"I can understand that my brother was betrayed by his girlfriend, and I found out." Han Ying comforted Chu Yi, then patted Chu Yi on the shoulder and motioned him to stand up.

"Now, it's time to find out where your girlfriend lives." Han Ying's hands crossed together, pressed a few times, moved her fingers, and opened a software that Chu Yi didn't know.

I saw Han Ying input Lin Ruo's ID number, and then some news came out.

"You're here. Does this inn know?" Han Ying took the white porcelain cup on the table, turned the chair and looked at Chu Yi.

"Yes, it's not far from where I live. Thank you so much today." Say, Chu Yi touched his cup with Han Ying and drank the wine in the cup.

"Keke..." the taste is very sweet, and the Chu Yi can be rushed to.

"Sorry, this is my own beer. I forgot to tell you." Han Ying vomits her tongue and looks embarrassed.

"As for thanks, when you see your girlfriend, you can treat me to a barbecue again!" Han Ying blinked her eyes, with a bit of mischievous taste.

"No problem. You should have ten meals." Chu Yi gratefully said, if it wasn't for Han Ying, this time I'm afraid I'd really break up with my girlfriend Lin Ruo.

Now that you know where she lives, you have a chance to stay.

"Let's go. The boss who has you is my sisters. I'll take you to the barbecue." With that, Han Ying stood up and took Chu Yi out.

When he got to the parking lot, Chuyi saw the headlights of a red Ferrari come on.

Chu Yi takes a careful look at Han Ying and says: this Han Ying is really a rich Bai Fumei. Does she have a Ferrari? If you have such a girlfriend, I'm afraid you can struggle for 50 years less?

However, the people who can chase her are afraid that their own strength is not bad, otherwise the blind family will agree.

"Leng what, get in the car!" Han Ying saw Chu Yi in a daze, then called.

"Sister Ying, it's my first time to take a Ferrari. I'm a little excited. Don't laugh." Chuyi embarrassed to explain a sentence, he is just a junior student, where may have sat Ferrari ah.

"Am I in such a hurry?" Han Ying tilts her head and looks at Chu Yi who just sat down.

"Well, of course not. You only look eighteen." Chu Yi quickly explained a sentence, but thought in the heart: is not you let me call you Ying elder sister?

"It's almost the same. I'm one year younger than you. If you call me sister again, I'll ignore you." Han Ying turns her eyelids, although she is not happy that she is smaller than Chu Yi.

Chuyi understood why she was angry.

"Can I call you Yingying?" Generally, the name of Han Ying is called that among friends.

"You know the routine, yes, better than my brother." Han Ying glanced at Chu Yi, then stepped on the accelerator.

It's great to fly all the way.

Chu Yi always wanted to own his own sports car, but he only had a second-hand electric car.

Han Ying didn't speak any more, but turned on the music.

[simple, simple way of speaking, you're not an actor...]

A very popular "actor" echoed in the car, seems to hit Chu Yi in the face, let him some embarrassment.

Next, both of them were silent until the car came close to the destination.

"When we get to the place, it's hard to get into the car. Let's get off here and walk over." Han Ying stops the car and stops.

"So soon Chu Yi seems to be reluctant to get off, because the smell of Han Ying's car smells good, and the perfume she uses is an odour, light and special.

"Yes, let's go and see what your girlfriend looks like." Han Ying gets out of the car first and closes the door heavily.

As they walked side by side, they got closer and closer to the inn where you came from.

"Wait a minute!"

Chu Yi suddenly stopped and stood in the same place.

"What's the matter?" Han Ying doesn't understand of saw a Chu Yi, this time still want to do what?

"Well, can I have your mobile phone number or micro signal? I'm afraid I won't find you later." Chu Yi didn't know why, but suddenly he was a little scared.

But he didn't know what he was afraid of.

"Hey, that's it. Don't worry. I'll stay at the Inn and stay here at night. "

Han Ying's gentle smile makes Chu Yi feel as if all of a sudden from autumn into spring.


Chu Yi took a deep breath and took a step.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard a bright voice inside: "yingzi, how can you come here free?"

"Don't you miss my sister? Come and give her a hug." Han Ying speeds up her steps and hugs the woman who comes out from behind the bar.

This is a young woman, absolutely.

Chu Yi swept one eye, in the heart had judgment.

What's more, she is a very charming young woman.

However, he had some doubts. He had lived in Lijiang for half a month, and he didn't dare to say that he had been to all the inns, but he had never seen this beautiful young woman before.

"I haven't lost weight. Isn't this your boyfriend? My God, we yingzi are finally willing to have a boyfriend? " The young woman is still holding Han Ying, some exaggerated expression.

"Don't tease me. I won't have a boyfriend in my life. He's my friend. He came to you to find his girlfriend Han Ying drew back from the young woman's arms, then pointed to Chu Yi and said, "this is Chu Yi, Chu Yi. This is my sister Liu Pang."

Are they all so charming?

Chu Yi murmured in his heart, and then said with a warm smile: "good sister."

"Come on, what's the matter?" Liu seemed to see that the two purposes of his trip were not very simple, so he asked.

Han Ying immediately explained the reason of the matter, listening to Liu's eyebrows straight squeeze.

After hesitating for a while, Liu came back to the counter and took out a room card from the drawer. Chuyi was humiliated: "this is the room card. They live in the star room of 520. You can solve it yourself."

"What are you doing in a daze? Go ahead. I'll have a chat with sister Lu. When you come down, we'll have a drink." Han Ying pushes Chu Yi.

"Well, I'll go up first." Chu Yi clenched the room card and felt the pace was particularly heavy.

However, he took a step to the elevator.

As soon as Chu Yi entered the elevator, Liu Juo stretched out his finger and hooked Han Ying's chin: "why, do you like that boy?"

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