan motioned for him to sit down, and then he talked about paddy field ecological fish farming.

Considering that Zheng Shuai didn't know what ecological fish farming was, Zhang Yuan went out of his way to explain it to him.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Shuai suddenly slapped his thigh after hearing this.

"Do you think this is a coincidence? Ecological fish farming, I understand this!"

Zhang Yuan was surprised

Looking at Zheng Shuai, "Do you know about ecological fish farming?"

"That's right! Don't forget, boss, that I only have a junior high school degree, but when I went to work in other places, I actually did ecological fish farming!" Zheng Shuai said excitedly.

Zhang Yuan also became interested now, "Education is not the key! I only have a junior high school degree! You just said that you have done ecological fish farming, is it true or false?"

"Of course it's true! When I went out to work, a friend of my boss was engaged in ecological fish farming. He was short of people there, so he asked me to come and help. I stayed there for two months, and what I did every day was ecological fish farming. Work!" Zheng Shuai's tone was filled with excitement.

Zhang Yuan laughed immediately.

I never thought there could be such a coincidence in the world.

Originally, he was thinking about whether to let Zheng Shuai go to a training class to study.

Now it seems that maybe even the money for training can be saved!

"Zheng Shuai, tell me about the situation at that time!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Zheng Shuai nodded quickly and told about his experience of helping people with ecological fish farming.

Only then did Zhang Yuan learn that the ecological fish farming that Zheng Shuai was exposed to at that time was actually a circular culture using chicken manure and pig manure.

There is still a big difference from the paddy field ecological fish farming that Zhang Yuanyu engages in.

However, as the saying goes, different paths lead to the same goal, in the final analysis, these two methods are ecological fish farming.

Zheng Shuai has previous experience, and I believe he will be more comfortable managing paddy field ecological fish farming in the future.

"Okay! Very good! Zheng Shuai, I now announce that you are the director of the paddy field ecological fish farming project! Then let Yang Xin be your deputy. You work hard. When you make money, there will be many benefits for you!" Zhang Yuan patted Zheng Shuai on the shoulder.

When he learned that Yang Xin was going to be his deputy, Zheng Shuai rolled his eyes and quickly figured out the connection.

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