Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 755 The two men drank and were overjoyed

Zhang Yuan asked Ge Fan, "Which famous doctors have you seen before? Are they the famous doctors in our town?"

Even though Zhang Yuan's medical skills are so good that he has no rivals, he doesn't know much about the famous doctors in the town.

Now that I have opened a traditional Chinese medicine clinic, I may have to deal with these colleagues in the future, so it is wise to get to know them in advance.

Hearing this, Ge Fan replied, "I have tried the two famous doctors in our town, Fang Lao Mao and Xu Bu'er, but neither of them works!"

"Both the youngest Fang and Xu Bu'er can't do it?" Wang Shiming couldn't help but ask.

When he was first sucked by the blood centipede, he went to the youngest Fang for medical treatment.

The youngest Fang said that he had insufficient Qi and blood, so he prescribed a bunch of medicine to replenish Qi and blood.

Later, the symptoms gradually worsened, and Wang Shiming wanted to find Xu Buer, who was said to have better medical skills than the youngest Fang, but Xu Buer happened to be not at home, so he had to give up.

At this time, he accidentally heard that a miracle doctor opened a traditional Chinese medicine clinic in Xiawan Village, so he went to Xiawan Village to find Zhang Yuan.

"I've tried these two, but neither of them can do it! Xu Buer was better. After checking the old man's pulse, he said he couldn't cure it and didn't ask for money, only a travel fee. The youngest Fang was too tired. It was broken, so I prescribed a bunch of medicine to the old man, but he drank a lot of it and it was of no use!" Ge Fan said.

Wang Xiaoqiang rolled his eyes, "You just go to town to find a Chinese medicine doctor? Why don't you go to the county? The Chinese medicine doctors in the county are better than those in the town!"

Having said this, Wang Xiaoqiang suddenly felt Wang Shiming's "loving father" gaze from behind. He suddenly remembered the scene where he was beaten by a "loving father" with a stick, and hurriedly added another sentence.

"Of course, Dr. Zhang's clinic hadn't opened yet at that time. Now that Dr. Zhang's clinic has opened, if you have acquaintances who want to see a doctor in the future, just recommend them to Dr. Zhang. If Dr. Zhang takes action, the medicine will definitely cure the disease!"

When he said this, Wang Shiming withdrew his "loving father" gaze.

Zhang Yuan looked on amusedly.

He actually didn't mind that Wang

Xiaoqiang's words.

In fact, he also wanted to say that Ge Fan could go to the county to find a famous doctor, and there was no need to limit himself to the town.

However, not to mention the county, Ge Fan couldn't help but sigh.

"I have gone to the traditional Chinese medicine doctors in the county! But they are all the same, and they can't be cured! Recently, I asked someone to help me contact Mr. Chen Xuancheng, who is famous in the traditional Chinese medicine industry, but the middleman said that there are too many people making appointments with Mr. Chen. queue."

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

Chen Xuancheng treats people regardless of their origin, so he has a lot of patients scheduled there.

Unless someone with a particularly urgent condition can jump in line, patients with chronic diseases generally have to wait in line.

Ge Fan's girlfriend's grandfather has Alzheimer's disease, which is not life-threatening in a short period of time, so just queuing up takes a while.

"According to Mr. Chen's habit, your girlfriend's grandfather may not be able to queue up in a short time." Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Ge Fan smiled bitterly, "Yes! But don't you have Dr. Zhang here! I heard that you could use a green onion to revive a man who hanged himself! You also cured several patients who were paralyzed in bed! I believe that with your Medical skills can definitely cure the old man!"

Although he knew that Ge Fan was complimenting himself, Zhang Yuan still nodded.

"I'll take this case! Leave your contact information later and make an appointment later. I'll come to diagnose the old man at your door!"

Ge Fan was overjoyed when he heard that Zhang Yuan agreed to diagnose the old man.

Zhang Yuan learned that neither Fang Lao Mao nor Xu Buer could cure his girlfriend's grandfather, but he still dared to take it.

This shows that his previous classic cases were not blown out of proportion.

Yes, he has real ability.

And from what Zhang Yuan just said, it seems that he also knows Chen Xuancheng, a big boss in the Chinese medicine industry.

If you can know Chen Xuancheng, your medical skills will definitely be high!

To put it bluntly, even if Zhang Yuan cannot cure the patient, he will be able to contact Chen Xuancheng through his connections and ask Chen Xuancheng to take action!

If only Chen Xuancheng could be invited to take action, his girlfriend's grandfather's Alzheimer's disease would be cured.

By then, won't things between the two of them be settled naturally?

As for the guy who has been pestering his girlfriend Fangfang, what will he have to fight with him?

The more Ge Fan thought about it, the more excited he became. He simply picked up an unopened bottle of beer, bit open the bottle cap with his teeth, held up the bottle and said to Zhang Yuan.

"Doctor Zhang, there's nothing to say! In just one sentence, it's all in the wine!"

After saying that, he drank a bottle of beer.

Then the two exchanged contact information, and the meal was finally over.

Zhang Yuan didn't drink much tonight. He and Wang Xiaoqiang drank less than three bottles combined.

When driving back, Zhang Yuan still felt a little unsatisfied.

In the past, when I drank, I would drink half a pound of white wine as a base. It was rare that I drank less than two bottles of beer like today.

For this reason, when he passed by a small shop in the village, he got out of the car and bought a bottle of Tsingtao beer to drink some more when he went back.

Wait for Zhang Yuan to walk into the main room carrying a load of Tsingtao beer.

Seeing the beer in his hand, the old couple couldn't help but froze.

"Brother Yuan, you...why did you buy beer?" Wang Hui couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Yuan laughed and said, "I was drinking with someone just now. I didn't get enough of it, so I wanted to come back and drink some more!"

He turned to Zhang Dashan and said, "Dad, I'm going to

A bag of peanuts. Can we drink some beer? "

Zhang Dashan looked at Zhang Yuan in astonishment, and then turned his attention to Wang Hui, with an inquiring look in his eyes.

How is our Brother Yuan doing today? I never see him drinking alone, right?

Wang Hui shook her head slightly, but then she seemed to have thought of something and pointed to Chu Xueqi's room on the second floor without leaving any trace.

That means that Zhang Yuan must be trapped in love, so he wants to drink.

Zhang Dashan suddenly realized it and immediately said to Wang Hui.

"Okay! Then let us have some drinks! Mother, go to the kitchen and heat up the leftover winter melon stew, then fry some garlic yolk eggs for us to drink with!"

Zhang Yuan waved his hand, "Don't bother me. We can just eat some peanuts. There are peanuts in the drawer."

"Hey! Brother Yuan, just leave it alone and let your mother cook!" Zhang Dashan said.

Wang Hui also stood up, "That's right, Brother Yuan, you and your dad have a good drink, and I'll get you two more dishes."

Zhang Yuan was a little confused, didn't he just drink casually?

As for setting up such a big show?

But since the old couple is willing to do it, Zhang Yuan will naturally not stop it.

He took the wine glass and bottle opener, opened the bottle, poured a glass for his father Zhang Dashan, and poured another glass for himself.

"My dear, let's have a drink!" Zhang Dashan raised his glass and clinked it with Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan drank it all in one gulp, but Zhang Dashan only drank half of it.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuan only filled it up for himself.

At this time, Zhang Dashan smiled and said, "My dear, who are you going out to eat with today?"

"It's a patient who came to me for treatment a few days ago. Speaking of which, we know each other. He used to be the teaching director of our village primary school and was nicknamed the Black-faced King!" Zhang Yuan said.

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