Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 707: Laughing like a chrysanthemum, feeling panicked

"Okay! See you are an honest person! Then I won't let you pay the deposit for now! Remember to pick up the goods tomorrow afternoon and bring cash!" said the old woman.

Zhang Yuan immediately said, "No problem! It's settled then! It's too noisy here, hang up first!"

After speaking, Zhang Yuan hung up the phone.

At Zhang Yuan's house, he was sitting on the sofa, holding his own mobile phone in one hand and Chu Xueqi's high-end mobile phone in the other.

The high-end mobile phone has a noisy video taken at the high-speed rail station!

The noise that the old woman heard just now came from Chu Xueqi's mobile phone.

Chu Xueqi looked at Zhang Yuan with a puzzled look, "Zhang Yuan, why did you lie and say you were at the high-speed rail station?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan explained, "The old man and the old woman want to trick me. If that's the case, then I will trick them in turn! This time I have to make them cry!"

The next morning, Old Man Wu sent his son and daughter-in-law to the county town to look at the county stalls. He himself went to the fish fry breeding base and bought more than 50,000 fish fry!

And in order to keep the business going for a longer period of time, he specially bought grass carp fry for 20 cents a piece.

As a result, the cost of buying fish fry alone cost Old Man Wu more than 10,000 yuan!

But when he thought about how he could earn more than 30,000 yuan by selling the fry later, Old Man Wu didn't feel distressed anymore.

Even the people at the fish fry breeding base advised Old Man Wu to buy less fish fry. Fish fry are sold and cannot be returned or exchanged.

But Old Man Wu only wanted to make money from Zhang Yuan and those two stupid brothers who didn't exist at all, and he didn't even listen to what the staff said.

When I got home at noon, the old lady looked at the many fish fry that Old Man Wu had brought, and she was so happy that her face turned into a chrysanthemum smile.

In her eyes, these are all money!

They just have to wait until Zhang Yuan comes to pick up the fry in the afternoon, and then they can make a net profit of two yuan.

Ten thousand yuan!

Twenty thousand yuan, how many fish do they have to sell to make so much money!

Raising fish is so laborious, and selling fish is even more laborious when you can’t sell them!

In comparison, this way makes money faster!

The old woman had a chrysanthemum smile on her face, "Old man, you are really capable! If our son could be half as capable as you, I would be relieved!"

Old man Wu looked proud, but secretly thinking in his heart, if his son Wu Laoer could be half as good as him in bed, he wouldn't be able to look down on his wife!

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, the old woman started mumbling.

"It's already three o'clock, why isn't that guy who bought fish fry here yet? Didn't he say that he would go back to the county at noon? How about... I call to urge him?"

Old man Wu was sitting there with his legs crossed, smoking a cigarette, looking like an old man.

"Why are you anxious? At this time, we must not be anxious! We are quirky characters who don't have to worry about selling good things! We have to hold on! When that silly boy comes later, we have to blame him for coming early! If we had come a little later, these fry would have been sold to an old regular customer!”

The old woman's eyes shone, "This is a good idea! When that guy comes back, I'll tell him this! By the way, shouldn't you go to the back so that the guy doesn't recognize you?"

"Haha, no need! When the boy recognized me, I pretended to be inscrutable and said that I sold him my good fish fry just because he gave me cigarettes yesterday. ! Maybe that kid will think that I am some powerful person hiding in the market!" Old Man Wu sneered.

When the old lady heard this, she smiled like a flower in full bloom.

Juhua: "Okay, okay! Just say it! Just say it!"

The two of them continued to sit there and wait, chatting about homely matters while waiting.

Little did they know that in a corner outside his store, a pair of eyes were staring at the two of them in the store!

This person is none other than Bi Chengfei!

Zhang Yuan treated Bi Chengfei to a big meal at noon today. During the meal, he told Bi Chengfei his revenge plan.

Bi Chengfei was surprised and happy to learn that Zhang Yuan could actually trick Old Man Wu when he was tricked by him.

He hated Wu Laoer's family with all his heart, except of course Wu Laoer's daughter-in-law.

Bi Chengfei couldn't be more happy to see Old Man Wu being ruined and even having to pay tens of thousands of dollars.

He had previously inquired about the fry breeding base where Wu Laohan purchased fish fry, and after informing Zhang Yuan, Zhang Yuan contacted the staff there by phone. ??

With just a few words, the other party took the initiative to tell me that they had a regular customer who directly bought more than 50,000 fish fry in the morning.

The grass carp fry inside can be bought for 20 cents each.

After learning the news, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but be happy.

It seems that Mr. Wu wants to make long-term money, so he is willing to buy grass carp fry for 20 cents a piece.

If he only bought grass carp fry for a dime each, and a large number of fry died when Zhang Yuan was raising fish, he would definitely doubt the quality of the fry.

But if it were a fry that cost two cents a piece, Zhang Yuan would not have so many doubts!

If I hadn't seen through Old Man Wu's tricks in advance, I might have been tricked by him!

After Zhang Yuan sent Bi Chengfei back to Sanshan Town, Bi Chengfei spontaneously ran to Wu Laoer's store to gather information.

Watching the store and chatting leisurely

The old man Wu and his wife were even heard laughing frequently, and Bi Chengfei had a sneer on his face.

"Old man, laugh! Wait until evening, and I'll see if you can still laugh!"

Time passed by, and when it was four o'clock, Zhang Yuan still didn't come to get the fry.

Now not only the old woman, but also Old Man Wu himself felt a little unsure.

He quickly asked the old woman to call Zhang Yuan and ask him why he still didn't come over.

The old lady called her, and Zhang Yuan apologized profusely on the other side, saying that his friend's matter had just been settled and he was on his way to the high-speed rail station.

Before six o'clock in the evening, you must bring cash to pick up the goods.

The old woman became more angry and said that if Zhang Yuan could not come before six o'clock, she would sell the fry to other customers. She also claimed that other customers would be eager to buy her fry.

Zhang Yuan spoke kindly again, asking her to be more patient and saying that he would definitely arrive before six o'clock.

After hanging up the phone, the old lady breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Old Man Wu.

"Old man, it's okay! That guy is on his way to the high-speed rail station! He said he can arrive before six o'clock, so let's just wait two more hours!"

Old man Wu was not as relaxed as the old woman.

For some reason, he always felt a little panicked.

This is a fry worth more than 10,000 yuan!

If Zhang Yuan doesn't come to pick up the goods, all these fry will be destroyed!

Their family just released fish fry a few days ago, and there is no place to store these fry.

The two of them waited until six o'clock with anxiety.

At six o'clock, Zhang Yuan hadn't come yet!

Old man Wu shouted directly to the old woman, "Call that boy! Ask him why he doesn't come!"

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