Little Life on An American Ranch

Chapter 201: start a feud

  Chapter 201 Enmity

The four-eyed black left, it only hurt the old cowboy's leg as a warning, it didn't know why it didn't kill the cowboy like a prey, but its instinct told it, it's better not to do this, or it may cause to consequences that they cannot bear.

  Its fear does not come from humans, it has no awe of humans, its awe comes from the master of the secret realm who created it. It respects its heart, and its instinct tells it to try not to hurt others so as not to attract Jian Heng's pursuit.

   But the old cowboy didn't feel it, he only felt that he was challenged, a wolf actually bit him, and walked away swaggeringly in front of his eyes. He considered being a cowboy a lifelong disgrace.

  The cowboys believe in the shame forged by blood, and only blood is eligible to wash away.

   Hunting and killing this wild wolf and making it into a specimen, or at least punching it into holes, is the result approved by the old cowboy!

  The gunshots attracted other cowboys. Now the experienced cowboy is doing a simple bandage for the old cowboy, and then he is going to put him on the horse, send him back to the ranch, and then send him to the hospital by helicopter.

  Toby walked to the old cowboy's horse at this time, stretched out his hand and pulled his rein: "This is just a warning!"

  Sam gave Toby a disdainful look, and his answer was only one word: "Go away!".

   After saying a word, he shook off Toby's hand and urged his mount to go down the mountain.

  The urine stains in Toby's crotch not only aroused Sam's disdain, but other cowboys also felt disgusted with Toby. A cowboy who didn't even have the courage to shoot when his companions encountered difficulties, and was scared by a wolf and peed his pants, how could such a cowboy deserve to be called a cowboy.

   Now all the cowboys understand that after returning to the ranch this time, Toby will say goodbye to everyone, because no cowboy likes his companion to be a coward, and no ranch wants such a coward.

   "Don't provoke it!" Toby yelled loudly at Sam's back. Toby understood that look, and he didn't know how he would feel that this matter was the best result so far, so he wanted to persuade Sam.

   Unfortunately, no one can understand his heart.

   "Bah!" Sam spat a mouthful of phlegm on the ground in disdain, and then urged the horse to trot down the mountain.

  Several cowboys got on the horses one after another at this time, almost all of these cowboys gave Sam a thumbs up in their hearts, thinking: This is the real cowboy! With such a severe leg injury, he could sit on the back of a horse like a mountain.

   Switching to Chinese means pure man!

  As for Toby, no one cared about him. After a series of hoofbeats, he was left riding alone.

  The dejected Toby was getting on his horse when he suddenly found something biting his trouser leg. He looked down and found that it was the cattle dog he had brought.

   Aww, aww!

  The bulldog whimpered in a low voice, as if expressing his fear.

  Toby said with a wry smile: "We will all be seen as cowards!"

   After getting on the horse, Toby walked down the mountain following the hoofprints of his companions. The speed of one person and one dog was not fast, with an inexplicable desolation.

Sure enough, when Toby returned to the ranch, the management had informed him to go to the accounting office to settle the bill. As for the fate of the cattle dog, there was no need to ask, but Toby spent half a month's salary to buy the cattle dog back, and then trust Bi drove the car and took the cattle dog back to his home in the town.

  For a cowboy, it is not easy to be called a coward and find a job, especially in the current economic situation, it is even more difficult.

  What was Jian Heng doing when Four Eyes Hei was shot?

Jian Heng had already put on his clothes and came out at this time, because he remembered that he hadn't done what he decided today, which was to get out a batch of mediocre horses raised in the space, and then create an unknown horse. The way the horses that came from nowhere blended into their own herd.

Driving the bull through a section of the fence, Jian Heng got the ponies out of the space. Now that ponies are no longer suitable, after almost half a day, these horses have grown to almost adults It seems that the mares in the herd should be able to start breeding foals by the spring of next year at the latest.

  Daniu and Qianlong both smelled the smell of space from these horses, and these horses became much more honest after seeing two of them. Even the strongest stallion among them did not have the courage to challenge Daxian or Qianlong.

  The event has been accomplished!

  Jian Heng threw the big cows into the nearby woods. Anyway, Jian Heng didn't worry about his own cows, sheep, etc. running away.

   After finishing the work and returning home, Jian Heng lay down on the bed, and found that the original discomfort in his heart suddenly disappeared, and he fell into a deep sleep not long after.

oh! oh! oh!

   Tap! despair! despair!

  Hearing these two voices in his ears, Jian Heng knew it was time to get up.

  As usual, after getting up, he greeted Heidou first, then turned his head to wash up, about two minutes later, when he went out, he saw Heidou standing at the door with a big face waiting for him.

   Arrived in the utility room, after putting the pads and throwing the saddle, those who hadn't come hurriedly got on the horse, and then heard a rush of hooves.

  Jian Heng turned his head and saw that it was Huang Xiaodong rushing towards him.

   "Boss, it's not good, the big thing is not good!" Huang Xiaodong shouted when he saw Jian Heng.

   "What's wrong, your wife is going to participate in the Miss America selection?" Jian Heng teased him, and then turned on the horse.

  Huang Xiaodong said: "No, I don't have a daughter yet... Forget it, that's not what I'm talking about, I mean a group of wild horses ran into our house!"

   "What?" Jian Heng pretended to be surprised and asked, pretending to be completely ignorant: "You can't just want to tease me just because it's not yet dawn."

   "Really, really!" Huang Xiaodong said.

  At this moment, sisters Da Mai and Mai came riding together, heard Huang Xiaodong's words, and asked, "What's true?"

   "A group of wild horses squeezed into our herd!" Huang Xiaodong said.

   "Wild horses?" Damai glanced at Jian Heng, then at his sister, and then asked Huang Xiaodong: "Is there someone's imprint? Just separate them and drive them out of the pasture."

"No, the whole body is very clean, not to mention marks, there is not even a bald one, a smooth and smooth horse, otherwise Brother Jialiang wouldn't be watching there, let me inform Boss," Huang Xiaodong continued panting.

   "Go, go and see!"

   Sisters Barley and Wheat dropped a sentence, and urged the horse to run towards the woods where Jian Heng put the horse yesterday.

   Jian Heng saw the two sisters who were anxiously shouting, so he said to Huang Xiaodong: "Let's go!"

  The four people and four riders were still far away, and they saw Zhang Jialiang waving his hands, dancing happily at Jian Heng and the others.

   "No mark?"

  The barley and the wheat arrived first, asking almost simultaneously.

  Zhang Jialiang said: "No, not a single one!"

  Barley and Wheat didn't wait for his answer, and directly urged the horses to the edge of the forest, ignoring all kinds of dung in the forest, and urged their own mounts into the forest, and then began to look at the horses.

There are no marks on the front shoulders and rear hips, which can almost confirm that the horse has not been marked. The two saw that each batch of these horses was better than the horse Jian Heng bought for the second time, so they were excited. He rushed out to announce the good news to Jian Heng.

   "What about the boss?" Zhang Jialiang asked in a surprised tone.

   "Then what should I do, copy the guy's brand," Jian Heng said happily at this time.

  Seeing that Zhang Xiliang was about to turn his horse around, Jian Heng called out to stop him: "By the way, have you repaired the broken fence?"

   "How do you know that the fence was broken?" Zhang Jiahao asked curiously.

   Jian Heng made a serious face: "How did they get in without breaking the fence?"

   "That's right! It's fixed, it's true!" Zhang Jialiang shook his head.

In fact, there are two kinds of fences in Jianheng Ranch, one is wire fence and the other is wooden fence. Zhang Jialiang said that it means how do you know that the horse is not a wire fence, but Jian Heng's answer is to cover up the truth. , which interprets all fences as fences.

"Boss, don't interfere, let's do it this time!" Huang Xiaodong and Zhang Jialiang were so excited about this job, and they had practiced riding for so long, although they can't be regarded as qualified Cowboys, but they had at least two or three successes with what the cowboys knew, and the two of them started separating the horses from the herds.

With Jian Heng around, it wasn't difficult for the two of them to get the horses out, and Jian Heng didn't help the ones who were picked up to drive into the imprint column, but a few new cattle dogs who had just entered the ranch played some roles, and were picked up by Zhang Jialiang and Huang Xiaodong took advantage of it. Although it was a bit awkward to catch up, there is always a process of familiarization between a novice and a new dog.

While Jian Heng was busy here, the cowboys of the Edwin Harrison Marcus Ranch Company had already driven the cattle to today's grazing land, simply finished breakfast, and then began to walk around the ranch. Search for the lone wolf who injured his companion yesterday.

More than half of the herd has been driven into the winter pasture, so now there are only about 20 cowboys left by the Edwin Harrison Marcus Ranch Company, plus the arranged ones, there are almost five groups of ten cowboys who can be dispatched , This is already the most manpower that the ranch can deploy now, not only cowboys are searching the ground, but drones are also searching high schools.

  Under the combination of land and air, the four-eyed black was soon discovered, not because of how brave the cowboys are, but the four-eyed black is back! He continued to lie on the big rock that let him see Mrs. Shi Si.

  When the image of the drone sent the four-eyed black look back to the monitoring screen, several operators were taken aback, because they had never seen such a strange-looking wild wolf.

   What's more interesting is that the wild wolf looked at the drone with its mouth open, as if laughing, and the expression on the wolf's face was like a foolish, imbecile smile.

The huge and strong body is paired with a smirking expression. If you only look at the wolf's face, it will make people think that the wolf looks ridiculous and has no lethality at all. The thick muscles under the hair clearly show that this is an extremely strong wolf.

   Found Four Eyes Hei, and soon the cowboys surrounded him. Just when the cowboys were about to complete the encirclement, Four Eyes Hei slipped through the gap between the cowboys.

When the cowboys saw the big rock that was empty of wolves, two neighs sounded behind them. When they turned their heads, they found the shadow of the smiling black wolf flashing past twenty meters away. , the arteries in the necks of the two horses had been bitten through, and blood spurted out like a fountain.

boom! boom! boom!

  In an instant, all the guns were fired, hitting the tree next to Heiying, and there was no bullet on the grass that hurt Heiying.

   "Chase!" Following the command, all the cowboys chased after him.

  However, when the cowboys chased them more than 30 meters away, there were two horses neighing again. Like the above two horses, the arteries of these two horses were still bitten, and they were hopeless.

   There was another row of gunfire, but this time, the black shadow did not leave, but watched the leader of the cowboys calmly and abnormally while the cowboys were reloading their bullets.

   At this time, Four Eyes Hei and the cowboy leader exchanged glances. Everyone knew that this matter could not be resolved.

  (end of this chapter)

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