Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 719: Zhenqi cures hangover, it’s really powerful

Zhang Yuan pondered for a moment and said, "It's almost time! Let's do this. After three days, I will stop using her beauty goat milk! Let her come back to you then!"

"Okay! It's settled then! I haven't seen Xue Qi for a long time, and I miss her too!" Chu Xueyan's tone was full of joy.

The two of them had been chatting for a while. Counting the time, the food and wine had probably been served in the private room.

Zhang Yuan and Chu Xueyan also rushed over. When Chu Xueyan learned that Chen Xuancheng was here, she insisted on coming to toast.

Entering the private room, sure enough, they were pouring wine!

Seeing Zhang Yuan come back and bring Chu Xueyan with him, Chen Xuancheng laughed.

"Zhang Xiaoyou, Mr. Chu, you are here just in time! We can have a drink together!"

Chu Xueyan also smiled, "Yes, Mr. Chen, when you come here, I have to come and offer you a drink!"

While speaking, Chu Xueyan's eyes fell on Liu Ruolan, the only person in the room who could compete with her in terms of appearance.

When a beautiful woman meets a beautiful woman, there will be a silent fight!

Chu Xueyan looked Liu Ruolan up and down, and Liu Ruolan was also looking at Chu Xueyan.

Both women feel that the other is a strong rival!

Liu Ruolan sighed at Chu Xueyan's exquisite face and cold temperament.

Chu Xueyan was shocked by Liu Ruolan's proud figure, especially her hips that were comparable to those of a bodybuilding supermodel!

She couldn't help but glance at Zhang Yuan who had just walked up to Liu Ruolan. It was obvious that Liu Ruolan was Zhang Yuan's female companion.

Zhang Yuan has found such a female companion with an excellent figure. It seems that he is very confident in his own strength!

Most men who don’t have confidence would not dare to find a beauty with such a big butt!

After toasting, Chu Xueyan said a few words and left.

Her worries about Zhang Yuan and Chu Xueqi were completely gone.

There is already a woman beside Zhang Yuan,

Moreover, her appearance and figure are not inferior to Chu Xueqi's, so nothing should happen between him and Chu Xueqi.

At this time, Chu Xueyan didn't know that her sister Chu Xueqi and Zhang Yuan had already done something that she didn't even dare to think about.

If he knew, Chu Xueyan would not be so calm.

This meal can be described as a feast for both the guest and the host.

Needless to say, Zhang Yuan and Chen Xuancheng exchanged medical skills and learned a lot from each other.

The other two people, Liu Changjiang and the principal of the health school, also became familiar with Zhang Yuan and exchanged contact information.

Zhang Yuan also knew the name of the principal of the health school. His name was Feng Youdao.

Feng Youdao had an average drinking capacity and was about 70 to 80% drunk. He patted his chest and assured Zhang Yuan.

In the future, if there are children of relatives or friends at home who want to go to a medical school, just tell them that they can be admitted even if their academic performance is not up to standard.

Zhang Yuan was also happy.

Feng Youdao is an interesting person. He knows where his advantages lie, so he uses Jiu Jin to directly demonstrate his use value.

This is Feng Youdao's usual experience when communicating with those big shots.

When communicating with important people, you can't pretend or hide it, you have to tell the truth.

Of course, telling the truth is not to tell the truth stupidly, but to show your abilities and what you are good at.

In this way, when important people need you, they can come to you and get things done beautifully, thereby making them appreciate your affection.

If you boast all over the place in front of big people, you will be needed at a critical moment, but you will be in trouble.

and you

It will be over from now on!

Feng Youdao, who was well versed in this, treated Zhang Yuan the same way he treated big shots.

He knew that Zhang Yuan had just obtained the qualification to practice Chinese medicine.

But before long, he will soar into the sky!

He made up his mind to make good friends with Zhang Yuan. When Zhang Yuan becomes a big shot in the future, just a casual word may help him Feng Youdao!

After eating, Ma Rulong sent a few people to the car.

Mr. Chen and Liu Changjiang both have their own drivers, and Feng Youdao can follow Liu Changjiang.

But Zhang Yuan did not have a driver, and Liu Ruolan did not have a driver's license.

Upon seeing this, Ma Rulong said that he would send someone to send Zhang Yuan back.

Zhang Yuan waved his hand and said no. He took out the acupuncture bag from his pocket, took out a few silver needles at random, and without looking, inserted them into the Fengchi Fengfu point on the back of his head.

Then he pinched Renzhong a few more times. In less than half a minute, the smell of alcohol began to rise around Zhang Yuan, and a strong aroma of alcohol began to spread around him.

But it’s not the smell of wine that comes from a drunk person, but the real smell of wine!

After the aroma of the wine was blown away by the wind, Zhang Yuan, who was originally a little confused, had completely regained his clarity.

He casually pulled out the silver needle from the back of his head and put it back in the acupuncture bag.

This one-hand operation stunned Ma Rulong next to him.

Ma Rulong never imagined that there was such a hangover cure in the world!

Zhang Yuan drank a lot today and was already six to seven points drunk.

But now, apart from the smell of alcohol on his body, he doesn't look like he's been drinking at all!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Ma Rulong wouldn't have believed that he could still hangover like this!

"Mr. Zhang

Brother, you are really amazing! Just a few needles can relieve hangover! "Ma Rulong couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "It's just a secret method to relieve hangover! But this can't be done by just inserting a few needles. It has to be done in conjunction with Qigong practice! For most people, even acupuncture is useless!"

In fact, what Zhang Yuan did just now was just acting.

The reason why he was able to force the alcohol out of his body was not because of the injections, but because of the alcohol forced out with his true energy!

Although acupuncture is mysterious, it is not a panacea.

At least in terms of hangover relief, acupuncture is not very effective.

Just think about it, alcohol needs to be absorbed through blood flow.

Acupuncture helps blood circulation, so alcohol is absorbed faster and has no hangover effect at all.

What Zhang Yuan did just now was purely to cover up his true energy.

When Ma Rulong learned that he had to cooperate with specialized qigong, he immediately showed a disappointed look.

He originally thought about whether he should follow Zhang Yuan's example, and when he was drunk, he would also poke a few needles and pinch the philtrum, and then sober up.

Now I know that you need to learn special Qigong to match your relationship!

Qigong is so mysterious. I heard that if you don't learn it well, you may become obsessed with it.

Ma Rulong doesn't have the guts to learn qigong!

The next morning, Zhang Yuan went to the county to obtain his Chinese medicine practitioner qualification, and then went straight to the Health Bureau and the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to go through the relevant procedures for opening a clinic.

It is worth mentioning that in order for the clinic to include both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, Zhang Yuan also brought Liu Ruolan's medical license with him.

Sure enough, with both of their medical licenses, the process of getting the relevant documents was much smoother!

Basically, Zhang Yuan can complete the procedures neatly wherever he goes!

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