"The preliminary judgment is that the distance between the enlightenment creature and the host is too far, so it is unable to reach the spiritual link. When the distance is restored to the effective range, the spiritual link can be reestablished. "

It seems that in order to confirm the answer of the system, Chu Yi once again saw the virtual shadow of Xiao Hui in his mind.

More than ten minutes later, Xiao Hui's figure appeared on the water not far from Chu Yi.

Small ash swam to Chu Yi's front, still bite a big fish in the mouth.

"Darling, is there such a big grouper in this sea area?" Chu Yi's eyes were clear and straight, looking at the grouper that was circling in the same place because its tail was bitten.

Look, this grouper weighs at least 30 jin.

But what surprised Chu Yi most was that its species was the most expensive grouper in the grouper.

"Little ash, you are too awesome. The fish can sell at least ten thousand or twenty thousand."

The price of red spotted grouper is generally between 200-300, but it is not more than 10 jin.

More than 10 jin of fish, the price can be several times.

Small ash seems to understand the praise of Chu Yi, played a few circles in situ, and then nodded to Chu Yi.

"Well, if only you could talk to me spiritually." Chu Yi sighed, and his eyes couldn't help locking the sea.

It seems that there is a treasure hidden in the fishing ground of my family, but I can't dig it.

The average depth of this Mermaid Bay is more than 100 meters. Human beings can't dive that deep. It's hard to say what kind of rare fish there are.

It's not that Xiaohui doesn't have a chance to have a spiritual conversation with Chu Yi, but that he has enough energy to optimize Xiaohui.

"Eh, Xiao Hui, why don't you go?" Chu Yi sees small ash to keep swinging body, then asked a sentence.

"Is there no other grouper?" Chu Yi added a question.

Xiao Hui nodded immediately.

"Damn it, Xiao Hui, you've become an elite?" Chu Yi can't believe that Xiao Hui can really communicate with him.

However, on second thought, Xiao Hui could understand his own instructions and complete them. This simple "body language" is also normal.

"Xiaohui, you will protect me, right?" Chu Yi took a look at the bleeding red spot and the sea not far away.

In this sea, there are more than a dozen small gray ones of the same kind.

The only way to get out of here is to swim out. Because the three sides of mermaid Bay are towering stone walls, there is no way to climb.

Seeing Xiaohui nodding to himself, Chu Yi took a deep breath and slowly went back to the sea.

Along the edge of the stone wall, Chu Yi rowed out slowly.

Half an hour later, Chu Yi stood on the shoal half human height, relieved.

In fact, the periphery of mermaid Bay belongs to shallow water, and the depth gradually increases to the open sea.

"Xiaohui, go, take out the red grouper, and wait for me here. Remember not to kill it." Chu Yi confesses to Xiao Hui, and then goes to the direction of the village.

While the red spot is still alive, it can be sold at a good price. So he's going back to the village to borrow a car and sell it.

Just back in the village, I met an electric tricycle.

In the car sat a woman in a gray overalls, with a cloth on her head.

"Xiaoyi, you really don't have to work today?" The woman stops the car and greets Chu Yi.

"Well, I didn't go to work. Qiao son elder sister-in-law, go out to sell vegetables again? " Chu Yi smiles at each other and responds.

Zhang qiaolu is now the most beautiful flower in Dongji village. At the same time, he was also a neighbor of Chu Yi.

Her soft voice sounds like a spring breeze. Therefore, every day after work, Chu Yi always finds a chance to chat with her.

But Zhang qiaolu's mother-in-law has been guarding against Chu Yi, deeply afraid that Chu Yi will abduct Zhang qiaolu.

"Talking about girlfriends?" Zhang qiaolu smiles sweetly. Although her skin is slightly dark, it doesn't affect the charm of her smile at all.

"Girlfriend?" Chu Yi looked at Zhang qiaolu doubtfully, and said with some self mockery, "I'd like to, but I haven't met blind."

"Oh, I'm not sure about my sister-in-law. Who is that beautiful girl standing at your door in the morning? My sister-in-law is not blind Zhang qiaolu joked, her eyes full of "eight trigrams".

"It turns out that my sister-in-law means Zhou Ke. She's Bai Fumei from a first tier city. How can she like me, a small black and poor fisherman?" Chu Yi curled his mouth, but Zhou Ke's charming appearance appeared in his mind.

"What's the matter with Bai Fumei? Bai Fumei is not a woman, so she doesn't want a man?" Zhang qiaolu turns her eyes to Chu Yi.

"That Qiao son elder sister-in-law how no longer seek a man?" Chu Yi brings the topic back to Zhang qiaolu.

Zhang qiaolu was asked by Chu Yi, and her face turned red instantly. She couldn't help staring at Chu Yi: "it's none of my business. My sister-in-law cares about your personal problems. Now you are the only young man in Dongji village, and there is no suitable girl in the village. Do you want to be single all your life? "

"Stop, stop. My good sister-in-law, I know you care about me. Don't worry. I'll have tickets and girls. By the way, sister-in-law, why is your car empty? Is it convenient to carry a fish for me? " Chu Yi glances and finds that Zhang qiaolu's car is empty.

"Just know." Zhang qiaolu paused and then said, "what kind of fish do you want to transport?"

"Hey, you'll know later. I'll go back and get a bucket first." Say, Chu Yi spreads a leg to run toward the direction of the home.

After a while, Chu Yi came back with a bucket in his arms.

"Is there really fish?" Zhang qiaolu thought that Chu Yi was joking, but she didn't believe it until she saw that he really came back with a bucket.

However, all the fish in this area are dead. Even if some fish from the open sea swim by accident, they will leave quickly. How did Chu Yi catch the fish?

"Of course, sister-in-law, you park your car at Wugui reef. My fish was caught in Mermaid Bay." Chu Yi smiles and knows why Zhang qiaolu looks at herself with puzzled eyes.

Sure enough, after mentioning the mermaid Bay, Zhang qiaolu was no longer confused.

Mermaid Bay is the only place around where small fish can be caught. Occasionally, she rowed a boat to Mermaid bay to get some fish for her family.

After Zhang qiaolu stops the car, Chu Yi goes to the sea with a wooden bucket.

After returning to the mermaid Bay, Chu Yi saw Xiao Hui staring at the red spotted grouper at the edge of the mermaid Bay.

Chuyi put some clean sea water in the mermaid Bay in the wooden bucket, and Chuyi put the red spot into the wooden bucket.

"Xiaohui, this will be your home in the future. Do you know?" Chu Yi pointed to the mermaid Bay. He didn't want Xiaohui to return to the deep sea.

Xiao Hui nodded to Chu Yi, then twisted his tail.

With a satisfied smile, Chu Yi pushes the barrel back.

Taking advantage of this time out to sell fish, just to stimulate SUN Hao, let him know that he is not dead.

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