The next day, after Chu Yi finished his work, he went directly to Uncle hai to charter a boat.

This time, he is going to go out for a long time and catch more. Therefore, he also purchased some living materials, enough to live on the sea for ten days, and prepared enough fresh water.

After a quiet day, Chu Yi went out early.

Zhang qiaolu originally planned to go to sea with Chu Yi, but Chu Yi refused.

He's going to take Xiao Hui with him. How can he be found. Even if Zhang qiaolu is his woman now, it is impossible for her to know.

After all, it's too mysterious to be able to communicate with sharks. How to explain it is troublesome.

It's better not to let anyone know.

This time out to sea, Chu Yi went straight to the distant sea. Although small ash in the middle suggested that Chu Yi had fish, he didn't stop.

On the sea, the wind was strong and the waves were high.

But for Chu Yi, this is not a dangerous thing.

Anyway, he can survive in the sea for half an hour, even if the ship sank, he will not die in the sea.

After stopping the boat, Chuyi jumped into the sea.

There should be tuna in this place. Chuyi wants to get some tuna.

Anyway, he can store live fish in his Xuanshui beads, and catch as many as he can.

For the first time, Chu Yi didn't see the fish he wanted. They were all mackerels. They were not big, and they were not what Chu Yi wanted.

And here is the deep sea, and he has no way to dive to the bottom of the sea. He can only swim back and forth in the water to find the fish he wants.

On the first day, Chu Yi had nothing to gain. He only caught a few small red spotted groupers, the heaviest of which was no more than ten jin.

Now his vision is high, such a red grouper can be despised.

But it can't be sold. It's good to keep it in Mermaid Bay.

In the future, we can optimize the large fish. Any optimization can make them grow up in a short time. Isn't that a lot of money?

"Now it's evening, and the fish are looking for food. Should some fish come up?" Chu Yi soaks in the water and communicates with Xiao Hui.

As long as there is a large fish, it will inform itself, and then it can go down with it to catch fish by using Xuanshui beads.

But little by little, little gray didn't give any notice.

"Is that the end of the first day?" Chu Yi was not reconciled.

More than an hour later, Xiao Hui suddenly gave Chu Yi a little mental wave.

"Here we are at last!" Chu Yi is happy and plunges into the water fiercely, then swims to the direction of Xiaohui.

"Good guy, it's such a big fish." Chu Yi was happy. Looking at the shadow in front of him, it was more than one meter long. It seemed that there were big fish weighing 100 Jin.

The big fish that can let Xiaohui inform is obviously valuable fish.

But too far away, Chu Yi can't see what fish it is.

With the containment of Xiaohui, Chu Yi is getting closer to the fish.

"I, I don't have eyes, do I?" After Chu Yi saw the fish clearly, his eyes were widened.

Yellow lipped fish is a hundred jin yellow lipped fish.

This is absolutely rare. It can't be any rarer.

As soon as he got close, Chu Yi immediately started the xuanshuizhu and collected the amazing yellow lipped fish into the xuanshuizhu.

"Call it a day, call it a day." In a good mood, Chu Yi came out of the water and shook his head.

That yellow lipped fish just now can sell for millions at least.

He didn't expect that good luck would come at the end.

A hundred jin yellow lipped fish is absolutely rare.

Yellow lipped fish, also known as money fierce fish, also known as (fish high). The Yellow lipped fish has long body, flat side and slender tail stalk. The warm temperate rare bottom fishes live in the sea area near 50-60 meters deep. The young fish live in the estuary and its nearby coast, and distribute in the East China Sea and the northern South China Sea. They are carnivorous fish, feeding on small fish and large crustaceans such as shrimp and crab, while young fish feed on shrimp.

At the thought of its astonishing price, Chu Yi tilted his lips.

This fish is enough for his purpose of going to sea this time.

If the fish is sold, it will certainly cause a sensation.

Then Chu Yi got on the boat and put on his thick clothes.

At night, the sea breeze blows, but it's very cold. Uncle Hai's fishing boat is too shabby. There is no air conditioning, so he has to wear more clothes to get warm.

After cooking himself a bowl of seafood noodles, Chu Yi takes out his mobile phone to pass the time.

After all, in order to go to sea, he also made a lot of movies.

After watching for a while, Chuyi fell asleep.

The next day, Chu Yi didn't sail back. Although there was a yellow lipped fish, Chu Yi didn't think it was worthwhile to go back so early.

He expected to stay at sea for five days, even after the Yellow lipped fish, he insisted on doing so.

What's more, he's still obsessed with tuna.

The next day, Chu Yi's luck was pretty good. He caught a lot of lobsters and some valuable groupers, which were not small.

On the third day, Chu Yi ran out of luck. He caught a crab and cooked it himself.

On the fourth day, it was very gloomy. It seemed that there was going to be a storm, which made Chu Yimeng have a sense of retreat.

However, he did not retreat, but remained at sea.

Such weather, in fact, is also an opportunity.

Maybe it confirmed Chu Yi's idea, Xiao Hui soon came the news.

This time, Xiao Hui seems very excited.

When Chu Yi plunges into the water, he finally understands why Xiao Hui is excited.

Tuna, I really met tuna.

But the school of fish is very small, only about twenty.

However, the individuals who can't stand them are very big.

Two words, one word, chase!

However, the tuna swim too fast, and the distance itself is far, so Chu Yi did not immediately get the tuna he wanted, but followed the fish all the time.

It took Chu Yi more than an hour to catch all the tunas.

"Have a good time!"

Chu Yi hasn't had such a crazy swim for a long time, although with Xuanshui beads, swimming becomes very easy.

"NIMA's, I can't see the boat after swimming so far." Chu Yi looked around and found that he was too far away to see where his fishing boat was.

Previously has been looking after, also didn't pay attention to the direction, this let Chu easy muddle force.

"Xiaohui, can you still find our fishing boat?" In desperation, Chu Yi had to turn to Xiao Hui for help.

It's said that sharks have an amazing sense of smell. Maybe there's a way.

"Really?" After Chu Yi got Xiao Hui's answer, he was surprised.

He didn't have much hope, but it made him a little happy.

Behind Xiao Hui, Chu Yi slowly paddles his body.

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