After communicating with the system in simple terms, Chu Yi had a more comprehensive understanding of its functions.

The function of this super bio optimization system, like its name, can optimize all creatures, and can be optimized in the direction that Chu Yi wants.

For example, he can optimize grapes to make them sweeter and bigger, and even change their growth cycle, survival needs and so on.

For another example, he can optimize any animal to make it as smart as human, or more fierce.

So although we can't cultivate immortals, as long as we provide enough energy, it's completely OK to become Superman.

Facing such a powerful system, Chu Yi just wants to say to the world: Laozi will be the most NB man in the world.

Looking at the vast sea, Chu Yi can't help but feel heroic.

"Now it seems that it is not impossible to restart the fishing ground. As long as we use this super bio optimization system, any fish can become more special. Will it be short of money? "

Talking to himself, Chu Yi's mind gradually emerged a clear plan.

"Now, let me see the effect of this elementary cultivation manual." With that, Chu Yi opened his legs and began to practice for the first time.

The energy absorption method recorded in the primary training manual is called Haohui twelve moves, which has 24 movements in total.

Chu Yi thought it was very easy, after all, it had been firmly engraved in his mind.

But really began to discover after, oneself took for granted.

Twenty four movements. When he did the eleventh movement, he found that he couldn't make any effort all over.

"System, is this Haohui twelve style too difficult?" Chu Yi couldn't help complaining. If it goes on like this, when can he absorb enough energy and let the system play its role.

"It's not that Haohui's twelve moves are too difficult, but that you are too weak. This set of Haohui twelve moves is tailor-made for the host. As long as the host keeps practicing, it will become stronger and stronger. "

I have a MMP don't know when not to say, I'm still too weak?

At least I run ten kilometers to work every morning and swim. Is that too weak?

"By the way, how much energy did I just absorb?" Giving up the idea of arguing with the system, Chu Yi is concerned about the energy problem.

There is energy, there is everything.

"Please open the system interface to view by yourself."

With the meditation in Chu Yi's heart, after opening the system interface, a light curtain appeared.

Host: Chu Yi

Primary energy: 0.0001

Number of points: 1

Optimization progress: 0 / 10000

My strength has been exhausted, only 0.0001?

It's NIMA's, isn't it a bit of a pit?

What can be optimized with such a little energy?

"System, how many times do you mean?" Chu Yi looked at the system interface and didn't know about the number of points. The system didn't mention it before.

"Report the host, which allows the host to have a spiritual link with the creature, which can be enlightened every 30 days. Another reminder is that the success rate of using dot is not 100%. The lower the level, the higher the success rate of enlightenment. "

Hearing this explanation, Chu Yi's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Then how to enlighten?" Chu Yi really wants to try this magical function. After all, his energy is 0 now, and there is no way to optimize any creature.

"As long as the host mentally locks any creature, the system will automatically trigger the touch function." The system explained again.

Chu Yi touched his chin and began to look around.


Chu Yi shook his head and felt that it was meaningless to enlighten a grass.

Moreover, the system also said that enlightenment is to create a spiritual link between oneself and creatures.

There should be no spiritual fluctuation in plants, right?

"If you want to choose, just choose an aggressive animal. What if you succeed?" Chu Yi said to himself, ready to jump into the sea from the height of tens of meters.

Took off the coat, Chu Yi's body drew an arc in the air and plunged into the water.

But after diving, he regretted it.

Because last night, the sharks that "chased" the mysterious little girl actually appeared in the mermaid Bay.

What's more, the place where he fell into the water was just the edge of the sharks.

Although the number is not as much as last night, there are at least a dozen.

Of course, not to mention more than a dozen, even if it was one, he had to run for his life.

When he saw the sharks, he immediately fled to the nearest shore and looked back.

Maybe Chu Yi was lucky enough. Although he made a lot of noise, the sharks chasing him were only two small ones. It seems that he is not regarded as food, but as a toy.

All of a sudden, there was a voice in my mind.

"The success of spiritual lock, whether to enlighten."

Chu Yi Yi is pleased, hastily chose is.

When he came out of the water, he quickly climbed up to the rocks.

"Failed?" After confirming that he was out of danger, Chu Yi remembered that he had just used the touch function on a small gray shark.

At this time, Chu Yi suddenly felt a dull brain, it seems that there is something more.

"Did it work?" Chu Yi Leng for a moment, feel his mind appeared a small shark virtual shadow.

"Come here!" Chu Yi said a word to the empty shadow in his mind.

Only heard "Hua", a gray figure broke out of the water.

Then, it swam to Chu Yi and kept beating the water.

"Turn around." Chu Yi gave the order again.

Looking at the little shark, which is only about one meter long, really turns a circle according to his own instructions, Chu Yi claps his thigh excitedly, and then gives several orders in succession.

"It's amazing that I can really understand what I'm saying, and I'm willing to carry it out." Chu Yi gently stroked its nose, because the skin of other places was covered with small barbs, which was coarser than sandpaper. Even if the prey was hit by it, it would be bloody.

"Xiao Hui, go and get me a fish."

After trying a simple command, Chu Yi gave a complex command to see if this big white sand named Xiaohui by him could do it.

Xiao Hui raised his head, then dived into the water. After shooting a spray, the water was calm again.

Time passed slowly. After more than ten minutes, Chu Yi did not see the trace of Xiao Hui.

If not for fear of other great white sharks in the water, Chu Yi would like to go into the water to find Xiao Hui.

If you want to successfully enlighten sharks, the success rate is absolutely terrible.

Xiaohui, it is absolutely because of the explosion of other people's products that we can succeed in enlightening.

Chu Yi anxiously waits, also does not stop in the mind to call the small ash.

All of a sudden, Chu Yi felt that the small ash in his mind suddenly disappeared, and he was worried.

"System, how did Xiao Hui disappear from my mind?" Chu Yi quickly asked the system, because he also wanted to rely on small ash for his revenge.

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