LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!

Chapter 135: Leng Yan Jian Soul 32

Ling Shen can't help but sigh.

This is a great opportunity.

He couldn't help but want to go to the front of Sanye and slam on it: You rushed to the sorrowful lady, so it was just a rush to the crown.

What a romantic material!

Do not take this opportunity to brush your feelings, but when?

But as soon as he looked up at the cold face of Sanye, all his excitement and courage rested.

After thinking about it, he still cautiously asked: "Sanye, how is Miss Lucy so urgent?"

Ling Xiaoyu glanced in the direction of his love and left, and answered to Ling Shen: "How do I know."

Ling Shen: "..."

So it is true that you can't catch people.

He also wanted to say something, and found that Sanye had already lifted his legs and left.

At the same time, in the love of the room.

She was sitting on the bed, and the delicate eyebrows were wrinkling at the moment, seemingly thinking about what was extremely difficult.

"Hey system, you said, why am I... will it be like that?"

The system flashed white and gave the answer: "Host, rapid heartbeat, poor breathing, blushing fever. According to the general reaction of human beings to the opposite sex, you are tempted."

In the heart of the heart, the frosty sword that was hidden in her knowledge of the sea jumped out uncontrollably, and the sword was put out, and the wardrobe on the side was broken.

Love: "..."

She quickly converges her mind and takes the Frost and Sword back into her hands.

But in my heart, I didn’t relax.

As the body of Frost Frost, any reaction is based on her situation.

Just after the system said it, her heart... was chaotic.

Therefore, there will be cases where the sword is out of control.


I remembered the man who I saw in the car today.

The handsome and profound facial features, the cold-blooded eyebrows, the long legs wrapped under the suit...

Love always knows that the male leader looks good. In fact, even the males of the first two worlds are not handsome.

But she never cares about this in the past, only this time...


Can't think about it anymore, think again and blush!

I feel a deep breath.

Her face returned to calm and said to the system: "I can't like him."

The system flashed white and answered her words with silence.

Love does not care about the system's reaction, only said by himself: "I am destined to leave, anyway, he does not like me, I have no deep roots. After the completion of the task, I left, he lived his life."

This is very good.

The system moved, but did not tell the story, the first two missions in the world, the days when the two men passed after she left.

The host has always thought that they will live well in their respective worlds.


In another room, Ling Xiaoyu sat quietly.

He is thinking about it.

From the first meeting of interest, to the mutual appreciation, and then to...

Know the anger and worry after she was kidnapped.

He has always rejected the closeness of others. Only her, the soft, soft hand touches the palm of his hand, he remembers it until now.

No disgusting, no rejection, no discomfort.

Only incitement.

He seems to have a different feeling for a woman.

Ling Sanye thought about it and took out his mobile phone:

"Let's sink, come to the study."

"I have a question, I want to ask you... Well, South Africa, you don't have to go."

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