LITTLE GOBLIN: Master, Don’t Come Here!

Chapter 136: Leng Yan Jian Soul 33

Ling Shen is shocked at this time!

What did he just heard?

His grandfather, who is cold and not eating the fireworks, is asking himself, what does it feel like to be alone? How to effectively catch up with people?

This feeling……

Ling Shen couldn't help but glance through the open window and look at the sky outside. Well, the normal blue sky and white clouds did not appear abnormal.

Ling Xiaoyu grew up with Xiao and Ling Shen. This subordinate looked at his thoughts. In fact, he was a hidden idiot.

Of course, outsiders can't see it, but people close to you can see through his mind at a glance.

For example, at this moment, the high-cold Sanye looked at it at a glance, and this Ling Shen must have spit in the heart.

He looked at him coldly: "Put up your stupid illusions, and I haven't decided to go to the South African side."

He is very clear that what is most threatening to Ling Shen.

Hearing this sentence is a radical.

He quickly corrected his attitude and looked at Sanye. then……

Excuse me.

What does it feel like to be alone? This is a good point to say.

But how to pursue a person quickly and effectively?

As a million-year-old single dog, Ling Shen said, how can I know!

But can he say this in front of Sanye?

The answer is obviously not.

If you really say this, Ling Shen can be sure that the candidate who can't get to South Africa will be settled immediately.

Thinking in the middle of the mind, as soon as he looked up, he looked up at his eyes and looked at his eyes.

He suddenly has a certain heart.

"Like a person, my subordinates think that it is the physiological reaction of blushing heartbeat, and always thinking about her situation in my heart? This Sanye should be clearer than me."

"Sanye, as far as practicable, Miss Frost is a woman who is already very powerful. She definitely likes the strong."

In the beginning, Ling Xiaoyu didn't expect Ling Shen to say something. He called him over. It was nothing more than nearly 30 years of temptation. He wanted to share this feeling with those close to him.

Ling Shen followed him from a young age. After so many years, he was named a subordinate, but he was already almost like a brother.

His relatives are thin and it is not easy to have such a person.

But listening to Ling Shen said so, he suddenly felt that there is a point.

"go on."

Ling Shen took a hard look at Sanye and began to continue Hu Wei:

"Women like Miss Frost, I like it, I don't like it, I don't like it, you just show your heart."

Ling Yuyu thought for a moment: "Directly?"

Ling Shen looked at his appearance, very serious thinking about the feasibility of this matter, not to be inspired by the spirit:

“Do you need any arrangements for Sanye?”

I never imagined that he could see the day when Sanye opened up in his lifetime!

Ling Xiaoyu looked at this person who was more excited than himself, and refused him cruelly: "No, you go on."

Typical use is thrown!

Ling Shen sighed, and thanked and disappointed to go downstairs.

Just passing by the loving room, looking at the closed door of the other side, he took a sigh of relief - I hope they Lingjia, really can welcome a mistress.

Sanye looked at the infinite scenery in the eyes of outsiders, but he could understand it.

Sanye’s life has been so lonely.

He has never enjoyed being loved, cared for, and remembered.

It is rare that Sanye can like a woman. This is a good start.

May I have a good result.

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