Chapter 123 Nova

   At the opening of the big show, generally speaking, many models will choose not to eat for more than ten hours. The first thing is to maintain their own shape, so as not to eat too much and their abdomen will be supported by food. Secondly, I'm also afraid of eating something bad. If I have diarrhea when I go on stage, then it's no joke.

  After arriving in Paris, Blanca felt that Paris was much more beautiful all of a sudden, and it looked particularly pleasing to the eye. Not only did Paris look pleasing to the eye, but many model colleagues also looked much more pleasing to the eye.

   "Blanca, wow, you have a great figure!"

   "Wow! How did you train your buttocks? Who is the trainer? Can you introduce it to me?"

   "Your chest looks better than before!"


  Almost everyone who knew Blanca began to praise herself, which made Blanca feel like a princess surrounded by everyone.

  Of course, as for where to practice, Branca will not tell these goblins.

  Outsiders may think that a group of beautiful girls who are full of energy on the runway together is a particularly beautiful thing.

  Only people in the circle know that this group of beautiful models is not beautiful when they are together, but more of the darkness of human nature. The truly simple ones have long been eliminated by this circle. The rest of them are more or less bitch, or they are exquisite characters in themselves.

  Simple people cannot survive in the fashion industry.

  As an old man in the circle, Blanca enjoys the flattery of these people, but it doesn't mean that these flattery can extract useful information from her mouth, not to mention that Melissa has repeatedly asked her to be careful not to spread this news to the outside world.

  Blanca also understood that as long as she passed the news to one person, all the models in Paris might know by tomorrow morning.

  Blanca can assure you that 80% of the beautiful girls in the modeling circle are good at hiding a knife in one hand and are proficient at stabbing in the back.

  Because all those who step into this circle must understand a truth, there are only so many of these big shows every year, if you want to go up, that means someone has to come down.

  Many people are willing to pay any price to be on the show, let alone bring down a 'friend'. For many people in this circle, friends can be made again when they are gone, but can't they be on the show? That self is just a little model that no one knows.

   "Fitness, I almost live in the gym during this time!"

  Whoever asks, Blanca will say so.

  When she was on the show before, Blanca would be like most models, nervous and worried that she would not perform well. I even started to suffer from insomnia a few days before the big show, but now Blanca sleeps until dawn, and woke up a little earlier this morning, because Blanca dreamed that her body had changed back in the morning , I woke myself up with fright.

  After waking up, she fell back on the bed and continued to sleep. After ten hours of sleep, Blanca got up from her bed, washed up briefly, and then rode her bicycle to the show.

   Along the way, I don’t know how many men’s whistles I have harvested, which made Blanca have a proud smile on his face.

  Stopped the bicycle, Branca put on her newly bought small satchel with the portrait of the Chinese leader Mao on her back, and entered the backstage of the press conference.

   Pushed open the door and walked in, Blanca immediately greeted everyone. Blanca understands that although many people here wish to throw them off the stairs, the necessary courtesy is still required, which is a survival skill.

   "Bengju (French: good morning), Blanca!"

   "Beng Zhu! Angel!"

   When the two met, they hugged each other warmly and even gave a face-to-face gift, as if they were such good friends.

It's just that Blanca knew that he wished that the woman in front of him would not come today, because this Angel was the first model of this show, and although he had come from sixth to second, he was not the first to appear after all. Opening model.

  If it was before, Blanca would be very satisfied with the second position, but now it is not the past, and I am not the former Blanca, so I am entitled to a better position.

  Angel also hated Blanca, because during the rehearsal, he almost gave up his position to the little female cousin in front of him several times. If he hadn't been on good terms with him, she would have robbed her of the opening position.

   Just like that, Branca greeted a group of people in a fake way, some sincerely, and some completely fake. After a round of enthusiasm, she joined the rehearsal.

   Throughout the rehearsal process, Blanca received the least criticism. After the whole rehearsal, Blanca performed with ease, with the aura of a real supermodel.

When the opening was approaching, Blanca felt the pressure. When the assistants were helping to put on the clothes, Blanca took his bag over in the gap, took out a jar from it, and opened it. I pinched a few grains of boiled peanuts in salt water and put them in my mouth, chewing them in big mouthfuls.

  Remembering that there were other models beside her, Blanca passed the peanuts over to them again: "Try it, Chinese flavor, salt water peanuts!"

This is learned by Blanca and Zhao Changshan. The method is very simple, but some ingredients took Blanca to search for a long time. Finally, I went to a Chinese store in Paris to get all the things together. I picked the peanuts I had nothing to do and cooked them myself. , this seems to have become a ritual for Blanca.

   Eating some boiled peanuts from time to time is also a way for Blanca to relax herself now.

  The model next to him took a look and found that it was a peanut. He smiled and waved his hand.

   For many models, peanuts are almost untouched, because it is high in oil and fat, and it is the nemesis of a good figure.

  The small jar circled around, only one model stretched out his hand, took two and slowly ate them.

   "This is my dinner today!" After eating two peanuts, the model immediately said that she would not eat anything else tonight.

  Blanca grabbed a handful, about a dozen or so, and pressed it into her mouth in one gulp under the eyes of everyone, and then began to chew it deliciously.

Once upon a time, I was also a member of this group of people, but now Blanca feels that she is different and can eat freely, just like the night she just returned to Paris, Blanca hugged the chocolate and breathed a sigh of relief. I ate two whole boxes. After eating, I feel that the whole world is beautiful.

   "How dare you eat it!" the girly design assistant looked at Blanca and said with a smile.

  Blanca picked up a bottle of water, rinsed her mouth, and took a mirror to see if there were any peanut residues in the gaps between her teeth. After a careful look, she put away the mirror in satisfaction.

  Compared with models, Blanca prefers to deal with these design assistants, because they are not in the same profession, so there is no competition, so they are more relaxed when chatting.

   "I'm a little nervous, and eating something can relieve it!" Branca said.

   "Your figure is great, it can be said that it is the best model I have ever seen, but you have to pay attention to it! Don't destroy it! You will let the whole fashion world remember your name," the assistant praised.

  Blanca smiled at him and said softly, "Thank you!"

   At this moment, Branca heard someone yelling "Get ready, get ready, Angel, Branca!" …

  The big show was about to begin, Blanca took a deep breath, and stood opposite Angel.

  The stage is T-shaped, with entrances at both ends of the horizontal line above. As the opening model, Angel occupies the best right-hand position, and the left-hand position can only be Branca.

   Baba oh oh...!

  With the sound of cheerful music, tonight's big show officially kicked off.

  Almost at the same time as the music, Angel, against the backdrop of countless flashing lights, dressed as a world-class master. This year is the first new work with representative expressions to appear.

Angel's typhoon is very stable, with a kind of aristocratic arrogance and reserve. He kept a cold face on the runway all the time, but many people liked this. Many media praised Angel's glamorous and noble, full of aristocratic temperament From time to time, she even talked about her grandma and the earl's daughter.

  Actually, when people in the know mentioned this matter in private, they couldn't help curling their lips.

Following Angel, Blanca came out. She was smiling, her eyes were rolling, and her steps were light like a doe jumping in the sun, more like walking from the small courtyard next door on a sunny morning. A fresh girl who came out of the house.

   Not only the steps and smiles give people a great affinity, but the whole body seems to have a kind of vitality that Angel does not have. In contrast, Angel at this time is more like a pretentious old woman.

  Healthy and natural, with bright eyes.

  It seems ordinary, but if you look closely, the whole figure is uneven, and there is neither a trace of fat nor the clear ribs of the usual models. The whole figure is tight and fit, almost making you feel that you can't pick any thorns.

  Well-proportioned but not slender, fit but not bloated, when this figure stands under the lights of the runway, it seems to be lit by the spotlights of the entire venue.

   exudes an indescribable mysterious vitality, as well as dreamlike youthful magic.

  The clothes on her body seem to be made for her, and they have been integrated with her. People and fashion complement each other and are impeccable.


  The silver-haired, American-accented designer standing behind the curtain, saw this scene and punched his palm bitterly, and said to himself: "I should insist on letting her be the opening model!"

   Not only he thought so, but countless fashion critics and fashion editors in the audience were amazed by Blanca's appearance at this moment.

What kind of nonsense aristocrats? They have seen a lot and admired a lot. It seems too boring, but Blanca's appearance suddenly broke the boringness, giving all the greedy fashion madmen a different feeling At this time, Blanca bloomed in front of their eyes like a firework.

Standing at the end of the runway, Blanca bent slightly, blew a kiss to the person in the 60-degree sector in front of her, and then turned back, leaving only a round circle for everyone, which made people feel a little The perfect buttocks that feel hairy, and the smooth wheat-colored back exuding the sun.

   Walking behind the curtain, Blanca greeted the designer with a hug: "You are great!"


  Blanca knew that she had succeeded today, at least on this runway, she became the most eye-catching one tonight.

  The final show came to a successful conclusion. When the designer came out with all the models, Blanca stood on the left hand of the designer. What Branca didn't expect the most was that after the speech, he introduced Branca to all the guests. Such a surprise directly made Branca cover her mouth, not knowing what to do.

   Bigger surprises are yet to come. Blanca did not expect to appear on the headlines of the fashion section of the newspaper the next day! It’s still the kind of mainstream that is all praised, and only a very small number of critics, and among them are all small newspapers that are not popular, and they rely on contradicting the mainstream to survive.

Even better things came one after another. In just a few days, Branca posed for the covers of two well-known magazines. In the remaining three shows, Branca also got one as she wished. The position of the opening model.

   It's hot to the touch!

   At this time, Blanca finally tasted the taste of red. Someone asked for an autograph when going out, and someone came over to take a group photo after eating. It was only then that Blanca realized that being famous also has troubles of being famous.

  (end of this chapter)

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