After coming back from the village committee, Chu Yi got into his own clinic.

Qianlong Bay already belongs to him, so it is necessary to change the water quality of Qianlong Bay as soon as possible.

He took out the water bottle containing the mutant Vibrio. Chu Yi took a drop of water with a dropper and began to observe.

"It's reproducing very fast. If it goes on like this, in seven or eight days, the bottle of water will be completely clear, won't it?" Chu Yi was a little excited. The purification effect of this mutant Vibrio was faster than he expected.

After watching for a while, Chu Yi found a bottle, filled half of the water, and prepared to go to Mermaid bay to let these mutant Vibrio take root in Mermaid Bay.

Then, some more seawater is brought back, and the mutant vibrio is cultivated.

Once again appeared in the mermaid Bay, small gray excited appeared in front of Chu Yi.

These days, Xiao Hui seems to be very happy.

On the surface of the water, from time to time there are fish and waves.

Chu Yi knew that it was the fish he had put in the mermaid Bay.

"It seems that you've been eating well these days." Chu Yi touched the corner of Xiao Hui's mouth, and then poured the water in the bottle into the mermaid Bay.

After playing with Xiao Hui for a while, Chu Yi filled a bottle of water and went home.

When Chu Yi returns home, he finds Qin Yue chatting with a middle-aged man, and a van stops in front of his door.

"Chu Yilai, this is Professor Ye and the expert I told you about." Qin Yue introduced it.

"Hello, Professor Ye. It's been a hard journey." Chu Yi quickly stretched out his hand and shook it with the other side.

Chu Yi didn't expect that the other party arrived ahead of time. It's only four o'clock now. Presumably, after the other party answered Qin Yue's phone, he came by car.

"It's not hard. I sleep all the way. It's not dark yet. Can you take me to see where you plan to build a greenhouse Professor Ye went straight to the subject.

"Well, it's in the village." Chu Yi nodded and put the water bottle back into the door.

Professor Ye didn't come alone. He brought two assistants and some measuring equipment. He was very professional.

After taking them to the saline alkali soil, Professor Ye was surprised.

"It's a good place. Why don't you have any plants?" Professor Ye took a look at Chu Yi. He couldn't help wondering about the thousand mu of land in front of him.

Such a large piece of land, if the construction of greenhouses, it is not a small scale.

"It's a piece of saline land. It's not suitable for planting at all." Qin Yue on one side solved Professor Ye's doubts.

"Saline land, it turned out to be saline land. No wonder there are no plants. I said, "Chuyi, you are not going to engage in soilless cultivation. The cost is too high." Professor Ye often helps people build greenhouses, so he is also very clear about the cost in this aspect.

If the greenhouses are built in this area, the investment will be at least 10 million yuan. If it is soilless, it will be at least tripled.

"Professor Ye, are Soilless and organic greenhouses the same?" Chu Yi asked a, he did not plan to engage in soilless. However, it is difficult to explain, so I want to know whether there is any difference between the two greenhouses.

"The greenhouses are all the same, but the equipment inside is different." Professor Ye replied, and then directed his two assistants to go down to field survey.

He can't design until he has the data he needs.

After a busy hour, Professor Ye took his eyes away from his laptop.

"I've collected all the data, and then it's about the design. The results will come out as soon as one week. Is that ok?" After Professor Ye finished, he took a look at Chu Yi.

"No problem. It's faster than I expected." Chu Yi smiles, asks for a micro signal with Professor Ye, and conveniently transfers the money to him.

It's better to pay the design fee sooner or later. In this way, people can design it more easily.

"Then there will be no problem. Let's go first and go to other places." Professor Ye narrowed his eyes. He didn't expect that Chu Yi was so simple.

Twenty eight thousand, eight thousand more than what he said with Qin Yue.

It seems that this Chu Yi is not only knowledgeable, but also very sensible.

"Why don't you leave after dinner?" Qin Yue didn't expect Professor Ye to be so anxious. After he got the data he wanted, he would leave.

"No, Xiao Yue, you should take care of yourself here." Professor Ye patted Qin Yue on the shoulder, and then called his two assistants. They didn't need Chu Yi to lead the way, so they left directly.

Before Chu Yi and Qin Yue left, they stood in the saline land and looked at the sea in the distance.

"Chu Yi, why do you want to build a greenhouse here? This place is not the collective land of the village, is it?" This saline land, Qin Yue feel no value.

You can't grow plants, you can't build houses.

After all, no one will come here to develop real estate, and they can't sell it.

"It's the collective land in the village, but it was contracted by our family early. I found it after reading the materials in the village. There is no other place in our village that is bigger and wider than here. "

"You see, from there, you can drive a road directly to the provincial road, and the traffic is very convenient. There are many advantages here. "

"There are advantages and disadvantages. You just heard Professor ye say that the cost of soilless cultivation is about three times that of soiled cultivation. What's more, you have to build greenhouses. The cost of a shed is 70000. How many can you build now? " Qin Yue thinks that Chu Yi takes it for granted. It's obviously not suitable for building greenhouses here.

"If you can build a few, build a few first. Anyway, I can't take tens of millions at a time. " Chu Yi didn't worry at all. Anyway, his wealth came from the sea.

"Construction hasn't started yet. It's too late to choose another place." Qin Yue still plans to persuade, she doesn't want chu Yi's 700000 completely hit water drift.

"I've made it very clear that I won't change the place any more." Chu Yi answered firmly.

Qin Yue saw Chu Yi leave, lightly sighed a breath, followed up.

Since Chu Yi insisted so much, what else could she say?

What I can do is to help him get some subsidies. After all, many places have such subsidies to take, Qin Yue thinks Chu Yi is also qualified to take.

After all, he didn't go for this kind of money at first, but he really wanted to build a greenhouse and change the situation in the village.

Chu Yi did not expect that Qin Yue would have such an idea. If you know, you must be moved.

After all, this kind of money is very hard to get. But if Qin Yue comes out, Chu Yi believes that he really has a chance to take it.

After all, the relationship between Qin and Yue is there, and he has the conditions to take Chu Yi.

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