Chapter 208 Timid

   Mounted on the back of Heidou's horse, Jian Heng urged Heidou to search nearby. Of course, Jian Heng also brought a cattle dog: Rhubarb!

  Following Rhubarb, Jian Heng slowly waited for Rhubarb's reaction, heard two barks, saw Rhubarb take a step forward, and rushed forward, and then urged Heidou to follow.

   After chasing for almost half an hour, Jian Heng found that Rhubarb had turned back to the original place, and then he was looking around in a daze.

   Seeing Rhubarb's appearance, Jian Heng knew that Rhubarb was lost.

   "Okay, let's go back!"

  Seeing that Da Huang was hopeless, Jian Heng asked Da Huang to go back directly, and he was going to find a high-ranking official to see where this guy went crazy again.

  Rhubarb heard the master's order, looked up at Jian Heng, let out a breath of white air into the air, and barked twice.

  Jian Heng was about to focus on sensing the high officials at this time, when he heard the call of Rhubarb, he opened his eyes and glanced at it: "Go back!"

  Wow woof!

   Rhubarb barked suddenly.

  Jian Heng just wanted to close his eyes, and opened his eyes to yell at Rhubarb, but when he saw its appearance, he turned his head and glanced in the direction of its barking.

Jian Heng was dumbfounded at this glance, because less than 30 meters away from him, a raccoon stood upright and pointed its teeth at him, not just baring its teeth And there was no sign of fear.

   Not only was he not afraid, but he also made a harsh squeaking sound in Jian Heng's direction.

   It is strange to see a raccoon during the day, but now this guy is posing such a gesture towards himself, which makes Jane Heng's heart sink.

Seemingly seeing that Jian Heng did not run away, the raccoon immediately stood upright on two legs and quickly moved towards Jian Heng's direction. While moving, it continued to squeak, as if it was not afraid of Jian Heng's side at all. of rhubarb.

   Seeing this situation, Rhubarb immediately barked and rushed towards the raccoon, baring his teeth to tear up the raccoon who dared to challenge him.

"Rhubarb! Come back!" Seeing the appearance of the raccoon, Jian Heng pulled out his gun directly from the space, called back Rhubarb who had not run two steps away, and aimed the gun at the raccoon who was running towards him raccoon.

  Rhubarb heard the voice of the owner, turned his head and turned back three times, while barking loudly in the direction of the raccoon unwillingly.



  The shot did not hit the raccoon. Jian Heng ejected the bullets from the gun chamber, loaded the bullet again, and prepared to fire the second shot.

When the raccoon was less than fifteen meters away from Jian Heng, it suddenly stopped, as if something stopped it, and it stared at Jian Heng with a pair of eyes Heng, drooling from his mouth while looking around, is a bit like a silly boy among human beings.

  Wow woof!

   Rhubarb went berserk immediately.

  It can't tolerate anything that challenges its owner at close range, which seems to make it very traumatized as a traditional Chinese watchdog. If it wasn't for failing to get the master's order, Dahuang would have rushed over to bite the throat of the guy in front of him, tearing it to pieces.

   Just when Jian Heng was about to aim again, the drooling raccoon turned its head and escaped in Jian Heng's eyes at a speed that made Jian Heng a little unbelievable.

   "Fuck me! Tema is in trouble!" Jian Heng put down his gun and said bitterly.

  Now Jian Heng feels that this matter is more serious than he thought, because Jian Heng suspects that the kind of raccoon he encountered is a so-called zombie raccoon that he has only heard of but never encountered.

   This thing caused a panic in the United States. The iconic action is that these raccoons are standing on their hind legs, drooling from their mouths, and provoking humans, and of course appearing in broad daylight.

  Generally speaking, normal raccoons will not behave like this. It cannot be said that there are no incidents of raccoons attacking humans, but they are definitely not so blatant, and they still appear when they should be hibernating.

   It was impossible to pursue Yijing again, so Jian Heng had no choice but to ride back to the sports field and wait for the veterinarian Lynch to come.

   After waiting for five minutes, Jian Heng didn't see Lynch arrive, so he directly dialed his number and told him about it.

   "Are you sure?" Lynch was taken aback.

He thought it was just an idle raccoon causing trouble, so he was not in a hurry to check the cows at home before coming over, but when he heard what Jian Heng said, he immediately took off the raccoon from his hand. gloves, and then carefully asked Jian Heng's description.

   "Call the police!" Lynch quickly made a decision and asked Jian Heng to notify the law enforcement department.

   Lynch is just a small veterinarian, and his level is not enough to determine the danger of this disease, so he suggested that Jian Heng make the right choice and call the police.

   "Okay! Then come here quickly," Jian Heng said.

   "I won't go there, I can't handle this matter," Lynch said directly.

  Jian Heng felt right when he heard it. This matter was not something he, a small village veterinarian, could solve.

  As soon as he put down the phone, Jian Heng called the police, and described in detail what happened to him here, and described in detail what he saw the 'zombie raccoon' on the phone.

  The person who answered the phone was also very solemn. After answering the phone, he asked Jian Heng to wait in the pasture, and they sent someone over immediately.

Originally, Jian Heng thought that a car would come, but who knew that after waiting for about half an hour, Jian Heng sent out a helicopter directly on top of his forehead, a police helicopter with blue and white stripes printed with the word police on it. .

   This thing flew over his pasture, and then found an open space and landed directly.

  As soon as the helicopter landed, five or six people came down immediately, including people and dogs.

   The team was led by a middle-aged policeman in full armor, with a rifle hanging on his chest, the kind with a scope.

   This flying plane immediately saw Jian Heng in the crowd, and with his eyes, it was easy to know who was the person in charge among the group of people in front of him.

   "Mr. Jean?" The police officer extended his hand to Jian Heng.

   Gently shook hands with him, Jian Heng said: "Yes, it's me!"

   "Are there any horses in the ranch, can you provide me with a few horses?" The police officer was not extra polite, and pointed at his companion behind him while talking.

  Jian Heng nodded, then turned to tell Huang Xiaodong and the others to prepare a horse for the police officer.

   Seeing Jian Heng ordering his subordinates, the police officer directly motioned to the two police officers behind him to help.

   How much noise was that when the helicopter landed?

  How could all the trainees who were training fail to hear it? When they saw a helicopter, or a police helicopter landed on the ranch, they all looked outside curiously.

  Barley and Wheat saw that everyone was not in the mood to practice anymore. It just so happened that it was time to rest. Of course, the main reason was that the two also wanted to see what happened in the ranch, so they took everyone out to watch the excitement.

  After a group of people came out, it was impossible to get close to the helicopter, so they had to go to the side of Zhao Changshan and his group to ask what happened.

   "Jin found a zombie raccoon in the ranch!" Zhao Changshan said.

  As soon as they heard about zombie raccoons, a group of people were a little dumbfounded. Those who knew were calm, while those who didn't know were a little flustered.

   "A raccoon appeared at this time?" Simon Rogers opened his mouth and asked.

   "Zombie!?" Many people thought of the word zombie, and some of them even felt that their calves began to tremble.

   "At this time, raccoons also get fever?" At this time, a woman who knew a little opened her mouth.

  It turned out that some zoologists in the United States explained the zombie raccoon as that the raccoon had a fever, but now that the weather is below zero, it is obvious that the explanation of the fever is a bit unreasonable.

   While everyone was still discussing, they heard a sudden "wow" from the crowd, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone turned to look in the direction of the person who made the sound. It turned out to be Evan. Evan is not small, but now such a big guy suddenly made such a timid move, jumping up like a girl seeing a cockroach , Many people don't feel that this contrast brings a kind of cute and funny like in cartoons or movies.

  Because of what Evan laughed at last time, almost none of these people liked Evan, so everyone looked at Evan with contempt.

   "It's really scary!"

   I have to say that Evan is a very generous person. After thinking about it for a while, he turned his head and ran towards the dormitory. Everyone was stunned. Many people didn't understand what Evan was trying to do.

  Sean Barrett broke Evan's thoughts with one sentence: "He went to pack his things, and he seemed to be going to hide!"

  As soon as these words came out, all the students were stunned. There must be some people in the crowd who wanted to go with Evan. Unfortunately, they saw that others didn't move, so they felt embarrassed to move.

   At this time, with the help of Huang Xiaodong and others, two police officers led the horse over, and then several police officers got on the horse, and asked Jian Heng to guide them along the way.

  Zhang Jialiang got on the horse and said to Jian Heng: "Boss, I'll go with you!"

  Jian Heng looked at him and smiled: "Okay, you just stay there, I'll just take them there!"

  When something is associated with zombies, people will always feel a little scary, even if it is endorsed by a zoologist.

Jian Heng does not believe that Zhang Jialiang is not afraid, but he is afraid that he will go with him. Jian Heng feels that he has not taken care of him in vain, but it is impossible for Jian Heng to let him go together, not to mention other things. What matter, one more person is worse than one less.

  When the police officer saw this situation, he opened his mouth and smiled and said, "Don't worry, it won't affect people. We are just afraid that this disease will affect the surrounding ecology!"

   At this time, the helicopter had already stopped, there was no sound of huge propellers, and the words of the police officer reached everyone's ears directly.

   "Evan is really a coward!"

  I don't know who said something suddenly in the crowd, so everyone laughed. As long as it doesn't infect people, infect animals, or pollute the ecology, you can be sad or even cry, but you don't need to run. Since this thing can't hurt you, you can still run around.

  Including those who wanted to run with Evan, they all laughed too. Running and wanting to run are two different concepts. Instead, these people laughed louder when they laughed at Evan.

  As for suspecting the police officer, everyone is sensible. A group of policemen did not have any protection, but they came into contact with Jian Heng, the person who came into contact with the zombie raccoon. Everything has already explained the problem. I didn't pay attention to it just now, because some people who didn't understand it had preconceived ideas and focused their attention on the word zombie.

   At this moment, Evan had already packed his bags at a rocket-like speed, and ran out of the dormitory. It was impossible for him to leave the dormitory. He still wanted to find a car, so he had to come back to the front of the restaurant.

  I found that everyone was walking back talking and laughing, not worried at all, so I opened my mouth and asked, "Why don't you run away!"

   "Why did we run, the police didn't do any protection, why did we run?" Someone said to Evan with a smile.

Hearing this, Evan was stunned for a moment. At this moment, he also remembered that although the police were fully armed, they did not have special protection. As for the virus transmitted by raccoons, it is enough to take disinfection measures afterwards. .

   Cough! cough!


  Evan was embarrassed.

  (end of this chapter)

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