Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 764 Strengthens the spleen and kidneys, warms and clears the meridians

"It's just the leech in the river!" Father Liu's expression was a little solemn.

"You can grind leeches directly into powder and drink it? Is that okay? I remember a traditional Chinese medicine doctor prescribed it to the old man. Leeches were always decoctioned and taken!"

Zhang Yuan shrugged, "Leech, that is, leech, the medicinal properties will be greatly reduced after decoction. Only by swallowing can the best effect be achieved! And to be honest, these two prescriptions complement each other and are indispensable!"

"Form 1 can strengthen the spleen and kidneys and warm and unblock the meridians. Formula 2 uses the channeling effect of leeches to open up the blocked meridians in Mr. Liu's body. To cure Mr. Liu's Alzheimer's disease, Formula 2 is even more important than Formula 1! It’s essential!”

Hearing what Zhang Yuan said, Liu's father and mother were still hesitant, but Liu Fangfang spoke first.

"Dad, Mom! Since Doctor Zhang said so, then just listen to him! He is a doctor and more professional than us!"

Ge Fan quickly agreed, "That's right, I've heard that some Chinese doctors even use venomous snakes to treat diseases!"

Compared with poisonous snakes, leeches are nothing.

Only then did Father Liu come to his senses. Zhang Yuan was a doctor. If he wanted to treat the old man now, he had to listen to Zhang Yuan.

"Doctor Zhang, thank you for prescribing this old man!" Father Liu said gratefully. .??.

Zhang Yuan waved his hand, "You're welcome, Ge Fan invited me here just to see Mr. Liu's doctor!"

Hearing this, Father Liu and Mother Liu couldn't help but glance at Ge Fan. Even Liu Fangfang looked at Ge Fan with a bit of tenderness in her beautiful eyes.

Sensing the gazes of the three people, Ge Fan was extremely excited.

I am even more grateful to Zhang Yuan. I invited Zhang Yuan here this time, and I really invited the right person!

If Zhang Yuan hadn't been here, I'm afraid the Liu family would have been deceived by Zhao Wei's lies, and maybe Liu Fangfang's heart would have been deceived by that bastard Zhao Wei.

Ge Fan made up his mind to double the originally planned consultation fee.

Used to repay Zhang Yuan's kindness.

"Doctor Zhang, I wonder how long it will take for the old man to take the medicine you prescribed to take effect?" Father Liu asked tentatively.

Although asking like this might make Zhang Yuan unhappy, he still had to ask.

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan smiled, "Alzheimer's disease cannot be cured overnight! Even if you take the medicine I prescribed, it will take at least a month to have obvious effects!"

"Ah? It will take a month to take effect?" Father Liu was a little disappointed.

But then he figured it out. Zhang Yuan was telling the truth when he said it would be effective in one month.

If they all lie like Wu Bingchuan, what if they say it will be effective in one day?

"It can take effect in one month, which is already very good!" Liu Fangfang's tone was full of joy.

Mother Liu next to her agreed, as long as it was effective.

What she looks forward to most now is for the old man to recover as soon as possible and be able to go to the toilet.

That way, it would be much easier for the couple to take care of the old man.

At this time, Zhang Yuan said again, "Considering that it is inconvenient for you to take care of Mr. Liu when he goes to the toilet, I can give Mr. Liu acupuncture first, so that he can temporarily recover to the point where he knows how to call for help when going to the toilet. In this way, you don't have to do it every day. It’s time to change clothes and bedding!”

There are still freshly washed bedding and sheets hanging out in Liu Jiafa's yard. They were obviously replaced by Mr. Liu last night or this morning.

However, as soon as Zhang Yuan said these words, the three members of the Liu family exclaimed in unison.


Zhang Yuan's expression remained indifferent, "Is it true? When I finish the acupuncture, you will know the results on the same day! If it is not achieved, I will tell you

The results are great, and I don’t charge a penny for the consultation fee! "

"Okay! Great! Doctor Zhang, no! Doctor Zhang! You are truly the benefactor of our family!" Father Liu said excitedly.

There is a saying that there is no filial son before a long-term illness.

Sometimes, it’s really not that the children are unfilial.

In fact, taking care of an old man like Mr. Liu is really tiring. .??.

Anyone is faced with a pile of sheets and bedding that needs to be changed every day, and even poops and urinates, guarding it every day.

Most people will break down over time.

If Zhang Yuan can really fulfill what he just said, it will simply liberate a huge mountain from the head of Liu Fangfang's family!

As long as Mr. Liu knows how to call someone when he goes to the toilet, it will be much easier to take care of him!

While the three members of the Liu family were excited, Ge Fan next to them was even more excited than them.

What excited him was that Zhang Yuan's medical skills were so good and he had the ability to cure diseases immediately.

If the turnaround effect is really as significant as he said.

By then, Liu Fangfang’s heart will be devoted to him as the introducer?

Ge Fan had already begun to imagine the scene in the future where he and Liu Fangfang would hold hands and walk down the road.

Zhang Yuan looked at Mr. Liu on the bed. Mr. Liu happened to wake up at this moment. Of course, he might have been awakened by several people in the room.

"Now that Mr. Liu is awake, I will give him acupuncture treatment now! You all go out, and one of you will stay as my helper to help Mr. Liu turn over." Zhang Yuandao.

Liu's father was about to say that he was here to help, but Ge Fan beat him to it.

"Doctor Zhang, let me help!"

Zhang Yuan nodded, "Okay!"

Ge Fan fart

Bianpidian ran to Zhang Yuan, rolled up her sleeves and was about to turn over for Mr. Liu.

Zhang Yuan quickly stopped him, "Wait a minute! Unbutton Mr. Liu's shirt first, and then turn over later!"

At this time, Liu Fangfang frowned and said, "Ge Fan, you are too restless! Get out! I'll help Dr. Zhang! I don't trust you to turn over my grandpa!"

Ge Fan was dumbfounded. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to show off, but unexpectedly he was rejected by the goddess.

He wanted to say something more, but Liu Fangfang glared at him. He immediately didn't dare to speak anymore and ran out quickly.

But he did not leave, but stood at the door. On the one hand, he continued to look at the goddess, and on the other hand, he was worried that Liu Fangfang would be fascinated by the handsome and capable Zhang Yuan.

As the new owner of Willow Hotel, Ge Fan is not a fool.

Of course he can see that Zhang Yuan will completely beat him in terms of appearance, temperament, and ability.

If Zhang Yuan and Liu Fangfang were left alone, what would happen if Liu Fangfang fell in love with Zhang Yuan?

Ge Fan had the confidence to compete with Zhao Wei, but he had absolutely no confidence to compete with Zhang Yuan!

Zhang Yuan didn't know that Ge Fan had regarded him as a potential love rival.

But even if he knew, Zhang Yuan wouldn't take it seriously.

He told Liu Fangfang, "Miss Fangfang, please unbutton Mr. Liu's shirt!"

Liu Fangfang complied.

Then Zhang Yuan took out the acupuncture kit, picked up a silver needle in each hand, and acupunctured the Tanzhong point in the center of Mr. Liu's chest and the Yutang point directly above it.

When the silver needle was inserted, Zhang Yuan held the silver needle between his index fingers and thumbs and rotated it nine times clockwise and nine times counterclockwise.

Then he took two more silver needles and acupunctured the Huagai and Zhongting acupoints, rotating each nine times.

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