"No, I have to go out. You can eat first." Chu Yi directly refused Li cunxing's invitation. After all, looking at Qin Yue's eyes, she knew that she didn't want to go by herself.

"You're going to the hospital. OK, uncle won't stop you." Li cunxing patted Chu Yi on the shoulder, and he was very sympathetic to his experience in these two days.

The day before yesterday, I was startled by Li Lianzhi's unexpected situation. Yesterday, I was almost cut down by Li Youwang. Chu Yi can come today, Li cunxing thinks he is very brave.

Some timid people are likely to be ill for several days.

"Yes, go and have a look, especially Yuefen. She doesn't dare to let her parents know, so Qiaoer's sister-in-law can only run on both sides, which is enough for her to be tired. I'm a neighbor and a doctor. I'm not sure if I don't go. " Chu Yi explained, but he didn't care, mainly for fear of bringing bad influence to Zhang qiaolu and Zhao Yuefen.

If he was really with Zhang qiaolu, it would be nothing. It would be better to make it public. But now they are not so serious at all.

In this case, he can only try his best to get rid of each other's relationship.

"Well, I see what you mean. Don't worry, no one dares to chew his tongue. Of course, you have to do it yourself Li cunxing seemed to see through Chu Yi's careful thinking and glared at him.

Chu Yi grinned after listening.

With Li cunxing's guarantee, there will be no problem. He still has this prestige.

Whether you have such prestige and credibility in the future depends on your own efforts.

After Chu Yi left, Qin Yue asked in a low voice: "old director, why did he go to the hospital? Isn't he a doctor himself?"

"You don't know. Li Lianzhi, his neighbor, had a heart attack the day before yesterday. Fortunately, Chu Yi was nearby. At that time, the situation was dangerous. If Chu Yi hadn't done it in time, Li Lianzhi couldn't have been saved. After knowing the situation, the doctors in the county gave Chu Yi a thumbs up and said that Chu Yi was a miracle doctor. "

"What's more, yesterday was more dangerous. Li Youwang was crazy again. He was carrying a half meter long pig knife and slashed at Zhao Yuefen. Fortunately, Chu Yi appeared in time. He not only beat away Zhao Yuefen, but also used his medical skills to save Zhao Yuefen's life."

Li cunxing's wife said it with a crackle, but she didn't give Li cunxing a chance to interrupt.

If Chu Yi stood here to listen, he would not know what kind of red face he was.

Exaggeration, exaggeration.

However, the countryside is like this, a very common thing, once spread ten, after ten spread hundred, it will become mysterious and wonderful.

Now, Chu Yi's medical skills have been praised by the villagers to the height of "little miracle doctor".

This, Chu Yi himself did not expect, because of these two things, let him from a just graduated from the University of traditional Chinese medicine, more than a year home Chinese medicine, slowly added the color of a miracle doctor.

At this time, Chu Yi is riding an electric tricycle to the county hospital.

According to his estimation, Zhang qiaolu certainly didn't eat, so he served three meals.

Chu Yi first goes to see Li Lianzhi and finds that Zhang qiaolu is not there. After asking, he knows that Zhang qiaolu has just gone to Zhao Yuefen.

Later, Chu Yi takes two people's meals to see Zhao Yuefen.

Zhao Yuefen naturally is to Chu Yi thanks repeatedly, only difference from the bed down to Chu Yi kowtow.

Chu Yi also told Zhao Yuefen that she got information from Zhao Yue last night and asked her to prepare for divorce at any time.

Now Zhao Yuefen has made up her mind, no hesitation in the past.

As for lawyers, Zhang qiaolu happens to have a distant cousin who is studying in University and majoring in law. She says that she doesn't need a lawyer at all. She will help draw up a divorce agreement as long as Zhao Yuefen signs her name with Li Youwang and then goes to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the divorce procedures.

After communicating with Zhao Yuefen for half an hour, Chu Yi got up and left.

When I left, Zhang qiaolu naturally followed me to deliver it.

In fact, mainly want to get along with Chu Yi alone for a while.

These two days, after another brainwashing by her mother-in-law, Zhang qiaolu has decided to follow her mother-in-law's advice and become Chu Yi's mistress.

However, how to start, she did not think well.

She didn't know if Chuyi would agree.

"Qiao Er Sao, what's the matter with you? Is there anything you want to say to me?" When Chu Yi saw Zhang qiaolu's desire to talk and stop, she knew that she must have something to say, but she didn't dare to say it, so she simply asked.

He still remembers that Zhang qiaolu was very bold to kiss herself that day, and said that she would give her body to herself.

Although Chu Yi was a little bit excited, he was not the kind of person who wanted to repay his kindness. He didn't like it. Zhang qiaolu took that step because she wanted to repay her relationship.

"No, it's nothing. It's not the director today. We didn't go back. It won't affect you. I've asked Uncle cunxing to vote for me. " Zhang qiaolu felt that it was difficult for her to speak. Instead of saying that, she talked about the election of the village director today.

She really hoped that Chu Yi would be elected.

In this way, he won't leave the village, so that he can see him every day. Even if she is not with him, as long as she can watch from a distance, Zhang qiaolu feels very happy.

"Don't worry, wait for my celebration wine." Chu Yi grinned and patted his chest with confidence. Of course, only he knows how much he can be sure of.

"By the way, did the doctor say anything about leaving the hospital? Don't worry about leaving the hospital. You can persuade your mother-in-law to stay one more day. If you don't have enough money, just tell me, don't mention it. " Chu Yi feels that Li Lianzhi seems to be a bit abnormal these two days. She is evasive when talking to herself. She is afraid that she will have a conflict with Zhang qiaolu.

"The day after tomorrow, the doctor said that my mother's condition is very good, but in the future can not be too excited, at any time to prepare to save the heart pill." As Zhang qiaolu said it, she thought of what Li Lianzhi said.

"That's good. I'll study a prescription when I go back and let your mother take good care of it." After Chu Yi said a word, he waved to Zhang qiaolu: "then I'll go back first and wait for my good news."

"Well, I wish you every success." Zhang qiaolu smiles gently at Chu Yi and watches Chu Yi leave.

After Chu Yi left, she came back to herself.

"Next time, next time, I will ask you if you want me." Zhang qiaolu bit her lip and seemed determined.

But now Chu Yi is not in the mood to care about Zhang qiaolu's desire to be his lover.

What he cares about now is what the final result of the afternoon will be.

If you don't, you'll have to wait another five years.

Five years, how many five years does life have?

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