Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 83 Chu Xueyan’s decision

"That's enough! Stop talking! I can't accept your so-called treatment method!" Chu Xueyan's expression showed indifference.

She now even wonders if Zhang Yuan said that on purpose just to take advantage of her!

Is there anyone in this world who specializes in acupuncture on the crotch and groin?

It was obvious that Zhang Yuan just wanted to take advantage of him!

At least that's what Chu Xueyan thinks in her heart! ??

Seeing her change of expression, Zhang Yuan knew that Chu Xueyan would definitely not be able to accept his treatment plan.

He could only shake his head and say no more.

"In that case, Mr. Chu, I will go back first! I will contact you when I find wild ginseng!" Zhang Yuan said calmly.

He showed his kindness, but Chu Xueyan refused to appreciate it.

There is no need for you to put your hot face on someone else’s cold ass!

But then again, it was the men in Dexili who stared at Chu Xueyan.

They should be happy to put their hot faces against Chu Xueyan's cold ass, right?

Until Zhang Yuan strode away, Chu Xueyan's eyes were still full of disgust.

Originally, Chu Xueyan still had a good impression of Zhang Yuan.

But after this incident, she no longer has a good impression of Zhang Yuan!

When Zhang Yuan's figure disappeared from sight, Chu Xueyan came back to her senses.

Thinking of her illness, she made a phone call.

"Hey, Manager Li, is Mr. Chen back?"

"Okay, I'll go to Chen's Pharmacy right now."

After a while, Chu Xueyan drove out of the underground parking lot and went straight to Chen's Pharmacy in the county.

At the same time, Chen’s Pharmacy.

An old man wearing a Tang suit and a white beard took a prescription from the store manager Li Cheng.

This prescription was exactly what Zhang Yuan prescribed to Xu Zhuangzhuang.

At the same time, Li Cheng also raised his doubts: "Mr. Chen, the idea of ​​​​this recipe is really elusive!"

"Oh, really? Let me see!"

While speaking, Mr. Chen glanced at Fang Zi, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Hiss... this... this recipe... why is the idea of ​​using the medicine so strange?"

"Yes! I..." Li Cheng wanted to explain.

Unexpectedly, Chen Laoyi raised his hand to signal him not to speak.

Immediately, Mr. Chen frowned and studied carefully.

Got the recipe in hand.

Seeing Mr. Chen attaching so much importance to Fangzi, Li Cheng panicked.

If there is no problem with this recipe, then it’s okay. If there is a problem, then...

For a moment, Li Cheng's heart was beating wildly.

For Li Cheng at this moment, every time Mr. Chen looked at the prescription for one more second, he suffered for one more second.

In the long suffering, time passed slowly.

Cold sweat was visible on Li Cheng's forehead.

At this moment, Mr. Chen suddenly slapped his thigh.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!" Mr. Chen said with excitement and joy on his face. "So this recipe works like this! It obviously does the opposite, but it can maximize the effect of nourishing the dragon pillar! It's wonderful!"

"Mr. Chen! You always say this recipe is wonderful? What kind of recipe is this?" Li Cheng said, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

Mr. Chen chuckled, "On the surface, this prescription is for replenishing qi, blood and bones, but in fact, its purpose is to nourish the dragon pillar! And the effect is remarkable!"

"Nourish the spine?" Li Cheng murmured.

Suddenly, Mr. Chen didn't know what he thought of and sighed, "This recipe... Oh, what a pity! What a pity!"

"Ah? But there's something wrong with this recipe?" Li Cheng looked nervous.

Mr. Chen put Fang Zi aside and his eyes became dark.

"There is nothing wrong with the prescription, but the nourishing effect of this prescription alone is not enough! If I can master the legendary acupuncture technique, maybe I can cure that young man!"

What Li Cheng didn't know was that Mr. Chen had been invited by Xu Feng to see Xu Zhuangzhuang before.

However, even Mr. Chen was unable to do anything about Xu Zhuangzhuang's illness at that time and could only leave sadly.

Seeing this prescription at this moment, Mr. Chen couldn't help but think of Xu Zhuangzhuang's condition that he had seen before.

But he knew very well that even with this prescription, Xu Zhuangzhuang's disease could not be cured!

Because there is still a lack of acupuncture techniques that can repair spinal nerves!

Little did Mr. Chen know that Zhang Yuan had already acupunctured Xu Zhuangzhuang with the turtle life-extending acupuncture method!

Li Cheng on the side would never expect it.

Like Chen

Such an old traditional Chinese medicine doctor, who came from a medical family and was famous in Qinghe County, would regret deeply because of an acupuncture technique.

But at this moment, Li Cheng's heart was in his stomach.

As long as there is no problem with this recipe, everything will be fine.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Cheng also informed Mr. Chen that Chu Xueyan was coming.

Not long after, Chu Xueyan arrived at Chen's Pharmacy.

As soon as I walked in, store manager Li Chengcheng greeted me warmly.

"Mr. Chu, you are here!" ??

Chu Xueyan nodded, "Manager Li, please excuse me!"

"Mr. Chu, you're welcome. Just go to the back office!" Li Cheng chuckled.

Afterwards, Chu Xueyan came to the office at the back.

After knocking on the door and entering, Chu Xueyan directly explained his purpose.

"Mr. Chen, regarding my illness... have you made any new progress?"

Mr. Chen's expression was a little bitter, "Well, not yet! I asked several old friends, but they were also at a loss what to do!"

"Actually, according to normal circumstances, although the disease you have is difficult to treat, it is not impossible!"

"But the problem is that your disease has mutated, and ordinary methods are no longer effective! Even my old friends can't do anything!"

Chu Xueyan was silent.

In fact, before she came, she had thought that the result would probably be like this.

She has been disappointed so many times in the past few years that she can't even count!

"But don't be too discouraged! In a while, the miracle doctor will be out of isolation! If it's him, maybe there's something he can do!" Elder Chen consoled him.

A glimmer of hope appeared in Chu Xueyan's eyes.

She also knew the miracle doctor that Mr. Chen talked about.

It's a pity that Chu Xueyan searched all over Western medicine but couldn't find a solution. When she turned to seek help from Chinese medicine, the miracle doctor went into retreat!

"Mr. Chen, thank you for your kind words!" Chu Xueyan said gratefully.

Mr. Chen nodded slightly, but the exquisite recipe for nourishing the spine that he had just read flashed through his mind.

If the person who wrote this prescription took action, he would probably have a way to cure Chu Xueyan's stubborn illness.

After all, the sophistication of this recipe simply amazed him!

It's a pity that Li Cheng only copied the prescription

, but did not leave the contact information of the customer who bought the medicine.

Because he didn't know the contact information of the other party, Mr. Chen didn't mention this matter to Chu Xueyan.

When Mr. Chen was discussing with Chu Xueyan.

Zhang Yuan also came to the county's electric vehicle store with a bag containing 120,000 yuan.

There are all kinds of trams here, including electric cars, electric three-wheelers, and even electric cars!

After Zhang Yuan entered the door, he directly locked the electric tricycle area.

Their rickshaw was really overwhelmed, and it was time to get a new one!

In order to take care of his mother Wang Hui, Zhang Yuan chose to buy an electric three-wheeler.

Electric three-wheelers are great. Not only can they drive fast, they don’t have to pedal hard.

It's okay for Zhang Yuan, a young man, to pedal, but as his mother is old, pedaling must be very laborious, especially when the car is full of things!

After the introduction of the shopping guide, Zhang Yuan chose a Feiying brand electric tricycle.

Among all electric three-wheelers, this one is the one with the best quality and the most powerful power!

The battery life is also far better than ordinary electric three-wheelers.

Of course, the price is also much more expensive than other electric three-wheelers.

The average electric tricycle only costs more than 3,000, but this one costs more than 5,000!

Zhang Yuan just received 120,000 yuan, so there is no shortage of money at all!

Under the shocked eyes of the shopping guide, Zhang Yuan took out a wad of red banknotes from his pocket, counted 5,500 yuan on the spot and handed it to the shopping guide.

The shopping guide couldn't help but swallowed, and the look in his eyes at Zhang Yuan changed.

Before, she thought that Zhang Yuan was just a handsome ordinary rural boy.

It wasn't until this moment that she discovered that Zhang Yuan was actually a hidden rural tycoon!

When Zhang Yuan took money out of his pocket just now, the shopping guide clearly saw that there was a thick stack of red banknotes in his pocket!

At least one hundred thousand dollars!

The shopping guide handed the money to the front desk and handed Zhang Yuan the receipt and other documents.

However, when handing over the documents, she secretly stuffed a note into Zhang Yuan's hand.

Zhang Yuan glanced at the shopping guide in surprise, but saw the other person wink at him.

"This is my phone number. Please contact me often in the future!" the shopping guide whispered.

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