Chapter 207 Vermin

After eating, Jian Heng led the students to a forty-five-minute class. Halfway through the second period, he found Zhang Jialiang standing at the door with his head stretched out and making gestures with himself. He seemed to know him I have something to tell myself, and it is very urgent.

"Balley, come and help me take them to continue doing it, that is jackpots and planks, do four sets, and each set decreases! If you don't come back, follow your original plan!" After finishing speaking, Jian Heng wiped With sweat on his forehead, he walked towards the door.

  Seeing Jian Heng coming out, Zhang Jialiang turned around and went out the door.

  Jian Heng arrived outside the door and asked Zhang Jialiang, "What is it?"

"Boss, two of the chickens at home were killed by something! When Huang Xiaodong ordered the chickens in the morning, he found two were missing. Then he found them in the small bushes over there. The thing that killed them did not eat them. ..." Zhang Jialiang said in detail.

   "What? Impossible?" Jian Heng couldn't believe it, because there were not only dogs in the house, but also such unnatural things as high officials in the chicken coop. How could it be possible for a chicken to be killed by something.

  Zhang Jialiang said: "Really, if you don't believe me, I'll take you to see, two little roosters! You can tell at a glance that the neck was bitten off by something, and there are traces of paw prints and teeth on the body."

  Hearing what Zhang Jialiang said, Jian Heng got on the quad bike that Zhang Jialiang rode, and followed him to the restaurant.

   Before Jian Heng's people arrived, he saw Zhao Changshan and several people standing at the door, forming a circle around something, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

  Hearing the sound of the motorcycle, everyone turned their heads one after another. When they saw Jian Heng approaching, these people took the initiative to get out of the way and let Jian Heng, who got off the motorcycle, walk into the circle.

  Looking at the chicken on the ground, he stretched out his foot and touched the chicken. After looking at the wound on the chicken, he understood what did it.

   "Jialiang, go to the town and call Juan, none of you touched this thing, right?" Jian Heng asked the person who looked around.

  Zhao Changshan and everyone else couldn't help but wrinkled their faces when they heard this. The meaning was very obvious. Almost everyone present touched these two dead chickens, especially Zhao Wei's face turned pale all of a sudden.

   "Boss, are our lives in danger?" Zhao Wei asked worriedly.

Jian Heng saw that he frightened everyone, so he said directly: "No way, these two chickens were killed by raccoons. This guy has a lot of germs on his body, especially rabies. Also, all raccoons There are roundworms in their bodies, and the roundworms in their stomachs are much more powerful than the roundworms of cats and dogs! It’s just strange why these guys came out at this time, it stands to reason that these things should hibernate now.”

  When they heard that it was a raccoon, both Zhao Changshan and Feng Sanzhu heaved a sigh of relief, especially Zhao Changshan: "You say raccoons are raccoons, and you say it's so scary! I thought there was some major infectious disease."

  For a person living in the American countryside, the probability of encountering a raccoon is many times greater than that of a beggar. Zhao Changshan also knows about raccoons, not only knowing but also seeing them more than once or twice.

  For the Chinese people, the raccoon looks very cute, and many people have deep childhood memories of the little raccoon noodles. In addition, some media in China seem to describe raccoons as a particularly cute animal, especially when they see raccoons washing things, they think it is a very cute little thing, and confuse Chinese people who don’t know the truth. Many netizens want to raise one every minute.

Raccoons are indeed cute, and their appearance is very pleasing. Unfortunately, raccoons are not as cute as many Chinese people who don’t know the truth think. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the residents of rural America, if they are asked to choose the most suitable Animals that they have a headache or don't want to get close to, raccoons definitely make the top five.

  Speaking of these things, many Americans living in the countryside can talk about them for three days and three nights. Stealing dog food and cat food is not a bad thing at all.

This guy is inherently thieves. If you have seen the video of the raccoon, you will know that this guy usually sneaks up next to the cat and dog food bowls, reaches out to hold a handful of dog food and cat food, and then runs away in a hurry. Most of the time, he straightens up. The hind legs, walking like a human, look very deceptive.

But this is just a small episode. With its sharp claws and teeth, this guy can directly dig a hole in your roof and live on the ceiling of your house. If it rains heavily, you will find that your house will collapse in minutes. It will leak like a sewer. At this time, when you check the roof, you will find that there is a hole the size of a washbasin in your roof.

And raccoons are a huge threat to pets, they can eat your cat, or bite your dog at home, of course, if you have a little big thing like Tairitian at home, it's 'cute' Mr. Raccoon doesn't mind using it to beat teeth or something.

  Usually speaking, it can easily deal with ordinary pets at home and kill them. Even against cattle dogs, these guys often have no problem running away.

  Many old-school ranchers encountered these things and shot them directly, driving these things out of their ranches or farms.

  As for what happened at Jian Heng's house now: eating chicken, that's even more normal.

Jian Heng knew that there were raccoons in his ranch, and it would be strange if thousands of acres of ranch didn't have them. He just didn't know that these things would be so arrogant that they would kill his chickens, let alone why these things would come out to eat at this time Home chicken.

  Like this low temperature weather, shouldn’t all raccoons hibernate?

   "Where are the high officials?" The first thing Jian Heng thought of was his own small Golden Crow, which is the little rooster known as the high officials.

   Of course, it’s a bit of a misnomer to say it’s a little rooster now, this guy has grown bigger than a foreign rooster, and weighs a full ten kilograms, which is a bit heavier than an ordinary foreign rooster.

   "I haven't seen it for a few days, and I probably went to another house."

  Everyone is also a person who has seen the majesty of a high official, and feels that if the high official is at home, maybe these two roosters will not have to die. But some people are not sure whether high officials can fight raccoons. For example, Zhao Changshan knows that raccoons are probably a nest. If you don’t stop the roots, these things can turn your home into a back garden. .

   Not everyone has as much confidence in the officials as Jian Heng.

"You go to the town to call Lynch first, ask him to bring some disinfectant, and then search for raccoon feces or something nearby, if there is any, throw it away early, remember to disinfect it...Remember The pollution from living in this thing is not transmitted by contact! Fortunately, there are no children in the ranch!" Jian Heng said.

  Hearing what Jian Heng said, the faces of Huang Xiaodong and Zhao Wei, who had just arrived from China, changed a bit.

  Zhao Changshan said: "Don't listen to his exaggeration, isn't it just a raccoon, just kill it!"

He said so, but in his heart Zhao Changshan still had enough hatred for these little things. He had intersected with some Chinese farmers and ranchers in New York, so he naturally knew that these little things don’t look good-looking. The host seems to be a vermin.

   "Go, get Lynch over here, no matter what you say, disinfect the chicken coop first" Jian Heng said to Zhang Jialiang.

   "Okay!" Zhang Jialiang immediately started his motorcycle and walked towards the gate of the ranch.

  Jian Heng said to Zhao Changshan: "Burn this chicken, it will be ashes!".

   "Okay, leave this matter to Zhao Wei!"

   Seeing his nephew's frightened expression, Zhao Changshan couldn't help but glared at him: "You kid is really shameful and afraid of a bear, how can it be so scary!"

  Looking at his appearance, Jian Heng felt that what he had said was a bit too much, so he smiled at him: "I'm just in case, don't worry, the chance of such a thing happening is less than one in ten thousand!"

   "It's okay, I'm not afraid!" Zhao Wei said.

  It's a pity that his face doesn't seem to be okay.

  Zhao Changshan sighed: "Forget it, I'll come!"

  Zhao Wei then said: "Uncle, I'm still here!"

"Okay, I don't care who you come from, I'm going to look around now to see if I can find the raccoon's lair, mainly in tree holes, if you have time, help to find it, and kill it immediately if you find it , Remember to take the gun!"

   After speaking, Jian Heng remembered something, and pointed at Zhao Wei: "You and Jialiang don't need to take guns, Brother Changshan and Sanzhu should take guns."

Both of them are steady people, and Jian Heng thinks there is nothing wrong with holding a gun. Zhang Jialiang and Zhao Wei are still a bit rough. A gun is not like a knife. If it hurts, it will be serious. Just in case, Jian Heng felt that he would not let them go out with guns alone! "

   "Okay, I got it!"

  One of the keys to the gun frame in the house is on Jian Heng's body, and the other is on Zhao Changshan's body. When Zhao Changshan is away at night, the key is on the steady Feng Sanzhu.


   It's all right here, and the task has been assigned, Jian Heng blew a whistle.

   A sharp whistle sounded, and after less than ten seconds, the sound of Heidou's horse's hooves sounded, and the fully saddled Heidou ran to Jian Heng's side with cheerful hooves.

  Zhao Changshan and his group were so jealous.

   "How did you train Heidou, why can't my XX do this?"

  Everyone said one after another.

To be honest, Jian Heng doesn’t know why Black Dou is like this. If you want to say that he is outstanding, the qualifications of Black Dou are really much worse than that of Mountain Range and Water Lily. It’s a pity that even if these two horses are taught by Barley and Wheat, The two goods will not rush over as soon as they whistle, let alone distinguish the master's whistle.

  (end of this chapter)

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