Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 784: I am so proud of myself

Being a janitor is an easy job, so Zhang Yuan naturally won't offer too high a salary. In his opinion, a salary of two thousand five thousand is enough.

If you perform well, you'll get another three hundred.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Zhang Yuan finished speaking, Old Zheng waved his hand.

"It's not right, it's not right!"

Zhang Yuan was a little surprised, "Isn't it right? The salary is low? The salary shouldn't be low, right? After all, we are just recruiting a janitor!"

But Lao Zhengtou shook his head and said, "It's not too low, it's too high. It's too high! Brother Yuan, we are the only ones here right now. Let me tell you the truth! With your salary, you can hire two guards." !”

The wages of janitors are generally not high. The wages of janitors in factories in towns and villages are only over a thousand.

That's why Mr. Zheng said that Zhang Yuan's salary of two thousand and five thousand was a bit high.

Zhang Yuan suddenly realized that he had almost forgotten this.

At this time, Lao Zhengtou hesitated and said, "Brother Yuan, if you are willing to pay a salary of three thousand, I can find two doormen for you. Then the two doormen will take turns to work, which is more secure. As for their wages, , just one thousand and fifty per person!"

Zhang Yuan's eyes lit up: "Three thousand can you recruit two guards?"

"That's right! There are two doormen, and I guarantee that both of them are honest and responsible, and they will never be unclean!" Old Zhengtou said solemnly.

Zhang Yuan nodded heavily, "Okay! Great! Then, as you said, old village chief, hire two doormen, each with a salary of 1,500 yuan. If you do a good job, we will give you an additional 1,000 yuan as a bonus at the end of the year!"

"Then it's settled! I will definitely get things done for you before tonight's evening! Tomorrow morning, I will take them to the chicken farm to report to you!" Old Zheng's tone was full of excitement. .

With these two recruitment quotas, let's see who among the old men dares to underestimate him!

As soon as Zhang Yuan said goodbye, Lao Zhengtou hurried out.

Because of the quarrel with the old man named Huang two days ago, Old Zheng

I feel so embarrassed that I haven't been out for the past two days.

Today he can finally find his place!

I saw Old Zheng Touxiong coming to the place where he usually plays chess with a bunch of old men.

The old men in the congregation have already set up the chessboard and started playing, and Old Man Huang is also here.

Everyone was a little surprised to see Lao Zheng coming.

Old Zheng is the most nice person. He was scolded so harshly by Old Man Huang last time. With Old Zheng's nice personality, he has to hide at home for a few days before he has the nerve to go out.

But in less than two days, Lao Zhengtou went out and dared to come to the place where they were playing chess.

Isn't Old Zheng worried that Old Huang will beat him up again?

The reason why Old Man Huang dared to confront Old Man Zheng was because he was confident.

His son opened a mobile phone film shop in the town, specializing in applying tempered film to young people. I heard it was quite profitable, and it was much better than working part-time.

As the saying goes, the father is more valuable than the son. If the son is promising, I will naturally become more arrogant.

That's why Old Man Huang had the confidence to confront Old Man Zheng in public.

At this moment, I saw Old Zheng coming, and Old Huang was still sitting there as steady as a mountain, holding an enamel cup in his hand, like a retired cadre.

Lao Zheng stepped forward in a hurry and saw that the chess pieces had just been placed on the chessboard and had not yet started to be played.

He immediately waved his hand and signaled the old man sitting opposite Old Man Huang to give up his seat.

The old man had no background, and he didn't dare to offend Old Zheng like Old Man Huang, so he had to give up his seat obediently.

When Old Zheng sat down, everyone looked at him curiously.

What's going on with Mr. Zheng today?

He was beaten up last time, and now he dares to be so arrogant. Isn't he afraid that Old Man Huang will beat him up again?

You know, Old Man Huang's son is doing well now and has opened a mobile phone film shop in the town.

Although these old men don’t quite understand what mobile phone stickers mean, in the traditional concept of the older generation, as long as you open a store, you are doing business, which is much better than working part-time!

With such an outstanding son as his support, Old Man Huang is naturally not afraid of Old Man Zheng who has taken a back seat.

Sure enough, as soon as Old Zheng sat down, Old Huang started to attack him.

"I'm talking about Mr. Zheng, Mr. Li is playing chess with me. Why are you interfering in it? You even drove Mr. Li away. Are you too overbearing?" Old Mr. Huang stared at Mr. Zheng.

Everyone's eyes lit up, knowing that there was something good to watch. Let's see how Old Zhengtou will end this time.

Faced with Old Man Huang's question, Old Man Zheng did not answer, but sneered.

"Playing chess and playing chess, you know how to play bad chess all day long! A group of people have no business at all, and they just know how to play chess here every day. I think you are all going to be idle!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

Lao Zhengtou, this is a group attack!

Every one of them present, all the old men who love to play chess and watch chess are played, are all taken in by him!

Old Man Huang was even more angry. He considered himself the "leader" of all the old men present.

Now that Old Zheng is humiliating everyone, he is slapping Old Man Huang in the face.

Old Man Huang immediately said in a cold voice, "Old Mr. Zheng, when you said this, didn't you think about yourself? You come here to play chess all day long, do you think you are too busy?"

Hearing this, the old men onlookers smiled one after another. Sure enough, it had to be Old Man Huang!

He just went to great lengths to fight against Lao Zhengtou!

Everyone thought that Old Zheng would be furious and argue with Old Huang like last time.

Unexpectedly, Old Zhengtou suddenly laughed.

"Do you think I'm the same as you? Playing chess is just a hobby for me! How can you bunch of old men know about the big things I usually do?"

Seeing that Old Zhengtou spoke rudely again, everyone became even more angry.

Xin said that even if you were the village chief before, you couldn't be so arrogant, right?

You are not the village chief now, and your daughter who is the village accountant can't have children. What can you, Old Zheng, do to be so arrogant in front of us?

Just when everyone was about to denounce Old Zhengtou, Old Zhengtou suddenly slapped the chessboard hard.

"You think I'm bragging? Humph! Today I'll let you know! I have two janitor positions in my hands these two days, with a monthly salary of one thousand and fifty! They take turns to stay on duty at night! The place of work is not far away. , right in Shangwan Village. I'm worried about who to arrange!" The corner of Old Zheng's mouth curled up.

After hearing his words, everyone who was filled with indignation just now and wanted to argue with Old Zhengtou was instantly stunned.

Old Zheng has two job quotas in his hand, with a monthly salary of one thousand and fifty, and the place of work is right in front of his home?

"Really...really? Old Mr. Zheng, are you trying to trick us all?" an old man stammered.

Old Zheng glanced at him and said, "Coaxing you? Do you think I will coax you in such a serious matter?"

Everyone thinks so too.

If Lao Zhengtou dares to lie to them about this kind of thing, he will never want to play chess with everyone in the future.

How dare you lie about such a serious matter?

A thin old man swallowed and said, "Mr. Zheng, who are you going to give these two recruitment quotas to?"

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