Chapter 200 Warning

  In the evening, Jian Heng cooks himself again, cooks a few dishes, and eats them with barley. Of course, the little tail of wheat is indispensable. Besides wheat, Pooh also takes a place.

  Although there are many light bulbs, they have not had much impact on Jian Heng and Damai. They kiss when they should kiss, and hug when they should hug.

  After eating, I wanted to see the moon or something. Unfortunately, the weather today is very gloomy. I can’t see the stars or the moon in the sky. It’s so dark that it looks like it’s going to rain.

   The wave was not enough, so I had to sit for a while, watching an episode of TV series, and then sent away the barley and wheat.

  When Jian Heng returned to the house and fell asleep on the bed, even though he was lying on the bed, Jian Heng felt unwell for no reason.

  Jian Heng didn't know that from the moment he slipped out, the four-eyed black dog began to wander around, saying that the wandering was a bit too much, to be precise, he was familiar with the environment, and it was called stepping on people.

  If Jian Heng sees the four-eyed black dog again at this time, he may not be able to recognize it for a while, because in this short period of time, its body has changed again in order to adapt to the current environment.

The body is much larger than before. The most notable thing is that the two high ears have now become lower. Not only have they become lower, but the pinnae have also become larger to collect sound waves, and the limbs have become stronger. , the muscles on the hind legs are obviously stronger, and the most important thing is that the fur is thicker, as if wrapped in a fur coat.

  At this time, the four-eyed black had already hunted down a prey, and after eating it beautifully, he was lying on a smooth big rock not far from the prey, hiccupping and lying lazily ready to squint for a while.

  It slept arrogantly, just lying there, even if a jaguar passed by him just now, it was not interested in opening its eyes to take a look at it.

   When the jaguar smelled the smell of the four-eyed black body, it keenly felt the extremely dangerous breath, and quickly disappeared in front of it like a ghost with its tail between its legs.

  At this time, the four-eyed black is very complacent, it does not like to obey the master, it likes to be free, this is its inescapable nature.

  Just left the owner, making it a little scared, or difficult to make a decision, which is a kind of fear of the unknown.

But now these times, it has understood the surrounding things, whether it is a huge male bear, a pack of wolves, or a jaguar that just slipped past it, it knows that these things are in front of it. Fighting the five dregs will never pose a threat to itself, so it names this area as its own territory with great fanfare.

  What Four-Eyed Black did not expect was that his territory overlapped with that of the Edwin Harrison-Marcus Ranch Company and the North African Eagle Ranch.

Because of this, the delicacy it has just enjoyed is not unowned, but the property of the Edwin-Harrison-Marcus Ranch Company: a newly grown ram alpaca is the kind that has been picked up by Chinese netizens. A creature nicknamed Grass Muma.

   Four-eyed black doesn't know that what he is eating is someone else's food. In other words, even if it knows it, it won't care, because in its current consciousness, apart from its owner, Jian Heng, and roosters, there is no creature within a range of dozens of kilometers that can challenge it. Its authority is qualified to challenge its authority.

So now it licks its lips with satisfaction, and prepares to close its eyes and have a good sleep. When it gets up tomorrow when it hits three shots, it eats the leftover meat in its stomach, and then continues to wander around its own territory. Walk around, walk around and see what.

  Don’t tell me, this is a bit like Jian Heng, Jian Heng also likes to ride black beans around his own land when he has nothing to do.

   It's just that the four-eyed black doesn't know it, and the trouble has slowly moved towards it.

  An alpaca was thrown away during the counting at night, and it was a stud alpaca that was going to be planted in the future. The cowboys on the ranch would definitely not forget about it.

No one will say that it is late today, and we will look for it tomorrow morning. This is simply impossible. All livestock will start searching as soon as they know they are missing. If the beast eats it, it is best to know what the beast did, this is the attitude of the cowboys at work.

  So the Edwin Harrison Marcus Ranch Company sent a search team of more than two dozen cowboys to get the alpaca back.

  Hate the fast cowboys found the trace left by the four-eyed black, and it was it who dragged the alpaca to the present place step by step.

  Why did the alpaca have to be dragged so far instead of being eaten on the spot? If someone understands Siyanhei's inner thoughts, he may be surprised, because Siyanhei likes the big rock he is lying on now, not only because it is flat and smooth, but also because it reminds him of the one next to his mother's nest when he was young. The cool broken tiles, it liked to sleep on them when it was young.

   This boulder is very prominent, not only very prominent but also very conspicuous. Looking up from the hillside, you can easily see this protruding boulder. Of course, the remains of the alpaca hanging on the boulder are indispensable.

  Four-eyed black is so arrogant, and because of this, it was quickly targeted by a team of cowboys who found it.

   "Wolf?" A cowboy turned to an old cowboy next to him and asked.

   "Hmm!" The old cowboy saw that he could drag such a big alpaca almost two kilometers away, the strength of this wolf is really unambiguous.

  The old cowboy turned his head and said to his companion: "This one is most likely the wolf king. Maybe there will be wolves living nearby! Let's shoot as far away as possible."

  According to his experience, such a strong wolf must be a wolf king. Even if it was not before, it is impossible for such a physique to wander alone by a wolf. Such a strong body is almost born to be a wolf king.

  The old cowboy thought of this and said: "This thing belongs to me!"

   "What do you want it to do?" the companion asked in a puzzled lowered voice.

  The old cowboy said: "I will make a specimen of it and put it in my living room!"


   The two cowboys talked to each other here, so they decided on this matter. The two of them had no intention of soliciting Four Eyes Hei at all. They each took the rifles in their hands and searched for a nearby vantage point, preparing to leave Four Eyes Hei as complete as possible.

   It’s just that the two of them just paid attention to finding the location, and didn’t find a hunting dog they brought with them. It’s been a long time since they dared to let out a whimper. A cattle dog has no guts to blow up when it meets the parallel version of Tengu.

Four Eyes Hei heard the movement of the two, but its arrogance prevented it from taking this thing seriously. In its mind, it thought that these two humans would be like the jaguar just now, and would be hindered by its lust. Sneaking away silently from his side.

It's just that it was wrong. After a while, it felt a dangerous force was slowly forming around it, and it became heavier and heavier. This made it directly raise its head, and instead of lying on its back, it changed to In order to lie down, his eyes turned to the direction of the danger.


  The moment Siyanhei raised his head, the rifle rang, and the old cowboy had already aimed at Siyanhei's belly, firing a bullet that would be fatal to any animal.

  It's a pity that Four Eyes Hei is not any animal. The moment the bullet was about to hit it, Four Eyes Hei's figure stopped and fell to the opposite side of the stone facing the old cowboy.

   "Hit!" The old cowboy's companion reached out to give the old cowboy a high five in celebration.

After waiting for a while, the two didn't notice any movement of other wolves around them, so they lifted the Laifu in their hands, got on the horse and ran towards the stone, wanting to see if their prey was dead or not. One shot, did it cause any irreparable damage to the leather, so that it affected the trauma of later specimen making.

  The two of them were so excited that they didn't notice that the dog that would have been following them was still lying on the spot, with its head bowed like a mediocre man, as if seeing a king, and was too scared to look up.

  The two rode on their horses and soon came to the side of the stone. The old cowboy looked up and was stunned, because there was no shadow of a wolf next to the stone.

  The companion just wanted to ask how it was, but soon his expression changed and he yelled loudly: "Sam! Be careful!"

   It's a pity that even though he gave the warning, he couldn't protect his colleague. A huge black shadow jumped down like a goshawk, and directly threw the old cowboy off the horse.


  The companion pulled the safety of the gun, ready to aim at the huge black shadow in front of him.

   But when he raised his gun to take aim, suddenly the huge wolf turned its head and looked at him with its pair of black eyes that were so weird that they shone.


With just one glance, the companion felt as if all the courage in his body had been taken away by the giant black wolf in front of him. Suddenly, his thighs tightened, and a stream of heat flowed along his leather chaps, passed through the bend of his legs, It leaked from the trousers on both sides.

what! what!

The old cowboy roared loudly in pain, he raised the gun in his hand, and wanted to use the **** of the gun to pull away the wild wolf that was holding him down, but as soon as he thought about it, a wolf paw pressed his face, There was a crisp collision between the head of the whole person and the stone on the ground.

   At this moment, the old cowboy had only one thought in his mind: What a big paw!

  Just this moment, the old cowboy passed out, and when he woke up two seconds later, it was already because of the huge pain in his thigh that stung every nerve in his body.

   That wild wolf turned around and left!

Just in front of the two cowboys, dragging the alpaca that was half willing, like the king of the night, walking so easily and freely, leaving only an old cowboy hugging his thigh and crying endlessly , and his companion who peed his pants.

   "It's warning us!" The companion murmured in a frenzy.

   "Toby, Toby, can you come over and do me a favor, oh my god, shit, shit!" The old cowboy looked at his companion angrily and roared loudly.

   "It's just a warning to you!" Toby seemed to be possessed, and instead of coming to help, he murmured to the old cowboy.

   "Damn! Damn!" The old cowboy thumped the ground a few times, and after a few curses, he began to tear off his belt, and then **** his injured leg tightly.

  (end of this chapter)

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