Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 698 Not interested, planting rice in paddy fields

If Zhang Yuan can drive Zhang Weimin out of the position of village chief in a few years.

When Zhang Yuan becomes the village chief, the living standards of everyone in the village will definitely be better than now!

At least Zhang Yuan will not buy or sell the quota of poor households, nor will he enrich his own pockets with subsidies issued by superiors.

He himself is the most profitable person in the village. I am afraid that even if Lin Zhongfei's father Lin is resurrected, Zhang Yuan will not be able to make money!

The Lin Family Timber Factory was something Lao Lin had built up over half his life!

But what about Zhang Yuan?

But in just a few months, he has already made great achievements, much better than Lao Lin!

Zhang Yuan himself has money, so how can he value the little fortune in the village committee?

If he becomes the village chief, he will definitely make the villagers of Xiawan Village happier! ??

Zhang Yuan didn't know that some people in the village had begun to look forward to him becoming the village chief.

However, even if he knew, Zhang Yuan would probably just laugh it off.

In fact, he is not very interested in the position of village chief!

If given the chance, Zhang Yuan would indeed pull Zhang Weimin down from the position of village chief.

But this does not mean that he will replace Zhang Weimin as the village chief!

How troublesome it is to be a village chief!

Not only do I have to deal with various affairs in the village, but I also have to go to the town for meetings from time to time.

Zhang Yuan is a lazy person who doesn't like to be bound by too many rules.

Otherwise, he would not have opened a clinic in the village.

With his medical skills, he can definitely work as a specially appointed expert in a county hospital or a higher-level hospital!

Zhang Yuan is currently busy selecting fish fry and planting rice in paddy fields.

The early rice season has passed and now is the time to transplant late rice.

Zhang Yuan planned to transplant the rice seedlings and release the fish fry at the same time, but there still had to be a sequence of transplanting the rice seedlings first and then releasing the fish fry.

He has already chosen where to buy water from

The rice seedlings are here.

There is a special rice seedling cultivation base in the town, just buy it from there!

Someone in the village had bought it from there before, and it was said that the quality was pretty good.

Zhang Yuan does not have high requirements for the quality of rice. His focus is still on ecological fish farming.

As for the fry, you have to think carefully about it.

Zhang Yuan had learned before that when raising fish in paddy fields, grass carp, carp, crucian carp, tilapia, catfish, loach, etc. are generally raised.

But he couldn't raise all these fish at once, as that would easily lead to management chaos.

After careful consideration and consultation with the old couple, Zhang Yuan finally decided to mainly use grass carp, with a small amount of crucian carp and loach.

At first he thought about raising carp as well, because grass carp and carp are the most common fish in restaurants.

Moreover, grass carp is in the upper layer and carp is in the lower layer. The feces of grass carp are just food for the carp.

But Zhang Dashan reminded Zhang Yuan that it is okay to raise grass carp and carp together in fish ponds, but not in shallow paddy fields.

Carp live at the bottom, and because of their living habits, they will pollute the water quality at the bottom, which can easily lead to grass carp getting sick.

There was no other way, so Zhang Yuan finally had no choice but to give up and exclude the carp.

As for why we raise loach, it is because Zhang Yuanjian Hotel has dishes about loach, such as fried loach, fried loach, loach soup and so on.

Nowadays, rich people like to enjoy themselves and spend all day drinking and drinking, so their status in that aspect will definitely decline.

At this time, drink a bowl of loach soup to replenish energy, and you will be energetic the next day!

That’s why Zhang Yuancai specifically chose loach.

Just when he was about to make a decision to raise these three kinds of fish.

Suddenly, Chu Xueqi on the side said, "Don't just raise these three! Add another kind of fish! Silver carp! The fish head with chopped pepper and fish head soup made in my sister's restaurant are both made from silver carp. !”

Zhang Yuan's eyes lit up, "Really? Then add some silver carp!"

Although Zhang Yuan's positioning of paddy field fish farming is to supply large quantities of fish and sell them in the county's aquatic product market.

But if Chu Xueyan's hotel wanted to make a purchase, Zhang Yuan would not refuse, but would welcome it.

At that time, including Tianhe Hotel, Qinghe Hotel and Fulinmen Hotel, as long as they are willing to buy fish from Zhang Yuan, Zhang Yuan will not refuse.

Seeing Zhang Yuan accept her proposal so happily, Chu Xueqi looked calm on the surface, but felt sweet in her heart.

This was one of the rare times when Zhang Yuan did not oppose her!

Early the next morning, Zhang Yuan went to the rice seedling breeding base in the town and bought rice seedlings on six acres of land.

After buying rice seedlings and returning to the village, he went directly to the paddy fields.

Beside the paddy fields, the six people Zheng Shuai and Zhang Yuan had just recruited were already here.

Seeing Zhang Yuan arriving, they all greeted Zhang Yuan respectfully.

"Hi boss!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and nodded, "Hello, everyone! You all know what I told you yesterday, right? In our paddy field fish farming project, before releasing fish fry, we have to plant rice in the paddy field first! So, thank you for your hard work today. Immediately, transplant all these rice seedlings into the paddy fields!"

Everyone nodded, they already knew it.

Then Zhang Yuan ordered Zheng Shuai to take people to take the rice seedlings out of the car.

Transplanting rice seedlings in paddy fields is a tiring job, but it does not require much strength.

According to the normal progress, each person will

The sky and the land for transplanting rice seedlings are equal to normal, which is considered normal.

If it's one acre of land, that's almost the limit.

In fact, Zhang Yuan originally planned to find a few more workers who were good at rice transplanting and asked them to come and help. The two of them would be responsible for one acre of paddy field.

But he later changed his mind.

Zhang Yuan is already doing good things in recruiting employees this time.

Whether it was Liu Xuefa or Lu Xiuxiu, they would never find a job with such good pay and easy work.

Zhang Yuan gave them a job, and it was up to them to see if they were willing to work hard!

Today's rice transplanting work is very heavy. Except for the supervisor Zheng Shuai, everyone else has to be allocated one acre of paddy field.

As for Zheng Shuai, Zhang Yuan positioned him as a firefighter. If anyone needed help, Zheng Shuai would go over and help.

Today's rice transplanting is the internship arranged by Zhang Yuan for these employees!

If one or a few of them perform very poorly, Zhang Yuan will consider whether to fire them!

After all, he doesn't run a charity, and he doesn't owe these people anything.

Zhang Yuan gave them the opportunity to get rich through hard work. Whether they can seize it or not depends on them!

Even if Old Zhengtou knew about it, he would definitely say that Zhang Yuan did a good job!

After handing over the work, Zhang Yuan took Zheng Shuai aside and whispered to him to observe everyone's performance today and report back to him later.

Zheng Shuai was also a smart man. He immediately understood Zhang Yuan's intention and immediately said that he would keep an eye on these people.

Then Zhang Yuan told Zheng Shuai that if an employee really couldn't bear it any longer, he would let the other employee rest or help him share part of the work, especially Wang Xiaojiang, a young man.

After giving instructions to Zheng Shuai, Zhang Yuan encouraged everyone a few more words, and then left after all the seedlings were moved from the car.

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