Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 84 Only good looks and money can make women chase after you

Only then did Zhang Yuan suddenly realize that the pretty female shopping guide in front of him was actually flirting with him!

I really didn’t expect that Zhang Yuan would be flirted with by a woman one day!

But why didn’t the female shopping guide flirt with him before?

Zhang Yuan thought about it for a while and finally figured out the reason.

It was probably because the female shopping guide saw that he had a lot of money in his pocket that she took the initiative to flirt with him.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

Sure enough, it’s no use just being handsome these days, you also have to be rich!

Only with good looks and money can women chase after you!

However, Zhang Yuan had no intention of contacting the female shopping guide.

As soon as he left the store on his electric tricycle, he threw away the note.

Regardless of her appearance and figure, the female shopping guide’s character of hating the poor and loving the rich is not Zhang Yuan’s cup of tea!

When Zhang Yuan returned to the village on his electric tricycle.

My mother, Wang Hui, was chatting with several women at the door.

Suddenly, someone shouted, "Look, Brother Yuan from Sister Wang's family is back riding an electric three-wheeler!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked, and it was indeed so!

Zhang Yuan really came riding an electric three-wheeler!

Moreover, the electric tricycle he was riding looked much more upscale than ordinary electric tricycles. At first glance, it was no ordinary electric tricycle!

Wang Hui was also surprised.

She didn't expect that Zhang Yuan would kill first and play later, and rode the electric tricycle back home!

When Zhang Yuan came closer, Wang Hui subconsciously wanted to scold him for spending money recklessly.

But before Wang Hui could say anything, a woman walked up to the tricycle with an envious face.

"Brother Yuan, your family is buying a new electric tricycle! This electric tricycle looks so beautiful. It must have cost a lot of money, right?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Aunt Fang, our family's electric tricycle cost more than five thousand. From now on, my mother won't have to ride a tricycle when she goes shopping in town!"

As soon as his words came out, it immediately caused a sensation among the women.

"Oh! More than five thousand! Our electric tricycle only costs over three thousand!"

"That's right! For an electric tricycle with more than 5,000 yuan, it has to be the best.

Right? "

"No wonder it looks so beautiful! You really get what you pay for!"

"Sister Wang really has a good son, he is filial and I know I feel sorry for Sister Wang!"


Women, you say something to me.

Everyone was praising Zhang Yuan for his filial piety, or praising the electric tricycle for being good-looking and strong.

Wang Hui's original anger towards Zhang Yuan disappeared in an instant.

She knew that the main reason why Zhang Yuan spent so much money on an electric three-wheeler was to save her some effort.

"Oh! You kid! Why did you buy such an expensive electric tricycle? Just buy one with more than 3,000 yuan?" Wang Hui said helplessly.

This time it was Aunt Fang who just answered for Zhang Yuan, "Sister Wang, isn't Brother Yuan filial? Besides, your Brother Yuan can also make money!"

"Brother Yuan went out to treat pigs before and made a thousand yuan! I also heard that the last time he treated pigs in Daliuzhuang, he also made eight hundred yuan!"

Aunt Fang's words once again caused waves.

Before, everyone only knew that Zhang Yuan went to a pig farm to treat diseases and earned a thousand dollars.

Little did he know that Zhang Yuan went to Daliuzhuang to treat pigs and made eight hundred!

Making money once can be said to be luck.

But making it twice is not just luck!

"Sister Wang, your brother Yuan is really promising!"

"You are so lucky! You don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life!"

"Hey! If I had known that being a veterinarian was so profitable, I should have let our boy learn to be a veterinarian and not let him dig an excavator!"

"The excavator is pretty good too! But it still doesn't make as much money as Brother Yuan! Brother Yuan can make half a month's worth of other people's money in one day!"


The women praised Zhang Yuan again.

But not all women are like this.

For example, one of them is named Liang Qiaoling.

Not only did she not praise

Zhang Yuan, on the other hand, stood nearby with an ugly expression, as if someone owed her money!

Liang Qiaoling's son is a college student.

Although they didn't get admitted to the undergraduate program, they are considered quite powerful in their small circle!

In the past, when several women got together, they would praise Liang Qiaoling's son.

They also hope that Liang Qiaoling's son will be successful after graduation so that he can take care of their sons.

But since Zhang Yuan regained his consciousness, everything has been different!

The women who used to praise Liang Qiaoling's son all day long began to praise Zhang Yuan instead.

So what if Liang Qiaoling's son is a college student?

After graduation, I can only find a job with a monthly salary of four to five thousand at most!

But Zhang Yuan is different. He can earn a thousand yuan a day!

And more importantly, Zhang Yuan is also a veterinarian.

If you build a good relationship with him, in the future, if any of your chickens, ducks, or livestock get sick, you can ask Zhang Yuan to help treat them.

Compared with Zhang Yuan, Liang Qiaoling's son is incomparable!

Listening to the women praising Zhang Yuan one by one, Liang Qiaoling's face became darker and darker.

In the end, she simply turned around and walked away.

"Sister Qiaoling, why did you leave?" A woman called her.

Liang Qiaoling didn't even bother to answer, "I'm still boiling water on the stove!"

Wang Hui had no idea why Liang Qiaoling left suddenly.

She coughed and said, "I'm also cooking at home. Brother Yuan, come home with me and help with the cooking!"

Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.

Although Wang Hui doesn’t understand this truth.

But she also knew that she couldn't let these women praise Zhang Yuan too highly.

Because the higher the praise, the worse the fall may be in the future!

When Wang Hui asked Zhang Yuan to go back, Liang Qiaoling also returned to her home.

As soon as she entered the main room, she sat down on the sofa angrily, picked up a bowl of cold water on the table and drank it all.

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