Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 742 Feng Shui takes turns, Qi and blood are lost

Moreover, Zhang Yuan was an honest boy at that time, and he was young, so naturally he would not have anything to do with the Black-faced King, but he had a vague impression of him.

Most of the people who were impressed by the Black Mask King were the troublemakers in the upper grades.

The black-faced king announced his identity, and the atmosphere immediately became awkward.

In order to relieve the embarrassment, Zhang Yuan coughed twice.

"It turns out to be Director Wang! In fact, I started school late. When I first entered elementary school,... Director Wang, you were transferred!"

After saying these words, Zhang Yuan subconsciously wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his forehead. .??.??

What I said just now was so smooth that I almost called out Wang Shiming's nickname.

Fortunately, Wang Shiming didn't notice it, but because of Zhang Yuan's words, his eyes became a little more happy.

"So, I didn't punish you corporally back then?" Wang Shiming said.

Zhang Yuan waved his hands repeatedly, "No, no!"

Wang Shiming breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good!"

Seeing his reaction, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

"Director Wang, listening to what you just said, could it be that..."

Zhang Yuan only said half of what he meant before Wang Shiming understood what he meant and nodded with a wry smile.

"That's right! I went to do errands some time ago and happened to meet the student I taught before. I didn't expect that he still held a grudge against me..."

At this point, Wang Shiming stopped talking.

But it was obvious that what he wanted to do was not accomplished.

Zhang Yuan couldn't comment on this either.

It is indeed appropriate for teachers to punish disobedient students.

As the saying goes, jade cannot be used until it is polished.

But the problem is the degree of punishment.

If the punishment is appropriate, when the students grow up, not only will they not hold grudges against their teachers, but they will be grateful to their teachers for being strict with them.

But if you punish excessively, or even make a fuss out of a molehill, punishing students severely for a small mistake, you will inevitably attract students.

Dissatisfaction and even resentment!

Zhang Yuan is not a party involved and does not understand the grudges between Wang Shiming and the students who were punished, so it is naturally difficult to comment.

But he heard someone talk about one thing.

It is said that a certain class teacher at County No. 1 Middle School slapped the student several times in public because the student was reading comic books during self-study class, and even called the student's parents on the spot to complain.

It's just reading comic books in self-study class. After confiscating the comic books, a few words of criticism and education are enough.

The class teacher made a fuss out of a molehill and made a big deal out of a trivial matter, seriously hurting the student.

There were rumors afterwards that the class teacher was angry because of family conflicts, so he took the opportunity to vent his anger on the students, and the students suffered an unreasonable disaster.

But what was unexpected was that things took a turn for the better. Later, after graduation, the student entered the education department, married the leader's daughter, and became a leader.

As for the class teacher at that time, the student took the opportunity to fire him, which can be said to be a loss of life.

In Zhang Yuan's view, this head teacher simply deserved it.

Bringing family conflicts into work, or even taking it out on students with emotions, such a person is not worthy of being a teacher at all!

After chatting with Wang Shiming for a few words, Zhang Yuan changed the subject, "Director Wang, let me take your pulse!"

He checked Wang Shiming's pulse and suddenly frowned.

Weird, so weird!

According to Wang Shiming's pulse, his vitality was greatly depleted and his blood was also severely depleted.

Most people's bodies will not suffer such serious losses unless they are involved in a car accident and bleed a lot.

But looking at Wang Shiming's appearance, he didn't look like he had been injured in a car accident.

Zhang Yuan

He asked in a deep voice, "Director Wang, let me ask, have you experienced any trauma and massive blood loss recently? For example, you were in a car accident?"

Wang Shiming hurriedly shook his head, "No, I've been staying at home recently and haven't been out at all. How could there be a car accident?"

"Have you donated blood recently?" Zhang Yuan continued to ask without giving up.

Wang Shiming smiled bitterly, "I have never been in good health. I would be fine without blood transfusion. How can I donate blood?"

Zhang Yuan frowned. Wang Shiming had never been in a car accident or donated blood, so how could he lose so much blood?

Even if an average person is weak and has a loss of Qi and blood, it is unlikely that he will suffer from Wang Shiming's pulse condition of severe loss of Qi and blood.

Zhang Yuan looked at Wang Shiming again for a few seconds and suddenly spoke.

"Director Wang, I have a cruel request! Can you take off your shirt? I want to see your back!"

Hearing this, Wang Shiming's expression suddenly became strange.

"Look at my back?"

Seeing his strange expression, Zhang Yuan immediately understood that Wang Shiming must have misunderstood.

He coughed twice, "Don't get me wrong, I just want to see if there are any wounds on your back that you don't know about, that's all!"

In Zhang Yuan's view, since Wang Shiming had no experience of traumatic bleeding but lost a large amount of blood, there might be some wounds that he himself was not aware of.

If it was a frontal wound, Wang Shiming would definitely be able to see it.

Since he can't see it, the wound may be on the back where he can't see it!

Only then did Wang Shiming understand what Zhang Yuan meant and couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't worry! There are no wounds on my back! I even changed my clothes in front of my wife this morning, and I didn't hear her say there was a wound on my back."

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan frowned even deeper.

Wang Shiming had no wounds on his back, so how could he lose so much energy and blood?

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