Chapter 124 Planning

   "Hmm! Mmm! Mmm!"

   "Good! Good! Good!"

While stirring the spoon in his hand, Jian Heng listened to the phone, and dealt with the person on the phone from time to time. After chatting for about five or six minutes, he put the phone on the table and concentrated on dealing with it. The delicacy in front of my eyes.

  He stretched out his chopsticks intently, picked up a piece of triangular pork liver and put it on the rice in the bowl. He ate a big mouthful of rice with the pork liver, and enjoyed the delicious taste while chewing.

  The main dish on the table today is Hangjiao pork liver, not to mention the others. There are three or four dishes on the table, all of which are hard dishes, and the last one is fried pork slices with lettuce, which is half meat and half vegetarian.

Needless to say, the freshness of the pork liver is taken from the pig that was just slaughtered in the morning. Jian Heng did not expect to find the Hangjiao in this area. Not only can it be found, but the taste is so spicy , so delicious.

   This fried pork liver has not gone down halfway, and Jian Heng has already finished two bowls of rice. Even so, he still **** his mouth from time to time, takes a few breaths, and is praised by today's chef for his excellent craftsmanship.

   "Ha! Delicious, delicious!"

  Feng Sanzhu couldn't help but smile innocently. Today's pork liver is his craft, and Feng Sanzhu is quite satisfied with the boss's praise.

Now Jian Heng finally understands why Zhao Changshan was so happy when he wanted Huang Xiaodong. Feng Sanzhu got half of Huang Xiaodong. If you work hard, you can learn some things faster, but if you want to do it well, it takes time. training. What Huang Xiaodong lacks now is time, and Feng Sanzhu is exactly the one who has been honed.

Not to mention anything else, let’s take today’s stir-fried pork liver with peppers as an example. Those who don’t know how to stir-fry must know what kind of boiled pork liver will be made. Finally, the soup will be neither soupy nor watery. Off-putting.

  Or the pork liver is soaked in water first, and the blood foam is gone, but the liver is also cooked, and it will look old after frying with pepper.

  Feng Sanzhu’s craftsmanship, the stir-fried peppers are dry and crisp, and the pork liver is tender and delicious. After a bite of pork liver, the pork liver not only has the umami taste, but also absorbs the spicy taste of the peppers, which is especially appetizing with meals.

"You've been on the phone for the whole meal, why are there so many today?" Zhao Changshan slowly picked up a chopstick dish, put it in his mouth, then picked up the small wine glass in front of him, sipped it, and took a mouthful. , the wine in the glass is empty.

  He was the only one drinking wine among the three people at the table. There was no other way.

Jian Heng didn't even look at Zhao Changshan, and ate the pork liver on the plate by himself: "Blanca's phone call, she kept talking to me about her professional affairs for such a long time. What's the matter, the fans on social software have gone from 200,000 a few days ago to 700,000 now, and it's almost 800,000, and I don't know how excited they are."

Jian Heng knows very little about the fan economy. Let's put it this way, he has almost no interest. Generally speaking, although he is only in his twenties, his lifestyle is far from the restless youth of today's young people. For decades. The experience in the lumberyard suddenly made Jian Heng's life skip this stage quickly, and he never went back.

   He doesn't know, Instagram (photo wall), this social software for sharing photos, says it is a fast, wonderful and fun way to share your own photos.

  In Jian Heng’s view, once the three words fast, fun and wonderful appear together, they definitely do not point to some unknown thing like a photo wall, but directly to a green beauty, a real ticket.

Having just said this, Jian Heng raised his head and said to the two people on the table: "It's hard for you to imagine, right? 800,000 people have nothing to do all day looking at other people posting pictures of eating and shopping. Damn, these people Don’t you have to work to make money?”

  Jian Heng was a little puzzled, how could someone do these things all day long.

  Even now, although Jian Heng's life is comfortable, he doesn't think about checking the Weibo of any celebrity or watching the Twitter of some big shot.

  In short, the lifestyle of young people in the emerging era is far beyond what Jian Heng can understand.

   But Blanca’s side has been excited these days, oh no, it should be excited. I couldn't find someone to talk to, and I couldn't talk to other models. Melissa, the manager, was not her own nanny, so I could only share this matter with my family.

  I shared my success with my family, but I couldn’t share the details. It was a bit of a fly in the ointment, so I thought of Jian Heng.

   So Leng finally couldn't help being excited after filming a group of fashion magazines, so-called fashion blockbusters and other things today. After returning to the dormitory and closing the door, he called Jian Heng.

  Blanca, who suddenly became popular, is now faintly a first-line supermodel. She is now a model who is qualified to choose both ways with designers.

   There is an old saying, what is it called, a poor man becomes rich again!

   It’s about the present Blanca, who is a little flustered, but insists on pretending to be sophisticated, not daring to show it in front of others. Because she knew that the positive media didn't want to see a smug self, and only those eye-catching media expected her to do inappropriate things.

Too floating is not good for my own development, so Blanca can only chat with Jian Heng for more than half an hour. Jian Heng is a little bit like dying, but listening to her excitement is like touching a switch. It's not easy to hang up the phone.

   "You are outdated! Young people are playing these things now, and they can't put down their mobile phones all day long," Feng Sanzhu said with a smile at this time.

   When talking to Jian Heng, envoy Feng Sanzhu always used honorific words like yours. Even if Jian Heng said it again and again, he would do the same next time. After a few days, Jian Heng stopped persuading him.

"Outdated? Hard-working people will never be outdated in any era. I want some people's time. Like many of them, I have long wanted to find a part-time job and earn more money." I have no interest in chasing other people's privacy all day long.

Zhao Changshan said: "What do you say to him? His age is on the same level as Old Walsh. We are much older than him in terms of age. In terms of mentality, the two of us combined are not as old as his mentality! I still brush up from time to time. A Weibo or something, no one knows anything about it! Outdated! Really outdated!"

While talking, Jian Heng was also full, pushed away the bowl in front of him, picked up the napkin next to him and wiped his mouth: "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's put it here, if you two have nothing to do in the afternoon , If you want to go out for a walk, go for a walk!"

  One month of training time has passed, and the results have come out. Jian Heng gave a group of students a two-day vacation, and as for going home, he went out for a stroll or whatever.

  Suddenly, the ranch lost about twenty people, and suddenly it was empty. Not to mention anything else, the lunchtime meal was not obvious.

Now that the students have all left, Jian Heng is thinking about whether to give the two chefs a vacation. As for the young man Huang Xiaodong, he will go shopping in the city with Damai and Wheat early in the morning. up.

The few people just got their salaries, and Jian Heng is not a stingy person. He has made money by himself, so there is no reason for the younger brothers to eat chaff, so everyone's salary is average, but the bonus is pretty good. Early in the morning, everyone is smiling Go to town and go crazy.

  Young people have to spend money if they have money in their pockets. There are a few who like to save it like Jian Heng.

  So, as soon as the two-day holiday was announced yesterday, a group of people immediately planned the route, and disappeared at dawn in the morning. Now there are only three people left in the ranch: Jian Heng, Zhao Changshan and Feng Sanzhu.

  Feng Sanzhu said: "Then Lao Zhao, you go back, I'm fine here these two days! Anyway, there are not many people to cook!"

  Zhao Changshan is not too polite. His wife just came here these days and has a lot of things to do at home, so he said: "Then I will leave it to you, old Feng. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon if I have anything to do. Call me if you have anything to do."

  Jian Heng thought for a while and said: "Old Feng, don't be too busy, just go around with me later!"

   "I still don't want to go, there is no one in the ranch, I will stay and watch for a while!"

  Feng Sanzhu didn't like to go out with the boss. Besides, he had just arrived and didn't have much money in his hands. He still had a few mouths to support, so he was willing to spend money.

  Old Feng is a representative of middle-aged breadwinners, and a representative of low- and middle-income families. If his money is not tight, his wife and children will starve.

   "That's fine!" Jian Heng didn't force others.

   Jian Heng thought of one thing just now, his ranch should add some guns, not only the ranch itself should get some guns for fun.

   Besides, in a few days, when my house is completed, both He Ye and Jim will come from New York, saying that it is to congratulate me on the housewarming, but in fact they are here to stay for a few days.

  Jian Heng must prepare something. As for food and drink, these two people can't be missing, so he just thought of getting some guns and going into the mountains to hunt and camp. Besides, Jian Heng couldn't think of any special features here to entertain his friends.

  The three of them sat around the table and finished their meal. One went home and the other spread out. Jian Heng drove to the city slowly, planning to go to the gun shop for a small purchase.

  After leaving the ranch and just turning onto the road, Jian Heng's cell phone rang again. While driving, he took out his cell phone and found an unknown number.

  Put the handset to the ear, Jian Heng has not spoken yet, the words on the other end of the phone immediately amused Jian Heng.

   "You are Henry Jean! You took my drone and returned it to me!"

  Hearing this, Jian Heng said: I'm stupid! And there really are such fools!

  (end of this chapter)

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