Then Chu Yi thought of his last girlfriend, who was also his favorite.

At that time, he didn't mention that he broke up with his ex girlfriend, and the love process was not the same as before.

Because they're talking about long-distance relationships.

Memory, all of a sudden back.

On July 4, 2016, Chu Yi was a junior.

Summer did not go home, but with his ex girlfriend arranged to meet in Lijiang Airport.

Chu Yi clearly remembers that he wore a light blue jeans, a gray sweater on his upper body and a black schoolbag on his back that day.

He is anxiously looking at the cold and clear exit, dialing the number that has been played more than 50 times.

"Ruo Ruo, you finally answered the phone. I've been waiting here for three hours. Why haven't I seen you get off the plane?"

"Three hours, Chuyi, are you teasing me? I got off the plane two hours ago and now I'm in the hotel." On the phone, Lin ruo's voice came, very angry.

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong. I arrived at the airport at 10:00, but that's because of the traffic jam..." Chu Yi said for three hours. He just wanted his girlfriend to sympathize with him. After all, he knew that Lin ruo's plane landed at 10:30, but now it doesn't seem to be that time.

"You always do things like this. You never tell me the truth. Chuyi, let's break up. I want to tell you this when I answer your phone this time. " Lin ruo's tired voice came from the phone.

"Why, I will graduate soon, and I will be able to go to Shanghai to find a job and get together soon." Chu Yi was a little flustered, because when Lin Ruo was in conflict with him, he never said "break up.".

Said, on behalf of her clear, serious.

"What about going to Shanghai? Can you afford a house. This time I come here, it's just a dream, a wish we made before. Also, this time I came with another person. That's it. Don't contact me

"Ruo, Ruo, listen to me..."


Looking at the mobile phone in his hand, Chu Yi has an impulse to roar.

"All blame that damned fireball, delay me to come to the airport time!" How can he accept the break-up? Even if it is true, he should make it clear face to face.

"Wipe, almost forget the business, if you don't know where it is." Chu Yi ran out of the pit and ran towards the exit.

"Ah, do you have eyes... Qing, it's you?"

"I'm sorry. I ran too fast and didn't hold. I'm really sorry." Chu Yi is very embarrassed. After all, it's his responsibility to bump into each other.

"How can you be so bold? Can't you be lovelorn?"

Facing the ground crew, Chu Yi seems to see a confidant.

"Is it so obvious?" Chu Yi scratched his head, more embarrassed.

"Well, it's all written on your face. What's the matter? Does your girlfriend stand you up and cheat you into waiting for her here? " The ground crew looked at Chu Yi with a pretty face and felt that he was somewhat similar to his younger brother in the army. He couldn't help caring.

"Yes, but she's here. She's just with someone else." Chu Yi's face was full of sadness.

"Isn't that too much?"

"What's her name? Would you like me to check her flight information for you?" She has a kind of impulse to report for Chu Yi, because her brother was played by a girl not long ago, and almost let his brother back punishment.

"Yes, it can be?" Chu Yi's eyes are straight. If you can find it, it's better.

"But you have to keep it a secret. By the way, what's your name. I'm Han Ying. Call me sister Ying. You look the same age as my brother. " Han Ying cunningly toward Chu Yi whispered a sentence.

"My name is Chu Yi. I'm 22 years old and I look younger. I can't help it. This is the face. " Chu Yi helplessly pointed to his face, has been said that he is not mature, make he want to grow a beard.

"22, are you kidding?" Han Ying is stunned. Chu Yi is one year older than her.

"Really, please show me my ID card." Chu Yi put his hand into his pocket, took out his ID card and handed it to Han Ying.

"Well, that's true. Your face is so tender." Han Ying takes a careful look at Chu Yi, slightly embarrassed. She always thought that Chu Yi was only nineteen or twenty.

"Let's go. I'll take you to have a sneak look." Han Ying greets Chu Yi and takes him to the office area.

Looking at Han Ying brushing the access control, Chu Yi sees a pink space.

This place is definitely not a simple office.

It's not only independent, but also full of cartoon pictures.

Is this Han Ying or the leader?

"What's your girlfriend's name and where did she come from?" Han Ying sits in front of the computer and turns on the cartoon shaped desk lamp.

"Lin Ruo, from Shanghai, the plane before 11 o'clock, the ID number is..." Chu Yi told Han Ying all the news he knew.

"Yes, it's 21:54. The person next to her is Suya. Well, it seems to be a woman. Let me see the surveillance." With that, Han Ying's fingers are beating fast on the computer.

"You are not the legendary hacker, are you?" Chu Yi feels that he has found something extraordinary.

"Well, there's just a little bit of technology, which can't reach the level of hackers." Han Ying some proud Yang Yang mouth.

Chu Yi felt his heart suddenly suffocated, and his pupils dilated.

Although Han Ying belongs to the kind of girl who feels very beautiful at a glance, the more she looks, the more attractive she is. She seems to have the power to attract people.

In my mind, I can't help flashing some illusions that I shouldn't have.

"Come and see. I'll get a drink. Would you like something to drink?" Han Ying backed her chair and stood up. Her hair brushed Chu Yi's face directly.

Chu Yi, with his mind swaying, felt some reaction below.

Because, this is really very provocative!

Of course, he knows that Han Ying is not on purpose.

"Anything, thank you." Chu Yi pulled the chair into some, staring at the computer screen, carefully looking up.

On the computer, there are four angles, which are in the terminal hall, facing the exit passage.

"If, I hope you are really with the girls, or we will really break up." Chu Yi can accept Lin ruo's willfulness, but absolutely can't accept her coming to Yunnan with other boys.

That means he may be green.

It's a man. I can't stand it!

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