Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 700 Advance salary and purchase fish fry

Zhang Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Wang Xiaojiang had misunderstood what he meant.

At this time, Zheng Shuai walked up to Zhang Yuan and whispered, "Xiao Jiang has always been worried about being fired by his boss, and he really has nowhere to go, so he reacted so strongly."

Zhang Yuan nodded, meaning that he understood.

He smiled and waved to Wang Xiaojiang, "Come here! This money is not the wages I settle for you! It's the salary I'll give you in advance!"

"Advance salary?" Wang Xiaojiang was stunned.

Zhang Yuan said solemnly, "That's right! You are different from others. Everyone else has money. It's okay to wait until the end of the month to pay them wages. But you can't. You are alone and have no money. If I don't pay If you advance your salary, can you still work for me hungry?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Xiaojiang's eyes instantly turned red, and he knelt directly in front of Zhang Yuan.

"Boss, you are so kind to me!"

Wang Xiaojiang really has no money in his hands. If Zhang Yuan doesn't advance his salary in advance, I'm afraid he will have to dig wild vegetables in the fields if he wants to pay his salary at the end of this month!

Wang Xiaojiang, who had been worried about being fired by Zhang Yuan, did not dare to advance his salary from Zhang Yuan.

A young man like him would never be hired.

Zhang Yuan giving him a job was already a great gift. How could Wang Xiaojiang dare to ask for an advance salary advance?

He never expected that Zhang Yuan would take the initiative to advance his salary.

This move really made Wang Xiaojiang very grateful.

Seeing Wang Xiaojiang kneeling towards him, Zhang Yuan quickly helped him up.

"Silly boy, why do you kowtow so often? Hurry up and keep this money! I originally wanted to advance you a thousand, but I was afraid that you would spend it frivolously, so I didn't give you that much! Take the money and go back to buy some rice and noodles, and then go to the neighboring village to cut two thousand You’ve got a pound of meat, take a good supplement! At your age, you’re eating a lot and growing taller, so eat more!


Wang Xiaojiang nodded with red eyes, "Boss, I understand!"

Zhang Yuan patted him on the shoulder, "That's good! You go home! It's time for Zheng Shuai and I to leave too!"

Then Zhang Yuan and Zheng Shuai left together, leaving Wang Xiaojiang alone standing there holding the money.

At this moment, Wang Xiaojiang looked at Zhang Yuan's leaving back and secretly vowed in his heart that he would work hard for Zhang Yuan in the future and never let Zhang Yuan down.

Zhang Yuan still felt very sorry for a helpless orphan like Wang Xiaojiang.

If Wang Xiaojiang expressed his willingness to continue going to school, Zhang Yuan would really give him money to go to school.

But Wang Xiaojiang was not the type to study, and he had no intention of going to school. Working under Zhang Yuan was his own choice.

After planting the rice seedlings the day before, everyone was very tired, so Zhang Yuan simply gave them a day off.

Anyway, we have to wait two more days to release fish fry, until the rice seedlings take root, and then release fish fry into the paddy fields.

And because the rice seedlings did not take deep roots, Zhang Yuan had to specially select small-sized fry when releasing them.

Otherwise, the fry will be too big and run rampant in the rice fields, which will knock the rice seedlings sideways.

The employees rest at home, but Zhang Yuan, the boss, cannot rest. He has to go to the county to select fish fry.

The quality of the fry directly determines the quality of the fish raised in the future.

So you must choose the best fry so that you can raise the best fish!

Zhang Yuan arrived at the aquatic product market and walked around inside. When he saw a fish seller, he went up to ask.

At first the fish stall owners thought he was

We are here to buy fish, and everyone is very enthusiastic.

But when they learned that Zhang Yuan was here to buy fish fry, he might be a competitor.

For a while, all the stall owners had droopy faces and were too lazy to pay attention to him.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan could only shake his head helplessly, saying that people nowadays are too realistic.

If you don't give them some benefit, don't even think about asking them anything.

He went out to find a small supermarket and bought two packs of Yuxi cigarettes, then returned to the aquatic products market and found an old fish seller with a relatively kind face.

When they met, Zhang Yuan first handed the old man a cigarette.

When the old man saw that it was Yuxi Yan, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Consumption in the county is low, and most people smoke cigarettes that cost more than ten yuan or even less.

Although the old man is a fish seller, he is reluctant to smoke more than 20 Yuxi cigarettes.

He took the cigarette, took out a lighter, lit it, and took a puff.

"Young man, I saw you just now! You were walking around in the market, probably not to buy fish, right?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and nodded, "Uncle, you are really discerning. I am indeed not here to buy fish, but to buy fry!"

"Huh? Buying fish fry? Then what are you doing here? There are fish sellers everywhere! But there are no fish sellers!" the old man said in surprise.

Zhang Yuan shrugged

"Don't I want to buy some good fish fry? Although I can go directly to those fish fry breeding bases, but I am not familiar with those places and I am afraid that I will choose the wrong place and buy low-quality fish fry!"

"When you come to the market, you should be able to ask knowledgeable people who know which fry breeding base has the best fry quality. Even if the price is higher! It doesn't matter if the price is high, all I pursue is quality!"

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