"The best way, of course, is to attract investment. There are quite a lot of idle collective land in our village, which can be invested in enterprises. In this way, villagers can get dividends every year. " Qin Yue said his idea.

"Oh, are you sure?" Chu Yi had some accidents.

He had this idea before.

However, the conditions in Dongji village are not particularly good.

First, the environment is not good. Secondly, people in the village are old, and they can't provide nearby workers for enterprises, which will increase the cost of enterprises.

Another point is that the transportation is not convenient. Those enterprises can choose places with better conditions.

Unless Qin Yue has already talked about it.

"A little bit, I have a classmate who wants to build a seafood processing plant. It should be possible to invest in Dongji village." Qin Yue reveals a message to Chu Yi.

"That's good. The village must be very supportive of it." Chu Yi knows, Qin Yue says so, estimate to have 80% assurance.

Moreover, that person is her classmate and has a higher chance of success.

Chu Yi feels that the classmate in Qin Yue's mouth may be her pursuer.

Otherwise, how can we promise to invest in dongjicun and let dongjicun take the collective land as a share in the other party's company?

"Which piece of land do you think is more suitable?" Qin Yue hesitated to choose the land. After all, she has more than one plan.

"Naturally, it's a little more suitable in the east of the village or on the other side of the wharf. The transportation is convenient, whether by land or by water. " Chu Yi chose two suitable places for Qin Yue. After all, he was more familiar with the village than Qin Yue.

"Will the land at the wharf be too small? My friend said that his factory has a large scale, with a total investment of more than 10 million yuan." Qin Yue has also seen the map of the village. Although there is no on-the-spot investigation, the gap with the field is not big.

"It should be enough." Chu Yi turned his lips. He didn't expect that Qin Yue's classmates were strong enough to invest tens of millions to build a seafood processing factory.

I don't know what kind of seafood he wants to process.

"Well, I'll talk to my classmate later and let him choose for himself." Qin Yue finished, took out the mobile phone, seems to be ready to send a message to her classmates.

"Have dinner, Chu Yi, ah Fen, Xiao Wen, Qin Zhishu, have dinner." Zhang qiaolu stood outside the door and called.

"Go, eat first." Chu Yi didn't think much, then he called out to Zhao Yuefen and Wang Huiwen.

"Sister in law, why doesn't my aunt come to dinner?" When Chu Yi enters Zhang qiaolu's house, he finds that there are seven or eight dishes on the table, which are very rich. He can't help but be greedy.

"My mother asked me to bring her a room to eat, so she would not serve." Zhang qiaolu explained.

Chu Yi doesn't care, so he sits down.

He knew that these meals should be paid by Qin Yue. But Qin Yue will not think that Zhang qiaolu will ask him to have dinner together.

After all, Zhang qiaolu's craftsmanship is very good.

Therefore, Chu Yi once again proposed to let Zhang qiaolu open a shop, don't waste the craft.

Zhang qiaolu also did not agree, also did not refuse, just silently listen.

After dinner, Zhao Yuefen asks Chu Yi to look at the documents sent by Zhang qiaolu's cousin.

In fact, just tell Chu Yi, don't forget to take her to divorce tomorrow.

After reading the documents, Chu Yi sent Zhao Yuefen back to their own house.

After all, Zhao Yuefen's back after optimization, there will be no infection. What's more, after a night's sleep, tomorrow will be a complete recovery.

Even the long scar will fade a lot.

In fact, as long as Chu Yi is willing, the scar on Zhao Yuefen's back can completely disappear.

It's just that Chu Yi didn't do that considering that he needed a little more energy.

The energy value of 20 points can make those scars disappear completely. It's really high. You know, Chu Yi got more than 20 energy points from SUN Hao's store at first.

However, with so much energy value, we can exchange it for 70000 yuan.

After returning from Zhao Yuefen's home, Chu Yi enjoyed the cool in the yard.

Lying on the rocking chair, listening to the music, not to mention how comfortable.

It's just that Chu Yi has another purpose, so he is itching in his heart.

He was on the blink, time immediately flew to three hours later.

Fishing village, everyone goes to bed early. Generally, after nine o'clock, the people in the village fall asleep, only a few dog barks occasionally.

At that time, he can secretly go to Zhang qiaolu's room to talk about life and future with her.

Chu Yi has already thought about it. He has made more than 200000 yuan this time. He wants to open a small restaurant for Zhang qiaolu.

He believed that with Zhang qiaolu's skill, business would not be worse.

He doesn't expect to make much money, but hopes to give Zhang qiaolu a career of her own.

However, the earlier time passes, the slower it goes.

Finally, Chu Yi has no choice but to take out his mobile phone and chat with Zhang qiaolu, who has been back to the house for a long time.

Just did not chat a few words, Zhang qiaolu sent a picture to come over.

Only a pair of thin legs, nothing else.

"I didn't expect it to be provocative?" Chu Yi touched his nose, and his eyes drifted to Zhang qiaolu's window.

The light inside is still on.

Obviously, this is just taken by Zhang qiaolu.

I have to say that Chu Yi had some accidents.

But it's more of a joy.

This shows that Zhang qiaolu really wants to give her to herself.

Two people chat more and more hotly on wechat, and they are more and more explicit.

Unconsciously, the lights in the village gradually went out, and the lights of Chu Yi's and Zhang qiaolu's were still on.

What makes Chu Yi depressed is that the light on in his house comes from Qin Yue's room.

"A thousand calculations, a thousand calculations, miss her!" Chu Yi is very depressed. Qin Yue is from the city. How can he go to bed early?

Qin Yue did not sleep, Chu Yi dare not secretly touch Zhang qiaolu's room. After all, the impact on Zhang qiaolu is not very good.

"Chu Yi, can you lend me your computer? My classmate wants to pass me an important document." Qin Yue suddenly pokes his head out of the window and says something to Chu Yi in the yard.

"Yes, the computer is on. Go in yourself. I need to get something from the county. Do you want to take a snack for you?" Can Chu Yi refuse?

"No, I'll go to bed when I'm ready." After Qin Yue finished, he quickly shrunk his head back. Because, she just remembered, she didn't wear bar at this time, I don't know if Chu Yi found out.

Chu Yi tilted the corner of his mouth and got up to stretch.

If you can't go to Zhang qiaolu's house, you can't go to those abandoned houses?

Just in time, while Qin Yue is going to his room to get a computer, he quickly takes Zhang qiaolu out, isn't it OK?

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