As a result, Zhang qiaolu is not willing to go out, saying that she is only willing to see Chu Yi in her own home.

And after today, it doesn't count.

This, the Chu easy to provoke urgent, secretly touched into Zhang qiaolu home.

Fortunately, Zhang qiaolu didn't lock the door at home. Chu Yi pushed it in.

Soon, he came to Zhang qiaolu's room.

At this time, Zhang qiaolu is lying on the bed, looking at the mobile phone.

See Chu Yi secretly touch to come up, not from of cover own mouth, full face shame is red.

She thought that Chu Yi went back to help Qin Yue with his computer.

Zhang qiaolu dexterously turned down from the bed and quickly closed the window.

"Here it is." Zhang qiaolu went to the depth of the room.

Her room is very long, with a design similar to the bay window, on the top of the wall.

"Sister in law..." Chu Yi said softly

No numbers are omitted here.

Two people whispered for a while, just calm down.

"Qiao'er, I want to open a restaurant for you. Would you like it?" Chu Yi leans on the bed and looks at Zhang qiaolu.

"Where did you get the money to open a restaurant?" Zhang qiaolu looks at Chu Yi straightforwardly, and doesn't expect that he will talk about it at this time.

"Didn't I go out to sea and earn more than 100000 yuan?" Chuyi grinned and said something with pride.

After all, it's rare for people to earn so much at one time.

So, after hearing this, Zhang qiaolu couldn't help but let out a exclamation.

Then, she quickly pushed to cover her mouth and asked in a low voice, "you didn't cheat me, did you?"

Zhang qiaolu can't believe that Chu Yi can earn so much money when she goes out to sea.

If it had been four or five years ago, it would have been possible. After all, there were more fish at that time.

"Of course it's true. Do I have to lie to you?" Chu Yi pinches Zhang qiaolu's chin and kisses her lips.

"Since you have no objection, I'll take it as your consent. Tomorrow, I'll go to the county and find you a noodle shop Chu Yi always does what he says.

"No, I can't ask you so much money. Well, how about you pay me and I'll help you run the hotel? " More than 100000, Zhang qiaolu really dare not.

"If you make five or five points, I'll lose you. You can't refuse." Chu Yi very overbearing said a word.

Finally, Zhang qiaolu had to nod and agreed to Chu Yi's arrangement.

"Chui, you are so kind to me." Zhang qiaolu looks at Chu Yi's eyes, some worship.

She thought, if with Chu Yi, the future will be better than before. But absolutely did not expect, Chu Yi will be so generous to take out more than 100000, to get a hotel to operate.

"Now that you are my woman, naturally you will be treated well." Chu Yi grinned, hugged Zhang qiaolu tightly, and began a very harmonious scene.

After more than an hour, Chu Yi left Zhang qiaolu's room and returned to his home.

Push open the door to see, Chu Yi found Qin Yue lying on his computer desk, seems to be asleep?

Chu Yi hurried forward to wake up Qin Yue.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sleepy that I fell asleep with you." Qin Yue wiped the saliva of the corner of the mouth, full of apologies to say a sentence.

After all, she was tired all day. She didn't have any rest at all during the day, so she fell asleep after reading the data.

"It's OK. Go to sleep and have a rest. Don't make yourself so tired. Taizu did not say that the body is the capital of revolution. " Chu Yi didn't expect Qin Yue to work so hard.

"Well, I'll go back to sleep and look at the information tomorrow. Can you leave your computer on? " Qin Yue stood up and stretched, revealing a snow-white waist.

"Don't worry, go and have a rest. I'll leave it alone." Chu Yi said.

Qin Yue nodded and left Chu Yi's room.

Chu Yi and Zhang qiaolu had been struggling for so long that he was tired. As soon as Qin Yue left, he immediately got into bed and snored in a short time.

The next day, at dawn, Chu Yi was awakened.

Rubbed rubbed eyes fine, Chu Yi found wake up his own is Li Huiwen.

"Xiaowen, what can I do for my uncle?" Chu Yi got out of bed and picked up Li Huiwen.

Nothing special. Li Huiwen won't wake him up.

"My mother asked for my uncle. My mother asked me to wake him up." Li Huiwen a little embarrassed to explain a sentence.

"Oh, where's your mother?" Chu Yi probably knows why Zhao Yuefen wants to find himself.

Don't you just want to sign a divorce agreement with Li Youwang? As for so early?

Chu Yi looked at the time. It's only 7:30 now. All the units don't go to work.

But since Zhao Yuefen has called herself up, can't she not go?

So Chu Yi came out with Li Huiwen in his arms.

"Chuyi, I'm sorry to wake you up so early. Well, can you lend me 5000 yuan? I'm in urgent need Zhao Yuefen blushed and said what she had rehearsed countless times in her heart.

"Want cash? I don't have so much cash at home. I'll get it for you right away." Chu Yi also doesn't ask why Zhao Yuefen wants to borrow money. After all, she has never borrowed money from herself before. This time, there must be no way.

People, there are always important times.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. Don't worry. I'll give it to you as soon as I make money. " Zhao Yuefen didn't expect that Chu Yi agreed without asking.

"Don't worry about paying back the money. I'll go as soon as I wash my face. Today, I'd like to see Li Youwang and ask him to bookmark the agreement

"Well, after I give the money back, we'll go to Li Youwang for the dog day." When Zhao Yuefen mentioned Li Youwang, she bit her teeth.

If it wasn't for Li Youwang, she didn't have to borrow money from others, and she was almost taken advantage of.

The last time she took the money, she was going to return it to the man. As a result, when she quarreled with Li Youwang, she was delayed. After that person knew that Li Youwang wanted to chop Zhao Yuefen to death, Cui Zhuo Zhao Yuefen quickly returned the money.

He was afraid that after Li Youwang came out, he would try his best to find him.

Seeing Zhao Yuefen's insistence, Chu Yi nodded, turned around and went back to the room to wash, then drove three rounds to take their mother and son to the county to get money.

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