Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 657: Whole grains, good and bad

But why do men become particularly depressed after losing too much essence?

No matter how much high-protein food you eat, you won't be able to make up for it for a while.

To put it another way, the protein content in the blood is high, right?

And it’s hemoglobin that’s more important than ordinary protein!

But why do people have so much nosebleeds, even several times the amount of male essence?

But people who have nosebleeds afterwards don’t feel any physical discomfort?

In the final analysis, a man’s essence also contains his own vitality!

The method of Western medicine that only detects nutritional components will not work when it comes to vitality and physical fitness!

China has been eating whole grains since ancient times, and millet porridge is the most suitable way to nourish the stomach according to the physique of the descendants of Yan and Huang.

Gringos drink ice water all day, but they are still lively and energetic?

But if people in China drink ice water, they will feel sick soon.

This is the difference between races!

Maybe foreigners are not used to drinking millet porridge, but Huaxia is the most adaptable to millet porridge!

According to Wang Chunhua's physical condition, she could have relied on a bowl of millet porridge every morning, plus Zhang Yuan's traditional Chinese medicine honey, to slowly regulate her internal organs.

However, considering that Wang Chunhua runs a small restaurant by herself and is usually very busy, it will be impossible if she has no energy!

That's why Zhang Yuan thought of using acupuncture and medicinal baths to help Wang Chunhua absorb the decoction taken internally.

In this way, Wang Chunhua can recover completely with only a few treatments.

Zhang Yuan had previously decided on a formal treatment plan, which was to take Wang Chunhua to a bathhouse in the town and open a private room where she could take a wooden bath!

The wooden barrel in the single room of the town's bathhouse is large, which is enough for making medicinal baths, and can also prevent Wang Chunhua's beauty from leaking out.

But before that, Zhang Yuan had to prepare the decoction for Wang Chunhua to take internally, as well as the Chinese medicinal liquid for medicinal bath.

For this reason, he specially drove to the town to buy medicine at the traditional Chinese medicine store in the town.

This is not the first time Zhang Yuan has come to the traditional Chinese medicine store in the town.

In the past, the Chinese medicine powder he prepared was bought from the Chinese medicine store in the town.

Although this traditional Chinese medicine store in the town is not large in scale, it is better because the medicinal materials are genuine, but the price of the medicinal materials is a little high.

But Zhang Yuan doesn't care, all he pursues is quality!

It doesn’t matter if it’s more expensive!

Just don’t use those fake and substandard goods to fill up your account!

Why is the traditional Chinese medicine industry criticized by so many people today?

On the one hand, there are too many Chinese medicine practitioners of mixed quality, and on the other hand, the quality of Chinese medicinal materials is not good!

The conscience of today's businessmen can be said to be completely broken!

The medicinal properties of artificially grown Chinese medicinal materials are not as good as wild medicinal materials.

But even so, they will still cheat and pass off inferior products.

If Chinese medicine doctors are soldiers fighting a war, then Chinese medicinal materials are the guns and bullets in their hands!

The guns and bullets are fake. If you take a toy gun and charge on the battlefield, it’s amazing that you can win the war!

Arriving at the traditional Chinese medicine store in the town, Zhang Yuan had just entered the door when the old traditional Chinese medicine doctor in the store recognized him and greeted him with a smile.

"Young man, are you here to buy medicine again this time? Do you want to make it into Chinese medicine powder?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and shook his head, "This time there is no need to make traditional Chinese medicine into powder! Just give me the medicine according to these two prescriptions! You must get the best medicine! It doesn't matter if it's more expensive!"

The old Chinese medicine doctor stroked his beard and said, "Don't worry! The prices of medicinal materials in our pharmacy are a bit high, but they are absolutely genuine!"

While talking, he answered

He passed the prescription in Zhang Yuan's hand, glanced at it twice, and suddenly let out a soft sigh.

"You have a prescription here for taking a medicinal bath, right? This prescription cannot be taken internally! If taken internally, problems will occur!"

Zhang Yuan nodded and said, "That's right! That prescription is used for medicinal baths! I've been here not just once or twice, but when have you seen anything go wrong with the prescription I prescribed?"

"That's true. Although you look young, your medical skills are really good! Better than my old man!" The old Chinese doctor couldn't help but sigh.

After seeing Zhang Yuan's prescriptions several times, the old Chinese medicine doctor had to be convinced. Zhang Yuan's medical skills were definitely superior to his.

However, he is not the kind of stubborn old man who refuses to admit defeat. It is no longer the time when he followed the master as an apprentice and worked as a handyman for several years before learning medical skills.

A truly talented student in a medical university, after a few years of experience after graduation, his prescribing skills are no worse than that of an ordinary old Chinese doctor like him.

The old Chinese medicine doctor obviously regarded Zhang Yuan as such a talented student.

If only he knew that Zhang Yuan only graduated from junior high school and never even attended high school, let alone any medical university.

It is estimated that the eyes of the old Chinese medicine doctor will pop out!

Afterwards, the old Chinese doctor ordered his assistant to prepare the medicine according to the prescription, while he chatted with Zhang Yuan.

During the chat, he asked Zhang Yuan which medical university he graduated from and where he was currently employed.

Zhang Yuan responded casually, saying that he opened a small clinic at home, but did not say anything about his academic qualifications.

There is no way, my junior high school diploma is really useless!

Normally, that would be fine. Zhang Yuan actually doesn't care about his academic level.

But the old Chinese medicine doctor in front of him already regarded him as a top student of the medical university.

If he suddenly found out that he had just graduated from junior high school, Zhang Yuan was worried whether the old Chinese medicine doctor's heart would

Can't live.

While the two were chatting, an outsider came to the pharmacy.

Zhang Yuan glanced casually and was suddenly stunned. Unexpectedly, he met an acquaintance!

The visitor’s name was Xu Chengming, and his previous home was in their Xiawan Village.

Xu Chengming's father was a doctor at the town hospital. Later, he bought a house in the town and the family moved to the town.

Zhang Yuan and Xu Chengming often played together when they were young. Xu Chengming was younger than him and always treated him as a big brother and followed him.

Zhang Yuan also took good care of this little brother. If anyone bullied Xu Chengming, he would protect Xu Chengming. The relationship between the two was pretty good.

However, after Xu Chengming moved and became a "townie", the exchanges between the two gradually decreased.

When Zhang Yuan went to the town to attend junior high school, he met Xu Chengming by chance at school.

At that time, he seemed very surprised and took the initiative to say hello to Xu Chengming.

But Xu Chengming told him impatiently that although they knew each other, don't expect him to invite Zhang Yuan to his house for dinner, let alone live in his house!

He also said that rural people are rural people, and they know how to eat and drink and take advantage all day long.

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yuan was stunned.

He never thought about going to Xu Chengming's house to have a meal, let alone staying in Xu Chengming's house.

I just didn’t expect that in just a few years, my former little brother would turn into this!

The philistine didn't say anything, but he still looked at people through the crack in the door!

They even consider themselves “urban people” and look down on rural people!

Xu Chengming forgot that he was also born in a rural area!

At that time, Zhang Yuan glanced at Xu Chengming coldly, and never talked to him again, pretending that he did not know this person.

Xu Chengming was also happy and would not take the initiative to contact Zhang Yuan.

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