Chapter 125 Buying a Gun

   "Who are you?" Jian Heng held back his laughter, stopped, and focused on talking to this person.

This is obvious. I got two drones ten days ago. One was named and the other belonged to a cattle thief. Now I called to ask for a drone. Ten dozens of them are those guys. A cow thief.

  As for why this guy called and wanted to return his drone? How did Jian Heng know, he just felt that ten days had passed by this buddy, and his brain was deprived of oxygen?

A vicious voice came from the other end of the phone: "Don't care who I am, return my drone to me quickly! No, send it to the designated place. If not, we will poison your cattle. Also, remember not to call the police, if I see you call the police, I will stop the drone and use poison to kill all your cows!... ".

   "Okay, then how can I hand over the drone to you? Don't poison my cattle!" Jian Heng began to perform with great interest.

   "Then be honest, we will call you again, remember, be ready to answer our calls anytime these two days!" The person on the other end of the phone continued to say in a particularly fierce tone.

  Jian Heng chatted with him for a while, and after putting down the phone, he lay on the steering wheel and laughed for a long time before he stopped talking.

   Finally finished the fun, started the car and thought of the person on the phone, so he was amused again.

  I also stayed in Montana for several days. It was the first time Jian Heng heard that someone could do this. The cattle thief came to blackmail the rancher because of a broken drone.

  With the secret space in hand, Jian Heng was determined to meet these idiots. In order to act like a little bit, Jian Heng called Zhang Jialiang again and wanted to bring the drone over.

   Zhang Jialiang has already 'fixed' the drone these days.

  To be precise, the broken part was wrapped with a transparent plastic bag a few times, and then I don’t know how he fiddled with it for a day or two, and the drone was able to fly.

  So when this kid is free, he takes it out to fly from time to time, and uses the drone to hook up with the students who can be seen, those two or three student girls.

  Hearing Jian Heng's question, Zhang Jialiang told Jian Heng where he put the drone, and then told Jian Heng where the room key was hidden.

  Backed to the ranch, took the drone, Jian Heng continued to do what he should do, and went to the gun store in the city to buy a gun.

There are many places to buy guns in the United States. There are specialized gun stores, and many outdoor goods stores also sell guns. If you buy a gun privately, you need to go through a background check. This thing is easy to pass in some places, but in some controlled States with very strict guns are very troublesome. For example, California can block you for a year or two.

   Fortunately, Montana is not the troublesome one, and Jian Heng's company also has a hunting license.

Humming a little song along the way, listening to the country-style music on the radio that has not changed for more than ten years, pressing the car window, and letting the wind in the mountains blow my cheeks, one person and one car are so happy Mercedes-Benz On the deserted road.

   At any time, you can see herds of cattle and sheep, rolling green pastures, or lush forest mountains. As for wild animals, you can see them everywhere.

The only thing that is rare is the people and cars on the road. Jian Heng drove towards the city for almost half an hour, and only encountered a patrolling police car. When I saw people and cars again, I had already reached the edge of the city.

  Gun shops are easy to find, especially now that GPS is already on the street.

Jian Heng stopped the car in the parking lot of the largest gun store in the city, walked into the foyer, was frightened by the scene he saw, and stood in the doorway, looking at the long crowd and said in his heart: I am a grasshopper , When will I have to queue up to buy a gun, and the queue is so long!

   "Are you waiting to pay?"

A middle-aged man in his forties, dressed in a chubby denim, saw Jian Heng standing at the end of the line at the door, so he pushed a trolley over, first smiled at Jian Heng friendly, and then asked politely .

  Jian Heng quickly waved his hand: "No, I just came in! Why are there so many people?"

   "It's better not to be disturbed by what happened in Nashville ahead!" The fat cowboy said helplessly to Jian Heng.

Then he pointed to the seven or eight small boxes in his trolley, and there were two or three small boxes, and said, "A year ago, these things cost up to 400 dollars, but now the same thing costs 600 dollars, and the purchase of bullets is limited per type." One box, one person can buy up to three boxes of different bullets! Now even the steel-cased bullets produced by the Russians are in high demand.”

   This person said with a look of bitterness and hatred, as if buying bullets by himself and buying vegetables in domestic vegetable markets, complaining that the prices of vegetables are too expensive while buying.

   "Is there a gun limit?" Jian Heng asked.

   "There is no limit to guns, but some small accessories are sold out," said the fat cowboy.

Jian Heng understands what the fat cowboy is talking about. It is easy to buy guns here in Montana, but limited by the law that citizens cannot own automatic weapons, the long guns sold in gun shops, such as M4, are all castrated version.

   But this is not difficult for the American people with strong hands-on ability. They have come up with a lot of legal gadgets on their own whims. These gadgets can be combined with semi-automatic rifles to achieve the effect of automatic rifle bursts.

  Since all kinds of shootings started, guns are still sold, but bullets and small gadgets are becoming more and more strict.

And out of the instinct of self-preservation, every time such a case occurs, many Americans start to snap up guns, and at the same time, some of them will take to the streets and shout for the ban on guns. It was mentioned by some media in the United States who want to ban guns.

  Of course there are those who call for the ban, and there are also those who oppose it, and it seems that there are more people who oppose the ban than those who want to ban it.

  The key points of anti-prohibition are also very sufficient, people kill people, not guns.

   These people think that if they want to get rid of these **** things, they can’t just ban guns. They should control the way for people with mental problems to get guns, instead of making a one-size-fits-all approach!

  Besides, the people have no guns, how can they overthrow the US government when the government is talking nonsense?

Anyway, this messy matter of ban and can’t help can’t be solved in a while, and Jian Heng doesn’t live in the White House, so he wouldn’t worry about it, so he found a small cart that no one pushed, threw it in the store, and started to choose. .

Long guns are placed on the shelves, except for pistols and scopes, other long and short firearms are like a Chinese curtain city, hanging all over the walls of the store, and there are several rows of shelves in the middle , are all kinds of guns.

It seems that you can see almost all the guns in the shooting game anyway. As for the various paratrooper knives, let alone the knives used in the wild, once you enter the store, you will immediately feel that it is here. The guns are like the Chinese cabbage on the stalls in the domestic vegetable market, and they are very cheap.

Up to now, Jian Heng still remembers the shocking feeling when he entered the gun shop with old Anders for the first time. From a country where even owning a few guns for shooting balloons on the street was punished, to a country that indulged so much all of a sudden, That feeling can only be shared with Jian Heng by Chinese tourists who have stood in an American gun shop.

  Thinking about it now, Jian Heng still has a fresh memory: what kind of shock was that at that time!

I chose three long guns. The long guns are called Lai Fu in the Americans, and we call them rifles in China. They have magazines but are single-shot. In addition, I chose three pistols, the Colt revolver, the Beretta 92 and the Grao Ke, I bought one of each. I originally wanted to buy a Chinese-made Black Star. Who knows that there is no stock in the store. There are only Chinese-made Type 5 and 6 submachine guns. This thing is placed next to the AK. I originally wanted to buy one. Who knows? Knowing that the price of this thing is too expensive, Jian Heng had no choice but to give up.

  From entering the gun shop to choosing a good gun, it took Jian Heng less than a quarter of an hour.

  I picked some old brands and practical products, so I didn't spend too much time. It's really not too different from buying vegetables at the vegetable market. With these guns, Jian Heng is going to queue up at the back of the line after picking up three more boxes of ammunition.

   Pushing his own small cart, Jian Heng came to the place where he bought bullets, and saw that all the bullets in this store were placed in the counter. Three clerks with guns hanging from their waists were busy at the counter.

   Quietly found the team with the least number of people and lined up. Jian Heng took out his mobile phone and waited for the team to move forward while playing.

   After swiping his phone for a while, Jian Heng saw that there was a message on the phone, and another message from an unknown number.

  The information is very simple and only one sentence: Have you brought the drone?

  Jian Guangheng was stunned for two seconds, and then sent a message back: Bring it!

  The head waited for a while, and then sent a long series of messages, which stated where the drone was placed, and then some old-fashioned threats, just don’t call the police.

  Jian Heng glanced at it and was not interested in reading any more. After replying with a word of um, he said that he would put the drone there later.

   "Hello! Do you want something?"

While Jian Heng was flicking his cell phone happily, Jian Heng didn't realize that he was already in front of the counter. The clerk waited for a while and found that Jian Heng was still swiping his cell phone, so he immediately reached out and knocked on the table, and asked Jian Heng One sentence.

  The voice is not loud, but the tone is a little impatient: "If you want, tell me the model you want, and please show your ID card at the same time!".

  Jian Heng is in a good mood now, and without the same knowledge as her, he directly said the model of the three cartridges, and then handed over his driver's license.

   "How long will it take to buy additional ammunition?" Jian Heng asked.

  Shops that show their identity like this are generally time-controlled, and you can’t buy the same ammunition again after a long time after buying it once.

  The clerk lowered his head to look for ammunition for Jian Heng on the shelf. The girl had a temper, but when she bent over to look for something on the lower shelf, her round buttocks were facing Jian Heng.

   Jian Heng glanced at it, and thought a little bored: I don’t have a good temper, it’s my fault that I have long buttocks!

In just a few seconds, the clerk found all the three boxes of ammunition that Jian Heng wanted, put them on the table and pushed them to the counter: "You can make an appointment in two weeks, and we will be ready by then. Knowing you, you can come and get it!"

   After speaking, the clerk hooked a buddy behind Jian Heng: "What kind do you want, how many boxes!"

   Jian Heng thought about it for a while, and decided that it is better not to make a reservation.

This store is not going to work, there are other stores, ask Zhang Jialiang and others to help, each of them will line up a store, and line up the large and small gun stores near Kalispell. Dozens of box bombs are enough for general hunting.

   After taking three boxes of ammunition, Jian Heng walked to the end of the line to line up, took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Jialiang, asking them to help him line up at the gun shop while they were playing wildly.

  It took less than 20 minutes to load the gun with bullets, and it took more than half an hour to queue up. Before it was Jian Heng's turn to pay, the clerk called to review. The review was very fast, and it took only five or six minutes to complete.

  After paying the money, I took the new gun and the assistant of the gun shop to the shooting range of the store to try the guns. All the guns were fine, and the whole gun purchase was officially over.

  Easy! It's so simple that Chinese people can't imagine it!

  (end of this chapter)

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