Zhang qiaolu nodded, her expression was very calm.

Chu Yi didn't see any useful information from her face, so he went to the second floor.

After arriving at the second floor, Chu Yi found Qin Yue standing at the door to fan.

The wind gently blows Qin Yue's long hair and makes her delicate face more charming.

However, Chu Yi's expression is very insipid, directly into his room.

Zhang qiaolu keeps up with her, but she knows very well if there is any medicine on the second floor.

Who would put herbs in their own room?

It's just, can't she come?

Even if she knows there is no medicine to take, she also wants to chat with Chu Yi alone for a while to show her mind.

"Why As soon as she enters the room, Zhang qiaolu is pushed to the wall by Chu Yi.

"Bang!" With a deep sound, Chu Yi closed the door.

This door is closed to Qin Yue.

Just now when Zhang qiaolu came up, Qin Yue just looked at Zhang qiaolu, but she blushed.

"Qiao er's sister-in-law, it's not what I want to do, but what you want to do." Chu Yi's face showed a smug smile. From Zhang qiaolu's performance, she did not forget what she said to herself in the hospital that day.

So, he thought of that night's things, can't help but want to kiss Zhang qiaolu.

However, Zhang qiaolu blocked it.

"Don't mess about. The Qin branch secretary is still outside." Zhang qiaolu whispered a word, and then bit his lips: "sister-in-law promised you, will not go back, go to my room at night."

Chu Yi eyes clear a bright, below all have reaction.

Although Zhang qiaolu is not willing now, Chu Yi wants to have fun, but it's OK. Putting his hand into Zhang qiaolu's clothes, Chu Yi said, "I have a wild ginseng here. Take it back to replenish Aunt Li's vitality. In addition, Aunt Li will eat a piece of Xiangjiao every day, which will be better for her heart. "

"Well, I remember." Zhang qiaolu face flushed should a, dare not go to see Chu Yi's eye fine. Fear, a look, will not hold the stick.

Two people in the room tired of crooked for a short time, Chu Yi just from the cabinet out of a thumb size wild ginseng.

Now wild ginseng is very rare, and they don't have many at home.

However, in looking for wild ginseng, Chu Yi thought of a thing that can make money.

After buying some ginseng seeds online, Chu Yi went out of his room.

He wanted to see what the virgin fruit had become.

After all, there's time.

Downstairs, Chu Yi came to the corner of the garden where the fruit of the Virgin was transplanted.

"All the results?" Chu Yi was surprised to find that the fruit trees were covered with green fruits.

It depends on the situation. In a few days, it will turn into a red virgin fruit.

"This kind of fruit looks like a drop of water?" Chu Yi found that it was different from other Saint fruit, so he took a serious look.

It's bigger than the virgin fruit.

After smelling it, Chu Yi put it into his mouth.


A sweet smell came to my throat.

"Green will be sweet?" Chu Yi is very surprised, did not expect that the green virgin fruit has such a high degree of sweetness.

And the flesh is Shasha, the taste is very soft, and the crispness of the virgin fruit is different.

"Is this the change of taste after optimization?" Chu Yi squints at the rest of the fruit.

"Wait until it's completely ripe, then look at the taste." Chu Yi felt that it might have something to do with its lack of familiarity.

But one thing is certain, that is, it is no longer the kind of virgin fruit that it once ate.

"After that, I'll call you fairy fruit." Chu Yi squinted and gave it a brand new name.

He believes that this kind of fairy fruit can definitely open up the market.

"Chu Yi, what are you murmuring about alone?" Qin Yue appeared in the yard, wearing a light pink skirt. It seems to be a nightgown.

"Nothing. What's the matter with Qin Zhishu?" Chuyi deliberately shook his body and pretended to be Shhh.

He doesn't want this unique fairy fruit to be discovered.

Seeing Chu Yi's action, Qin Yue stamped his foot. Seeing others hush in public, even with his back to him, makes Qin Yue feel ashamed and angry.

The sanitation of Dongji village is not very good.

It's not uncommon to defecate everywhere.

Changing the rural health environment is also a plan Qin Yue intends to complete.

Just didn't expect, unexpectedly met Chu Yi here so don't talk about hygiene.

So, she said, "I want to discuss something with you."

"Come on, as long as it's good for the village, I'll give you 10000 supports." Chu Yi knows that Qin Yue wants to make some achievements. After all, she is a person who wants to go up. If she doesn't even have any achievements, her hands behind her are not good enough to push blatantly.

"I want to build sewers and public toilets in the village." Qin Yue seriously looked at Chu Yi and said his own idea.

"It's a good thing. The problem is that our village has no money, and the villagers have no money." Everybody wants to do it, but the problem is where the money comes from.

Today's projects are always hundreds of thousands, millions.

Dongji village is famously poor. Where can I afford to repair sewers?

"I'll solve the problem of money. After all, we are also responding to environmental protection. However, it's up to the villagers themselves to contribute. After all, there is not much money that can be applied for. If it all depends on the construction company, it is not enough. I've calculated that if we only hire an excavator and a muck truck, the money will be enough. "

"OK, let me communicate with the villagers. But money has to be in place first. People in our village have been cheated a lot. No one will work hard without seeing the real gold and silver. " Chu Yi heard Li cunxing, the old village head, say that those factories used to say that they wanted to build this and that for the village.

As a result, it was full of deception and didn't give any money, but let the villagers put in their efforts in vain.

Later, similar things happened again, and no one was enthusiastic. After all, it's all drained.

"That's a deal. If we don't have enough people then, you village head will have to take responsibility." Qin Yue has a sense of success.

"Don't worry. Now that I'm talking about this, I'd like to ask you, how are you going to change the status quo of our village?" Chu Yi wanted to know how Qin Yue planned.

Over the past year, he has come up with a lot of ideas.

But in the end, none of them satisfied him.

The most important point is that the people in the village are too poor. It's good to be able to support themselves. On hand, there is no money to respond to any call.

Unless the villagers didn't pay for it.

They are all fishermen, and there are no senior officials in the village. How can they get the money to help the poor so easily?

It's very hard to help the village build concrete roads and tap water.

Chu Yi has his own plan, but he doesn't know what Qin Yue thinks. If it's in the same direction, it's perfect.

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