Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 710 It’s a parallel import, that’s impossible

Zhang Yuan and Liu Ruolan were outside.

Liu Ruolan couldn't see the results posted on the bulletin board at all, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan directly picked up Liu Ruolan and held her on his shoulders.

Liu Ruolan exclaimed, fearing that Zhang Yuan would not be able to support her and would fall to her again.

But then she felt relieved. Zhang Yuan had shown his magical power in public before.

Don't talk about her, even if another beauty comes, Zhang Yuan can easily hold her up!

Liu Ruolan sat on Zhang Yuan's shoulders, and her sexy figure immediately attracted the attention of many male candidates.

However, the test results eventually outweighed the temptation of the beauty, and they could only turn around with tears in their hearts and continue to look for their names on the transcript.

Soon, some candidates shouted excitedly.

"I passed! I passed both the skills test and the written test! Thank you God!"

"Haha! I passed it too! And I scored more than 300 points in the written test!"

"With a written test score of 360, it's amazing that you got 300 points! I just got 280 points!"

"Alas! I failed the skills test! What's the use of passing the written test! I can only take the test again next year!"


The voices of the candidates rang out one after another. Some were shouting with joy after passing the exam, while others were sighing because they had not passed the exam.

The vast majority of candidates who failed the exam failed the skills exam.

After all, compared to the skills test, the written test is undoubtedly simpler, and most of them are common sense questions.

Candidates cannot get high scores, but passing is still no problem.

Only a very small number of candidates failed the written examination.

At this time, Liu Ruolan searched for a long time and finally found Zhang Yuan's results.

"Brother Yuan, I found your score! The skill test score is perfect!" Liu Ruolan shouted in surprise.

Hearing her voice, the candidates present all looked at Zhang Yuan.

It’s not easy to get full marks on the skills test!

For a question with a score of 100, a score of 90 is considered a high score!

Zhang Yuan can actually get full marks, it seems that he is also a hidden academic master!

Many male candidates looked at Zhang Yuan with envy. They suddenly understood why a beautiful woman like Liu Ruolan followed Zhang Yuan.

Isn’t it because Zhang Yuan is capable?

But then the written test results reported by Liu Ruolan surprised everyone present.

"What? The written test score is only 160? How is it possible?" Liu Ruolan's tone was unbelievable.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

what's the situation?

Zhang Yuan got full marks in the skills test, but only got 160 in the written test?

You know, the skills test is much more difficult than the written test!

And the two are not completely different subjects, but are inextricably related!

It's like a strong person who got full marks in mathematics in the college entrance examination, turned around and took the simple test questions of the usual high school mock exam, but failed!

It's all the same subject, how come it's so difficult to get full marks, but easy subjects fail?

While Liu Ruolan was shouting, Zhang Yuan also looked through the crowd and saw his results.

A flash of light flashed in his eyes, this is absolutely impossible!

Zhang Yuan has absolute confidence in his written test results. At the very least, he can get 3450 points, and there is no way he can only get 180 points!

If his written test score is zero, it can also be explained that he filled in the test number incorrectly, so there is no written test score.

But the problem is

, there are written test results, but the results are much worse than Zhang Yuan expected!

There is definitely something wrong with this!

Not only Zhang Yuan felt strange, but the candidates also felt strange.

"Isn't this too weird? I got a perfect score on the skills test, but I failed the written test! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it!"

"That's right, this is unreasonable! Could it be that this guy only did half of the questions in the written test and then left? That's why he only got 180 points!" .??.

"That's not true! If he only did half of the questions, he should know in his heart that he would not pass the exam. Why would he still look at the results?"

"When I took the exam, I was in the same exam room as this guy. He did hand in the paper and left early, but the paper was full of answers! I saw it all at the time!"


Everyone was talking and felt that something was wrong.

Liu Ruolan also got off Zhang Yuan and looked at Zhang Yuan with a sad face.

"Brother Yuan, do you still remember what happened during the written test? With your level, you shouldn't get such a result, right? Did you make a mistake when filling in the answer sheet?"

She actually had a vague guess in her mind, but she just couldn't believe that the guess was true.

Zhang Yuan shook his head with a serious expression, "Everything was normal at that time! There was no problem! I checked the answer sheet repeatedly, and there was no problem! Don't forget, I have taken several mock tests!"

Before the exam, Zhang Yuan specifically asked Liu Ruolan and Zhao Yan to supervise and did several mock exams in front of them.

Naturally, this also included filling in the answer sheet. Zhang Yuan would naturally not make such a low-level mistake.

When Zhang Yuan said this, Liu Ruolan felt even more uneasy. Could that guess be true?

At this time, there was a strange sound

The sound suddenly sounded.

"In my opinion! There is no way this result can be faked! He failed the written test simply because his level is not good enough! As for the perfect score in the skills test, haha! That's probably a lie! A person who fails the written test will not be able to pass the skills test. A perfect score? Who among you believes it?"

When the candidates heard this, they all felt that what this person said made sense and nodded.

"You're right! That must be the case! This is the true level of that buddy!"

"I almost forgot that you can also cheat on the skills test! This guy actually got a perfect score on the skills test. He is really lucky! No wonder he was able to get such a beautiful and sexy girl!"

"What will happen if he continues to have bad luck? When it came to the written test, didn't he still kneel down? Tsk tsk! It shows that strength is the most important thing!"

"Hey! I thought he could have such a sexy girlfriend because he was talented. Now I know that this guy is just a parallel import! That girl is probably after his money! He drives a car I know, Raptor, it costs 600,000!"

"No wonder! As expected, women nowadays only care about money and don't care whether the other person is talented or not!"


The candidates said something to each other, and the wind direction completely changed.

And the root of all this comes from the man who spoke in a weird way just now!

Zhang Yuan looked around and saw a man with a hooked nose walking over. He was the one who spoke just now!

Liu Ruolan's face turned red with anger and she stared at the other party angrily.

"Chen Weijun, it's really you! You are so mean!"

Liu Ruolan originally thought that Chen Weijun's words that he wanted to trip up Zhang Yuan were just out of anger.

After the skills test, Liu Ruolan asked Zhang Yuan specifically if anything went wrong during the test.

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