It's not nervous. It's fake.

When Chu Yi watched the villagers voting, his palms were full of sweat.

Originally, there were five candidates, but because Li Youwang committed a crime, his name was crossed out.

As time went by, Chu Yi knew that he was getting closer to the result.

He also went up and cast a vote, tick his own name, anyway, it was a secret vote. Besides, it's not shameful to vote for yourself.

The vote lasted nearly an hour.

Finally, we entered the singing stage.

It's Qin Yue, the new party secretary, who is in charge of singing tickets. It was Li cunxing, the old village head, who was in charge of counting the votes.

Qin Yue picked up the first ticket and read out his name: "Chu Yi, one vote."

Then, more than a dozen tickets lasted, all of them were other people's names, and Chu Yi's did not appear again.

This made Li Guifa, Zhang yelong and Wang Bin very proud. After all, the voice of Chu Yi was very high. As a result, more than a dozen villagers did not choose him.

It shows that under the attack of money, human nature is fragile. The so-called commitment is less than 1000 yuan.

Even Qin Yue, who sings the tickets, was a little surprised because she heard Wang cunxing say that Chu Yi almost sat firmly in Diaoyutai.

But according to this probability, the possibility of Chu Yi being elected is very low.

Just, the next situation, let her some unexpected.

"Chu Yi vote... Chu Yi vote... Chu Yi vote... Chu Yi vote..."

One after another, it was all Chu Yi's tickets, only interspersed with one or two others' tickets, which made Chu Yi get more than 40 tickets at a time.

You know, the total number of votes in the village is only 329, while Chu Yi has 47, Li Guifa has 9, Zhang yelong has 8, and Wang Bin has 10.

Such a gap, so that they can not accept some of the three.

Zhang yelong, in particular, spent a lot of money, but the number of votes was the least.

Even if it's not the final result, he can't accept it. He can't help shouting in the crowd: "fake, how can he have so many tickets all at once?"

"Why didn't you say anything when you didn't even have a ticket for a little miracle doctor just now. Just sit down and wait until the tickets are finished An old man raises the crutch, knocks on Zhang yelong's chair, and then smiles at Chu Yi.

Chu Yi, that's a miracle doctor.

If not, who?

At the beginning, when his grandfather was still alive, his reputation was not small. Every village would come to see his grandfather. Some even come from the city or the province to see a doctor.

And the grandfather of that Chu Yi, who is also said to be a powerful traditional Chinese medicine doctor, saw the leaders of the province. Under the cultivation of these two national masters, Chu Yi went to university for four years, and certainly carried forward their medical skills.

Chu Yi didn't expect that today's ticket was so evil because he saved Li Lianzhi.

Qin Yue, who sang the tickets above, felt more and more strange because there were more and more tickets for Chu Yi.

Finally, after singing the last ticket, Qin Yue looked back at the blackboard.

Chu Yi: 202

Wang Bin: 45

Li Guifa: 39

Zhang Yalong: 43

Such a huge gap, so that several other people sitting on the rostrum were stunned.

Wang Haisan, in particular, can't believe it.

Wang Bin had promised him that he would be elected.

But in the end, he slapped him in the face.

"False. It must be false. We have to check the tickets."

"Yes, we have to check the tickets. It can't be like this." Li Guifa saw Zhang Yalong jump out and immediately joined in.

This gap is too big to match the number of villagers who swear to vote for themselves.

Li Guifa thought that he could have 100 votes at least, but there was such a big gap.

"Yes, ticket checking. It's related to the future of our village. We must check it." Wang Bin also rushed up to the rostrum.

"The ticket can be checked. It's your right. However, I applied in advance. After checking the ticket, I won't make any more noise. If we make any more trouble, we will all be arrested for disturbing the election. " With that, Qin Yue patted the table.

To question the vote is to question her.

How can Qin Yue tolerate this?

Is it hard to do that? Will you cheat for Chu Yi?

This is questioning her character, absolutely not!

Wang Bin exchanged his eyes with Zhang Yalong and Li Guifa, and then walked to one side.

Offend Chu Yi, that is not a matter, after all, it is the villagers. Moreover, the village director has little power to tell the truth. However, Qin Yue is different. She is a village official sent from above. She has more power than the director. What's more, I heard that there was a relationship between them, which offended her. They were worried that they would cause trouble in the future.

However, they are not willing to check the tickets.

The money has already been thrown out. Is it difficult for the villagers to return it?

But the problem is, everyone said they voted according to the agreement, what can you do?

After all, it's a secret ballot, and it's not signed.

After a brief exchange, the three decided to check the tickets.

Three people in front of the crowd, singing again, only half of the singing, they stepped down.

With that Kung Fu, Chu Yi's votes accumulated to more than 100, and there was no need to finish singing.

Qin Yue cold hum, picked up the microphone, announced the new village director of Dongji village is Chu Yi.

Then Chu Yi came on stage and gave a speech. In fact, he didn't say a few words. After all, in the previous election manifesto, he had finished what he should have said.

Next, naturally, it's about doing well.

After that, the speeches of several leaders came to an end after a long time.

"Congratulations, you have achieved your wish. I hope you really want the village to be better, as you said in the declaration." Qin Yue came to Chu Yi's face and said this without expression.

"Qin Zhishu, you look like you have something to say. I grew up in Dongji village. How could I not care about the village. What's more, it's blocking the allocation of funds. Don't you know? " Chu Yi gets close to Qin Yue's ear and murmurs in a low voice.

After Qin Yue listened, his face changed: "who did you listen to? Why don't I know?"

"Really don't know?" Chu Yi said he didn't believe it. Judging from Qin Yue's expression, she must have known.

But does it matter?

It doesn't matter. Chu Yi didn't choose this director for his own pocket.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I advise you not to break the law." After that, Qin Yue turned and left.

She also wants to send today's results to the county, so as to officially complete today's task.

Qin Yue left, Wang Haisan naturally followed him.

The villagers, however, didn't leave. They all came up and congratulated Chu Yi. Everyone said they were voting for Chu Yi.

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